RE: The Rise of Blockchain Nations

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Governments are working pretty good. This is their real function.

I know, they spread through internet, and tied to 'conspiracy theories', that even the word means mindcontrol.
Latin: gubernare - govern, control ; mentem - mind (you can find it in any latin dictionary, and you can decide, you are a mind-controlled or probably they just changing reality, origin, meaning of words to what is more suitable for them)

Norber Wiener wrote a pretty cool book, what partly applies for blockchain too. God&Golem Inc. This is a great quote from him:

The future offers very little hope for those who expect that our new mechanical slaves will offer us a world in which we may rest from thinking. Help us they may, but at the cost of supreme demands upon our honesty and our intelligence. The world of the future will be an ever more demanding struggle against the limitations of our intelligence, not a comfortable hammock in which we can lie down to be waited upon by our robot slaves.

We live in a purely debt based system, so not hard to see, blockchain, in overall will make everything worse.

Look what they've done with Libya, simply because they wanted to get rid of debt slavery... they thrown them back by 50 years, creating destruction, chaos and instability. They won't just give up the control over the system, max. they are ok to transform it into a probably much worse.

In my opinion, a nice mixture, using a privacy coin as money, and living like the amish as much as possible is the best possible way to go.

I mean, in the wonderful west, only the amish community doesn't suffer from the system created artificial problems, like debt, poverty, homelesness, starvation, declining birth rate, (deadly never proven viruses to keep pharma industry alive.. 😉 ) etc., etc.

They are doing great compared to the highest intelligent, top of history civilization, so not even blockchain necessary, just get rid of (mind)control, what for they have so many tools today, like tele-vision, retardphone, internet, legal totalitarian surveillance, gov orgs, corps etc and of course, still no1 debt slavery money system.


I think you're right on man!
