¿Did you know Norman Cousins? The Man Who Cured Himself with Laughter?


Humor and laughter are very very powerful in helping us to feel well.

There was an American man by the name of Norman Cousins who was the editor of the Saturday Review Magazine and he got sick. All of his joints suddenly froze up, he couldn't move and he was in tremendous pain. So they put him in the hospital. In the hospital the doctors did all the testing. This that and the other for two weeks and they couldn't find or decide what was the problem nor how could they treat him after two weeks.

While in the hospital, he said to his best friend: "Get me out of here please and do three things for me"

  1. Number one, take me out of the hospital and check me into a hotel.
  2. Secondly, he said to his nursing friend: Put me an IV (intravenous infusion) and give me massive doses of Vitamin C of at least 25,000 grams a day.
  3. And thirdly he said: Please, go to the library and check out any book you can find of my favorite humorists that you know. All humor authors that writes humor like Bennett Cerf and movies from the Marx brothers.

So his friend did all this and would read to him Benett Cerf everyday. And in the hotel room, Norman Cousins who couldn't move and was in tremendous pain, would laugh and laugh and laugh listening to his favorite humorists Bennett Cerf and the Marx brothers.

Two weeks later he walked out of the hotel 100% cured. It's a true story. After that, UCLA University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA Medical School, hired him to be an adjunct professor to teach humor and teach laughter to the medical students. So they could use that knowledge and experiences in their medical practice with people that were hurting. So yeah, humor is indeed something very very valuable that helps us feel more relaxed, feel better and feel on a deeper level happy.

The strange and curious case of Norman Cousins ​​was not only interesting to the scientific community. But it was also notorious and momentous enough as to lead to the CBS TV Network to produce a movie which showcased and narrated his experience and that was starred by the well-known actor Ed Asner. Here below you will find an excerpt from the movie.

"Excerpt in English"

"Excerpt in Spanish"

Uhm yeah, if you are wondering, I suspect that what induces me and motivates me to publish this post here today. It is just the fact that for a long time I have been able to observe the little appreciation that there is and has been given to comedy, satire, parody and humorous posts in general. Both on Steemit and Hive. And where unfortunately this disappointing syndrome has been clearly becoming even more acute in Hive.

I don't know for sure what actually causes this. But I have the hunch that it is due to the notable lack of sense of humor that the whales, orcas and all those opulent users with high HP in the ecosystem who act as "content curators" possess. Who with their evident lack of upvotes and support for humorous content, have turned this "social network" on the blockchain into the somber, sad and gloomy place that it currently is.

To the point that I would almost be willing to bet that it is due to the negative influence exerted by the members of the bitter elite that currently controls and governs the platform, that this place is already incapable of attracting new resourceful and intelligent users to post content with a healthy sense of humor that actually makes people think and laugh. Momentarily curing everyone of all their ailments and making them happy along the way. As I suppose has already been demonstrated throughout this post.

Yeah, I can't help and I have no choice but to blame the plutocracy of this place for this remarkable decadence. Where due to their nefarious influence we can today notice the formidable lack of quality of the publications produced within the ecosystem.

Just a brief glance at the Hive's trending page is enough to attest the abundance of uninteresting, boring, bland, foolish and inconsequential content that they upvote and support all the time and therefore tempt and encourage other users to do the same. All that, pure dull, lusterless and greedy content without soul, authenticity or humor of any kind.

I really ignore if this "social network" on the blockchain will ever be able to attract in the future smart and witty authors with a truly heightened sense of humor and way of thinking that really invites people to consume Hive's content. And therefore eventually inspires them and drives them to join us in trying to participate and invest their money & time on the platform sharing their own high-quality, humorous and healing content.

Yeah, all that still remains to be seen. But in the way things are going, ugh yeh, each time I can really see such things even more difficult and uphill. And that's the reason for this post.

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