Ruling Over Life's Desperation


Hello beautiful Hivers,
Feels so blessed to be here 💕

I was contemplating on what to write and this beautiful topic came to my mind "Ruling Over Life's Desperation", Although the topic might not actually be so sweet, but i discovered that we have power to rule over things that life throws at us, life is filled with its challenges and problems, but if we succumb to its pressure, that is where desperation will set in. We have the power to rule anything that may want to limit or belittle our God's given vision, talents, successes, achievement etc and i will be talking about one of it is,which is desperation.


Some of the behavior seen most often may be liken to be out of desperation. Often time it is said that a desperate person can not coordinate and sometimes I see it to be true and other time false depending what what the person is desperate about. So I could say that desperation is a two edged sword, but whatever be the case, the act of desperation is not good because the outcome may not be as good as if it was carried out with care.

Desperation often time is a state of extreme distress or anxiety caused by a feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness or helplessness. Some people become desperate, without thinking through the consequences of their actions as thoroughly as they would under normal circumstances. This Oftentimes lead to impulsive decisions that can have negative consequences, such as engaging in criminal behaviour or making rash financial decisions. Although desperation does not begin overnight but there are certain factors that stirs it up such as financial difficulties, relationship problems, or a lack of purpose or meaning in one's life, rejection, etc.

I see desperation as a powerful emotion that can drive people to take drastic actions. A desperate person may always feel as though they have no other choice but to act in extreme ways in order to achieve their goals or to alleviate their suffering. Desperation will only lower and compromise our own standards and values to get even with things. Over time, I have learnt to subject myself not to act based on what I have overcome.
Another thing that desperation can do is to cause the person to become manipulative or deceitful. Desperation is an intense emotional state that makes an individual feel overwhelmed, confused, alone and disconnected from others.


It is important to be very honest with ourselves and our motivations behind doing things. Although I have my own share of the story, in all what really counts is our ability to fight, overcome and become a better person. Whatever thing we experience, fight and conquer always serve as a lesson to us first and for us to teach others out of our experience over the years. Have healthier motives. And then you will see the world open up to you in ways you did not expect.

Although desperation can also lead to acts of kindness and generosity but might be rare in most cases. When a person is in a desperate situation, they may be more willing to help others who are in similar circumstances. It is often said that desperate situations make people do desperate things.
A person who would hold on to any crumb of goodwill, hope, love, and other good things would be able to strive against the thought of hopelessness desperation etc then fight and conquer it,

Thank you for reading.
I am @pricelessudy
