"in other to get what you need in this life you must exercise patients" Many people do not get this concept because they think that doing things faster is the right way.

In life we have to make each and every decision with careful consideration,a lot of people make mistake when it comes to making life decisions. When it comes to life decisions we have to consult people close to us for advise ,life decision is not just one person's work ,we have to seek advises in other not to make mistakes.


Some of us make fast decisions due to draw back in life. I get drawbacks sometimes ,but those drawback are to push me to make it further in life , Years ago I had a health setback that affected me majorly in my studies ,at that time I thought that it was over for me ,but to my greatest suprise my life even got much more better.
 I do have ups and downs just like everyone ,but then I have more than a million reasons to be happy. Even if you are not great full for anything,at least you should be great full for seeing the day everyday. What matters in our life is our own life .when we have life we have everything , without the life how are we going to live ,we get life first before money not money before life. Some people take dangerous risks thay could end up ending their own lives  because of money. An adage says MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.


I make mistakes over and over again and when I find it hard to distinguish between what is best friend r me and what is yours.
But overall ,I am happy with the kind of looking life that I am leaving and moreover there are so many life aspects In this life that needs fixing and lucky for me ☺️ I have amazing people to help me.
Life is all about twists and turns , a little mistake can break one's trust . An adage says. IT TAKES A MILLION YEARS TO BUILD ONE'S TRUST BUT IT TAKES A SECONDS TO BREAK IT.


Life is like a light soft proclaim glass and ones it slips , shatters.


All I am saying that we should grab any opportunities we see ,be cause in life opportunity comes but ones.
Thank you for reading 🥰🥰🥰❣️
(Images used are mine)
