A simple hand fans design
Hello everyone, Good evening and welcome to my blogs and this is my first time in this platform and I hope am welcome.
Today I decided to think and be creative at the same time of what to do so I got this ideas of using carto to make hand fans.
I have always imagine what I can do as craft work so today I sat down with my materials for the craft and am happy to show you guys what I have tried to do so far and hope to improve more than this
So I started with my materials like
Carto paper
Cardboard paper
I began my process by drawing on my carto by shaping out the shape of hand fans, then I made my fan look good cutting out the part that are not necessarily .
So after drawing on my carton and shaping it to the shape I needed , I went ahead to draw also one my cardboard paper the shape of fans and cut out the part that are necessary so after this process I added my gum on the carton and wrap my cardboard paper on it.
It seems stressful but I take courage to go through the process so I have to carve my white paper to two part which includes the middle and the small sizesand apply gum on it and paste them on the cardboard paper to give another different design and I was inspired to decorate my work with beads which makes it look beautiful.
After being through with my carft I was feeling heat so I make using of my hand fans to fan myself and I was happy because I would make something out of it that makes me feel my time and energy is not wested without any achievement,so am glad I could make something even though it is not that beautiful happy that my first time to do something creative I was able to achieve one so guys I hope to do better than this in my next craft work.