Time and Friendship

photo by Andrea Riondino

Earlier today, I was on Facebook when it started recommending some friends for me to add up, some of this people were people I met at my hostel at the year 2019, people who had real impact in my life and I hate to say it, but some of them had been long forgotten.

Seeing some of those names, I found myself traveling down memory lane, thinking about some of these guys and how important they were to me back in the day. Honestly, if anyone had told me that I will end up forgetting some of these people six years later, I honestly would have doubted them.

But funny enough that's how life works. People come and go in our lives after serving whatever purpose they have in our lives. The sad thing is while some of those purposes might be good and end up placing our lives in the right direction, some of them might end up ending our lives or taking it down a very destructive part.

I didn't start drinking until about four years ago, and although I'm still not a fan of alcohol, I honestly think that I wouldn't have tasted as much alcohol as I've tasted if I hadn't met the guy who introduced me to alcohol. The same goes to the guy who introduced me to gambling years back, luckily for me I've found a way to get control over that aspect of my life and I honestly hope and pray that I never go back to it.

But you see, in as much as I'd like to blame one or two persons for everyone wrong decision I've taken in my life, I also know that I do have to take accountability for my actions and I do..because in as much as I was influenced by certain people, I did decide to do those things out of my own free will.

Anyways, talking about people coming and going in our lives, I couldn't help but look at the guys currently in my life right now, and all I can think of is who is going to be there five years from now. Are these wonderful people in my life right now going to be strangers, or is our friendship going to be a lot stronger than it is now?

Unfortunately only time can tell. We all just have to wait and see.


That's true. I can also understand it. Earlier who were our best friends are strangers now for us. It was hard to imagine such a day would come. But I think it's the reality of life and we stay connected with those whom we need at the end.


That's why I say that everyone has a role to play in our lives, and when they're done playing that role, they leave.
