Nice To Smeet You!

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

With the start of a new week, many things changed in Warframe. There was a big Tennocon event, Warframe's yearly celebration and gathering and devs showed a demo of upcoming update. We are going to have bikes in Warframe soon!

This new update is named Warframe 1999 where we will be going back to 1999. It is coming this winter so there is still plenty of time. But I watched the demo and it looked sick!

I will talk about it more once it launches. I achieved a lot of things in the past week in the game. But I missed out on some as well. I was delaying my Circuit run which gives access to an incarnon weapon adaptor that makes weapons more powerful. Each week we can choose two Weapons and you can get them by completing circuit missions at levels 5 and 10. But I didn't make it to level 5 last week and missed out on that reward.

There is a lot to do in Warframe and you are bound to miss out on a lot of things. The open world bounties and syndicates take enough time daily that you are left with so little time to do other things.

And this week's rewards are not good. I didn't like any of the five options for weapons. You can choose two and I chose the best from the worst.

The base Boltor is a weak weapon but the incarnon version looks better with good stats. The only problem is I don't have the Boltor Prime. So, this will be saved for later. I will just get it to level up my weapon and do the mastery rank.


On the normal Duviri Circuit, we can choose one of the three random Warframes each week. They have to be farmed the same way by doing missions throughout the week. But these missions are a bit easier than the weapon ones. Unlike the weapons, I loved the selection of Warframes here.

Sad that I can only choose one and decided to go for Khora. She deals a lot of damage and has a powerful dome ability which makes the enemies drop more loot. Enemies dying by her 'Strangledome' ability will drop 65% more loot and Warframe is mostly about loot. You need a lot of resources in the game. Everything has to be crafted and they need resources. Khora will help me to get more loot.

I wanted to get Revenant as well. It is considered to be one of the best frames in the game. I will try to get all the parts of Khora in the first two days and not wait for long and forget about it.


After days of grinding for Kavat genetic codes, my incubator finished and I got a new companion! This is a male 'Smeeta Kavat'. I have a 1 in 3 chance of getting Smeeta from a random incubation and that's exactly what I wanted. Opening the incubation pod was like opening a present you don't know what you will get but after seeing this beautiful guy, I was relieved and happy.

The game asked me for a name and nothing came to my mind. But it was so nice to meet him that I named him 'NiceToSmeetYou' xD

You can change the appearance, the fur colours, accents, energy colour and whatnot. You can also put on armour but I don't own any and I don't think they can be farmed in the game.

Riven Challenge

I have been opening up some Riven Mods and getting horrible rolls on it. Getting mods for weapons that no one uses in the I had to do a hard challenge for this one.

Getting all the headshots in a row from the air in the open world took me around 15 minutes. Those Grineer bastards are not staying still.

But I am having a lot of fun in this game. I didn't know this would turn out to be this fun. I just tried to game to see what it is all about but now I am hooked and it is quite addictive and fun. FOMO is real!

Thanks for reading!


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Warframe.


Lol, it happens when you just want to check and end up playing it regularly. Sameeta is beautiful, btw is that a made-up name or it was it's original name?


Smeeta is a breed of Kavats (these feline companions). There are two more other than Smeeta. And the game asks you to name your companion/pet after it hatches in the incubator.


What a nice name! I am sorry you didn't get good rewards but you were going too well, I guess. Game had to stop you for sometime 😂😂



Congrats on the new Kavat brother. Sounds like you’re having a blast with Warframe. Enjoy those upgrades !HUG


Thanks, man. Yeah, I am having a lot of fun in this one.
