¿Are you a Smartass? Uhm, well, then... ¡Look at yourself in this mirror!


«-Round Peg, Square Hole Conundrum-»

Sheez smartass! ¿Can't you just keep your mouth shut? ...yep, me neither!!

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in three years by trying to get other people interested in you” - Dale Carnegie

No, I am not a smartass. I am just a skilled and well trained professional in pointing out the obvious. Because I am also widely fluent in humor, satire, irony and sarcasm.

"Knowing too much and knowing that you know too much"

Most people tend to think you are being intentionally difficult or more probably, that you aren't paying much attention to their own needs. Because while you may think you’re being detailed and showing that you understand a challenge. More often than not you’re just telegraphing the opposite and obviously it can backfire.

As many of you already know, 'they' use to say: "No one likes a smartass" And yeah! I've been witnessing this claim and suffering the repercussions of it from long time ago. Probably since my date of birth. When even despite I didn't master any language at all, I always found some expedite way to express myself eloquently.

My short reply to doctor's welcome.

Therefore, this has been a long story in my life as you can figure out. I've been one of those who everyone tends to make their lives through always way harder than others and more uphill all the time. But I've learned and learned a lot along so many decades. Since as the saying goes: "Every cloud has a silver lining" or as in spanish we say: "No hay mal que por bien no venga" you always have to squeeze all the positive sweetness of every drop of a juicy lemon. };)

I clearly remember many moments in my childhood and especially during my internship through elementary school, where I was accused of being a brash smartass indistinctly by my peers and my teachers. Mostly by my teachers. Simply, because if in my own logic something that we has been taught it had no sense whatsoever as to be examined later with a grade, well, I had to ask first why we had to learn that exactly as it was explained and taught to us.

On other hand, regarding my peers, I often saw myself involved in several interesting and fierce discussions that were exposed flying freely back and forth everywhere. Where multiple and varied opinions and points of view about anything and all, we children often discuss all the time. Yeah, you know, those discussions that almost always lead to a good fight with punches to settle differences out there on the street at the exit of the school.

But yeah, it seems like I always congenitally & subconsciously also knew how to move my hands quick, skilfully and accurately enough in the middle of exercise the ultimate boiling fight through punches. As to keep to my sudden opponents in line at bay, through a lonesome accurate blow to their big noses as to leave them out of battle breathing bad instantly.

Btw, a great mystery that even today I have not managed to decipher yet. Because sincerely, I always wondered why the hell I always had that damn good aim with that unintentional score to constantly break the nasal septum in one fell swoop to these antagonistic motherfuckers as result in the heat of the moment.

Oh well, I'm probably digressing with the above. But what I wanted to signify was; that even when I could be considered a smartass at the time, curiously, I never was victim of the bullies at any time of my childhood or early youth. ¿Clear enough?

While “dumbass” is a term of endearment, usually “smartass” is the real insult"

"Critical Thinking" is not just a buzzword, but a mantra & way of life.

But the main thing that I really wanted to highlight on this post is:

¿Do you know why almost everyone doesn't like the smartasses and invariably everyone also try to make their lives more difficult than the average people?

Well, basically because everyone thinks they already got and have all their intellectual resources fulfilled. And in consequence, they feel that you need to get ahead without any further help from no one whatsoever.

And although to me this has always sounded like an excuse to not help. All of them. And specially those in a position of power, wealth or authority. As your teachers, your professors, your lecturers, your tutors, your instructors, your employers and everyone who knew you well enough and exerted some eventual position of authority over you at a given moment in your life. They use to say to the smartasses of the world that they won't help them, supposedly, in order to facilitate that they alone and only by themselves squeeze and put all their 'full potential' to work and succeed.

Yes, that has happened to me many times throughout my childhood, student life, employee work life, professional life and even, once again, until these 'Social Network' days, where I'm already retired of all that old bullshit but indisputable current living malarkey.

Therefore, no wonder I am not in the voting Boting list of any wealthy Guild/Trail on the Hive blockchain to "curate" my 'smartass' vitaminic crap. Nor in the sight of the hungry and opulent whales whom mostly suspect that the eventual ROI that could be thrown into their big jaws "curating" my content will not even fill them a tooth worth to chew as to calm down their insatiable greed and money's gluttony.

Yep, it's better & funnier cultivate a quick mind for puns and a big yap.

But yeah, if you have been so brave and so patient to read me thus far. I'm not going to leave you now without the nutritious part of this post before you leave. So, put all your attention in what follows next buddies. Because if you actually has read this article this long, I presume you indeed wanna "Look yourself at this mirror" ¿Am I right?

The authenticity always have a price. And consistency, transparency & critical thinking even a more expensive one. So, be very alert and attentive watching for these signs below when you look the reflection of yourself in this mirror of sorts.

Because if you happen to notice that you have some of the warts and scars that I will list below... ¡Good luck buddy! Because you will have no choice but to purchase right away your mountaineering equipment to keep going ahead in life. Check this out!

Warts and Scars to auscultate and look for:

  • A Driven Need To Know.
  • Reading At An Advanced Rate.
  • Having An Exceptional Memory.
  • Questioning Rules And Authority.
  • Dissatisfaction With The Status Quo.
  • Intellectually Curious, But Calculatory.
  • Grasping Mature Concepts At An Early Age.
  • Autodidacticism and Developing Precociously.
  • Intellectually Intense, Maybe Even Obsessed.
  • Just Knowing The Answers, Yet Asking More Questions.
  • Learning Expeditiously with A Divergent Imagination.
  • An Over-Excitability, Sensory Overload.
  • Adventurous, With A Knack To Discover.
  • Mildly Idealistic, Seeing Always The Best.
  • Multitalented, and with some sort of Multipotentiality.
  • Rebellious and Acting out of no sharp competitive edge.
  • Open Mindedness, Not Being Easily Offended.
  • Believing In Yourself and in your own Entelechy.
  • Highly Self-Aware, Self-Conscious, Self-Critical.
  • An Over-Excitability, An Excruciatingly Heightened Sensitivity.
  • Recognition Of Irony and Sarcasm, Inappropriate Sense Of Humor.
  • Openly proved abilities to put yourself in other people’s shoes.
  • Highly Empathetic, Intuitive, Restless and in tune with Humanity.
  • No fears of confrontations and avid to be proved wrong at any time.
  • Ability to read between the lines and actually feel the body language.
  • Notice nuances & details, appreciate its intricacies and see the little things.

Yep! I suppose just 26 signals are enough for now to keep you entertained searching for a little while. Obviously, there are way more signals to detect. But maybe these twenty six are the most important to pinpoint before running terrified to the mountaineering shop.

After all, not everyone owns them all. But if you happen to own at least more than half of them right now. It is better that you start saving some HIVE from now on for the purchase of your 'Sherpa Life' tools, devices, gadgets and further paraphernalia in a not too distant future pal. Cuz I'm already old enough as to know exactly what I'm talking about. }:)

«-'Abstract Aural Bit'-»

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Cranky Gandalf

