Can a Simple U.S. Monetary Correction Save the World...???


2011 Bullalo....jpg
While you're all waiting for the Price of Silver and Gold to go down so you can buy it cheap, you're missing out on the Biggest Transfer of Wealth the World will probably ever experience...

I believe I figured out how to turn $5,000 into the Spending Power of 10,000.000 of today's Fiat USD's...

This means that for every $500 I bring to the other side of the Reset, I'll be able to turn its "Spending Power" into 1,000,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

Not bad for a $500 investment...

I actually plan on bringing $5,000 to the other side of the Reset with me...

I'll also be bringing Silver and Gold Coins, Bars and Rounds...

Any yet, most of you are sitting around, waiting for the Price of Silver and Gold to go down, so you can buy it

If measured in today's Fiat USD's, the Melt Value of Gold will go "as high as" 9,000 Fiat USD's...

If measured in today's Fiat USD's, the Melt Value of Silver will go "as high as" 18,000 Fiat USD's...

That's right Folks, I'll be able to Exchange 1 ounce of Silver for 2 ounces of Gold...

This won't be happening right away, it will happen in Phases...

One thing you can count on for sure, is that Gold will remain Stable at $90 per ounce, payable in Gold Coinage, Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage or Common Coinage, or any Combination of the above...

I can't wait for Students to start learning about my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

If you still don't understand how my version works, I'm sure if you read just a few of my Blogs, you should be able to understand...

Sometimes I feel as if people only look at the pictures I post, ans skip my words...

What I came up with, was an answer to a very simple Math Problem...

I've been trying to look at it from every possible angle, looking for flaws...

I've been doing this for almost 7 years now, and I'm sure many of you skip what I write, thinking I didn't come up with any new answers or views...

I have made plenty of improvements to my original version...

From my lack of comments, I really don't know what you think about the answers I was able to come up with...

There's probably a few of you who think I'm just another Nut Case...

If they're right, at least I'm an Original type of Nut

How many Nut Cases have been able to come up with the answers I was able to come up with...???

So, here I go again, writing another Blog that very few will ever read or comment on...

It's a good thing, I have a lot of free time on my hands...

It also helps that I'm able to type at lightning speeds...

Sometimes my fingers are faster than my

It's probably why I keep making so many typos, that I have to come back and fix...

I'm sure you'd noticed that 99.9% of my Posts have been Edited...

I even need to do it with my replies...

And now for those pictures I know everyone likes to look at...

These Silver Rounds are Self Explanatory, so you won't need my input...

This Silver Round will eventually end up with a Melt Value of $180 in "Circulating" Silver or Gold Coins, plus a possible Collector Premium if not melted...

$180 in Silver and Gold Coins will have the "Spending Power" of 18,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

No wonder, no one believes a word I write...

Trust me, I do realize how hard this is for most people to believe...

Remember, it's just a Simple Math Problem...

We're mostly dealing with the numbers 1 to 100...

We will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Dollars and Cents...

Decimal Cents are necessary, in order to make change for either One Paper Cent or a One Cent Coin...

That will give all you Canadians something to think about...

More evidence that "We the People" were "Bamboozled" by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...

We the People were talked into Setting the Weights and Face Values of our Coinage, "TOO LOW"...

And we've been paying for it, ever since...

We could have changed the World, instead of following their example...

We had Two Paths, and picked the Wrong One, because we believed in the lies...

The Good News is that it will be a very Simple Fix, where we Stand now...

The Major part of the Fix has already been made...

Don't worry about us not having enough Silver and Gold, because I know for a "Fact" that we have "Staggering Amounts" of Silver and Gold standing by...

We won't even need to use our Gold stored at Fort Knox or other known places...

The Staggering Amounts of Silver and Gold will come as a Total Surprise to everyone...

And because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate and the Redemption Period, it should be a very Smooth Transition away from Fiat Currency, and into "Sound Money"...

How else did you think "We the People" were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???
2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg
Let me know if you have any questions or Concerns...


You received an upvote of 92% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!


I took a trip recently (not for pleasure: a funeral and visiting a sick relative) and shared your vision with a few people, all stackers of one degree or another. I'm not sure if I converted anyone, but they all agreed the current monetary system is not sustainable. They were most interested in some of the hints of the coming correction that you've mentioned, especially the changes to the 2024 quarter.


With the Silver Quarters, it takes 5 to make one ounce... I just look at it as a sign that the 1/5 ounce Silver Coins will have the $2 Face Values instead of a 1/4 ounce Silver Coin with a $2.5 Face Value... It made more sense to me to have the 1/5 ounce $2 Silver Coins...

The 1/4 ounce Gold Coins Could remain the same with a $25 Face Value or Switch to a 1/5 ounce $20 Gold Coin... Most people will never use their Gold Coins, because of the Huge amount of Spending Power... A $20 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 2,000 of today's Fiat USD's... Most people I talk to have a very hard time believing what I tell them... Not so much about the Silver and Gold Coins, but for the 100 Fold increase in the Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage... And I do understand why...

Think about how many years we've been minting our "Clad" Coinage by the untold Billions and Billions, and then we're told there's a National Coin Shortage... It that wasn't a clue, I don't know what else would quality... Thanks for letting me know... It can be very discouraging for me at times, when I don't get any feedback...


"and then we're told there's a National Coin Shortage... It that wasn't a clue, I don't know what else would quality... "

At first, I thought that was a way to encourage electronic payments in order to prepare people for a CBDC. Now, when I was trying to explain your prediction to those relatives, I made the same point about the coin shortage hoax.


When the Switch is Flipped, I sure hope there's a lot of Children out there with Full Piggy Banks...


White horse, rise of the NWO (corona)

Red Horse, world war (gladius magnus)

Black Horse, economic collapse (stateram)

Pale Horse, mass extinction (mors)


I have Five Complete Sets, including the 10 ounce Silver Bars and the Copper Rounds...
