Managing Jealousy And Its Effects In Relationships

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog

This question often pops up in my mind, why is it that I'm always jealous and so emotional about something or someone, and is jealousy a good thing? I received the answer immediately that i can only be jealous about someone or something that I love, and it becomes bad when I have a negative intention concerning what I'm jealous about. Although it always comes with negativity, but it can be managed. Though I'm a very jealous lover, but I try as much as possible to manage it so that I won't create what is not part of me which is hatred.


I always see it as a natural instinctive emotion, that spurs up both in children and adults, and it can have a powerful effect on our mental health if not managed properly.

And even the Bible records that ".........our God is a jealous God" why? Because he loves us and doesn't want to share his Glory and us with any other god. Then how much more me.🫣

I'm always conscious of one thing that jealousy can only be spurred up if a person shows interest in you, or it can be either because the person loves you or hates you too much. That is why I see jealousy as a two edged sword: that either protects what we love, or the envy from people who hate us.

Personally jealousy is a complex emotion that we often think of in terms of love and relationships. Because it is often displayed on the platform of love and relationships. Mostly jealous people can't hide their emotions, it also has powerful effects on our mental health, leading to anxiety, insecurity, and low self-esteem, so to avoid hurting others and ourselves, in order to manage these feelings, it is important to look at the deeper meanings behind our emotions, because this emotion can have great impact on different areas of our lives.

Most times when we are carried away by jealousy it becomes a great problem to us, because it distracts us leading to unproductivity and unfulfilled life. That is why we have to manage our level of jealousy for the people we love.
It can also show up when we're comparing ourselves to others, and that becomes very dangerous because it always leads to hatred and low self esteem which can resolve in the feelings of envy, insecurity, resentment, and suspicion, But while it is a natural instinctive emotion, it can be managed, because it can have a powerful effect on our mental health.

The feelings of jealousy and envy can often cause anxiety, poor self-esteem, and emotional self-destructive To better help you understand and cope with jealous feelings, it is important to look at the deeper meanings behind this emotion as said earlier, we can only get destroyed by things we are ignorant of, so to avoid that, we ought to look at the deeper meaning of it and how it should be managed or controlled.

Now it is mostly obvious that the cause of jealousy is "Fear" that might have arose from childhood experiences, parental relationships, and fear of abandonment, rejection, etc, and it doesn't start in a twinkling of an eye, but it's a process and through repetition, and as such it only lead to fear of abandonment, rejection and insecurity in relationships, resulting in a continued feeling of this jealousy.
In order to address and understand the feelings, we need to look deeper into what causes them. Jealousy is often rooted in insecurities and fears that we may not even realize we have them, and what can help in identifying it is knowing the difference between our emotional and mental health which serves as a tool in understanding jealousy, and that can be possible when we have self confidence.


Building our self-confidence is done gradually and with practice, and it involves focusing on the qualities and achievements that we are proud of. Self-confidence plays an important role in managing our jealous emotions. We often tend to question our worth and value, so identifying the triggers of jealous feelings helps us manage them effectively. In identifying the triggers involve observing our thoughts and feelings every time we feel jealous, by so doing it allows us to have better understanding of our emotions and find ways to address them in healthier and more productive ways.
Also understanding this emotion does not only better us accept our insecurities, but also make informed decisions depending on the situation.

Jealousy is caused by insecurity, so much as we might be jealous in one way or the others, we should have the understanding of our emotions so as to manage jealousy efficiency.
Thank you for reading to the end ♥️
I am pricelessudy


Hello @pricelessudy 🤗

We highlight your words when you say that we must manage what we feel. It is very true. We need to do so and then we can prevent them from turning into something else.✨

A suggestion? Consider the possibility that you prefer free to use images, without copyright, such as those offered by Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash.... ...and it will always be the best option to take your own pictures. Still, you decide about your own content.😉

Thanks for choosing us.🌟


Jealousy is really a thing. Frustrating really. So yes, we need to manage our own feelings and avoid getting it way too far in order for us to not hurt ourselves.
