History in the kitchen || Historia en la cocina [ENG /ESP]

Authored by @Ppics

It was a special day at home. I decided it was the perfect time to treat the kids to something they always loved: homemade empanadas. I knew the preparation would be a little laborious, but the joy of seeing their faces when trying them would be worth it.

I began by patiently kneading the dough, feeling it soften in my hands. In the kitchen, the ingredients were spread out on the table: minced meat, ham, cheese, onion and spices that filled the air with a tempting aroma. While the meat was cooking, I prepared a second ham and cheese filling that I knew would melt deliciously in the oven.

The kids, curious as always, would appear in the kitchen to see what you were doing. I gave them a little piece of dough for them to play with, and between laughter and jokes, I finished assembling each empanada with its characteristic shape, closing the edges with the repulse that you had perfected so much over the years.

The oven worked its magic, and in no time, the house was filled with that unmistakable aroma of freshly baked empanadas. The boys couldn't wait any longer. When I took them out, I barely had time to let them cool before they disappeared from the tray.

Finally, seeing them enjoy themselves, I knew that all the effort had been worth it. He had not only prepared empanadas; He had created a memory that would be etched in their hearts forever.


Era un día especial en casa. Decidi que era el momento perfecto para consentir a los chicos con algo que siempre les encantaba: empanadas caseras. Sabía que la preparación sería un poco laboriosa, pero la alegría de ver sus caras al probarlas valdría la pena.

Comencé por amasar la masa con paciencia, sintiendo cómo se suavizaba entre mis manos. En la cocina, se desplegaban los ingredientes sobre la mesa: carne picada, jamón, queso, cebolla y especias que llenaban el aire con un aroma tentador. Mientras la carne se cocinaba, preparaba un segundo relleno de jamón y queso que, sabía, se derretiría deliciosamente en el horno.

Los chicos, curiosos como siempre, aparecían en la cocina para ver qué estabas haciendo. Le di un trocito de masa para que jugaran, y entre risas y bromas, terminé de armar cada empanada con su forma característica, cerrando los bordes con el repulgue que tanto habías perfeccionado a lo largo de los años.

El horno hizo su magia, y en poco tiempo, la casa se llenó de ese aroma inconfundible a empanadas recién horneadas. Los chicos no podían esperar más. Al sacarlas, apenas tuve tiempo de dejarlas enfriar antes de que desaparecieran de la bandeja.

Finalmente, al verlos disfrutar, supe que todo el esfuerzo había valido la pena. No solo había preparado empanadas; había creado un recuerdo que quedaría grabado en sus corazones para siempre.
