Probando 2 nuevos juegos de mesa // Trying out 2 new board games


En una pequeña reunión de juegos pude probar 2 nuevos juegos de mesa para mi, ninguno lo había jugado antes. Detallo:

At a small gaming meeting I was able to try out 2 new board games for me, neither of which I had played before. I detail:

Le Havre

Juego lanzado en el 2008 y que se encuentra en el top 100 de la BGG. Es ya un clásico pero recién en esa reunión pude jugarlo por primera vez. Tiene todo lo que recuerda al euro antiguo, en donde la temática es una excusa para crear una mecánica enfocada en obtener puntos.

This game was released in 2008 and is in the top 100 of the BGG. It is already a classic but only at that meeting I was able to play it for the first time. It has everything that reminds of the old euro, where the theme is an excuse to create a mechanic focused on getting points.

En este caso se trata de recolectar recursos, realizar construcciones, construir barcos, alimentar a nuestro personal, etc. Solo me ha bastado una partida para asombrarme de la calidad del juego. Que si bien puede ser un tanto complicado de reglas, no te penaliza mucho no saberlas bien, además da muchas ganas de rejugarlo para probar nuevas estrategias o caminos.

This game was released in 2008 and is in the top 100 of the BGG. It is already a classic but only at that meeting I was able to play it for the first time. It has everything that reminds of the old euro, where the theme is an excuse to create a mechanic focused on getting points.

Espero volver a jugar en poco tiempo.

In this case it's all about collecting resources, building constructions, building ships, feeding our staff, etc. It has only taken me one game to be amazed by the quality of the game. Although it can be a bit complicated in terms of rules, it doesn't penalize you too much for not knowing them well, and it also makes you want to replay it to try new strategies or paths.




Wayfarers of the South Tigris

Un euro que tiene la simbología de la trilogía de West Kingdom, además de los mismos diseñadores. Sacaron una nueva trilogía de South Tigris. En esta ocasión es un juego en el que iremos desarrollando un paisaje mediante diversas acciones, es un mezcla de worker placement y el manejo de un tablero personal modular.

A euro that has the symbology of the West Kingdom trilogy, besides the same designers. They released a new trilogy of South Tigris. In this occasion it is a game in which we will develop a landscape by means of diverse actions, it is a mixture of worker placement and the handling of a personal modular board.

La forma de hacer puntos es variada, pero a la vez escasa; a pesar de las diversas reglas es un juego que se siente rápido. Me ha gustado pero creo necesitar más partidas para sacar una conclusión.

The way of making points is varied, but at the same time scarce; in spite of the diverse rules it is a game that feels fast. I liked it but I think I need more games to draw a conclusion.





Buenos juegos de mesa pude probar, espero volver a jugarlos.

Good board games I could try, I hope to play them again.
