Fear: The Dream Killer

Hi guys
Welcome to my blog

Fear is a spirit that never allows anyone to find fulfillment in achieving his or her dreams, I called it a killer because it kills slowly and faster yet unknowing to the victim. Fear has done so many havoc, and has caused so dreams to be abandoned, And it only manifests and grows in us when we give room to it and become comfortable with it.

Personal Experience about Fear
Fear is one thing that has put me in bondage overtime, it got to the extent that whenever I'm alone or idle fear from nowhere will grip me, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of being accepted in the society, even fear of the unknown, when all these happens in my mind I will be shivering, and be crying without tangible reasons if I'm being asked, it continued that way for sometimes and it was having effect on me bringing about inferiority complex in my heart, so I had to battle with that along side with the fear. It persisted and I became so uncomfortable with the situation, so I decided to find a possible solution to the issue, by asking questions, seek counseling and above all invited Jesus into my life first and into the situation because it was as though I was helpless and alone, and truly I was, also knowing that i was never happy. Gradually that was how I overcame it and today I live a fearless life.

Another thing I came to discover in that victory process was that fear is only the state of our mind, when our mind is being transformed and we are conscious of who we are, fear will be the least of our challenges because we know the right key or channel to overcome it. Fear only engulfs our hearts first bringing into existence what has not been there, that's what I believed about fear.

Fear is the state of the mind, so when we are in charge of what constantly generates fear in our heart, and conquer it, because "God has not given us the Spirit of fear but of boldness and of a sound mind", as recorded in the bible. So we are to consistently walk with that mindset.

Thank you for reading to the end.♥️
Happiness is the greatest medicine of the soul, so stay happy always.
I still remain @pricelessudy


I am so happy to hear that you managed to overcome your fear and that you now have much more confidence in yourself ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Keep it up fam 👏👏👏
