The cost of allergies and false labeling

Years ago there was a study where they tested olive oils in a lab, and only a few California oils were 100% olive. Most were diluted with cheaper oils, especially those from Italy. They don't label those other oils, they claim it's all olive so they can make more profit. So, in order to prevent myself from having an allergic reaction, I stick to olive oil from California (oils are so concentrated it doesn't take much to set me off using an oil I'm allergic to).

Here's the price difference. Almost double to ensure I'm not going to rash all over. Same brand. Both ostensibly olive. But one is from multiple countries mixed together (why do that? even if it's all olive are some of them bad and they're hoping to mask the flavor in the others?), and one is from California.

"They pay higher wages in California" do you know how terribly they treat farm laborers here? This money isn't going to the workers.

It makes me more suspicious of what exactly is in that blended one than anything.

Also, do ya wanna see what $100 looks like?

Those two bags were $102. Yes, there is less than two pounds of whey protein in there (the priciest item), but that's only about 1/4 of the cost.

"Why do you buy expensive shit, Phoenix" because allergies. Conventional dairy can set off the allergies, I assume because I am allergic to corn and soy, because I can eat grass fed yogurt just fine (and goat milk yogurt, one of the six tubs). This is also the mac and cheese - grass fed over conventional. Two small bags of candy because conventional is full of corn. And lemon and lime juice that doesn't have sodium metabisulfites which can cause breathing problems in some of us (I do sometimes buy just lemons or limes and juice them at home, but it's generally not cheaper unless there's a sale on).

Yeah, my grocery cost has gone up, but they were already expensive. Being allergic to half the world and having to read ingredients really shows you how processed and mixed together and contaminated everything is in a US supermarket. Corn. Is. In. Everything. And nothing is just what it seems. There's cellulose (ground up corn cob or sawdust) in chocolate milk, for goodness sake. "For texture." Chocolate milk should have milk, cocoa, and sugar, the end.

Whee groceries!


I’m sure we don’t even have an original olive oil here in Nigeria, lol
They just tell you it’s olive and we believe since there is nothing that can make us sure it isn’t


Apparently the mob owns most of the olive oil companies in Italy and they will take their profits, lol.


Honestly dear, it's so frustrating how we have to pay more just to avoid allergies. I've had similar issues with other foods, and it’s tough. The part about how workers are treated is really eye-opening too. Great awareness dear


It's really horrific how badly they are treated. Especially anything not heavily mechanized, where it has to be picked by hand, they are out there in dire heat working for so little. :(


Ah the struggles of the poison we have to endure as Americans isn’t it? That sucks! One of the things I could recommend, if you have the ability to find one, is a local farm that makes their own olive oil nearby. There’s a bunch of places in maine and New Hampshire for example that grow olives and press their own, creating true olive oil and they sell it in bottles that you can refill. I don’t know if it’s completely free or corn but it’s what we do for olive oil even though it’s a little pricier.

It sounds like the source of the allergies are quite a few gut issues, which I’m sure you’re well aware of. I wonder if parasitic cleanses would help you, to alleviate the stresses in your gut and allow your body to start to heal. We’ve been doing a lot of research ourselves in that and it’s pretty wild what those bastards do to our bodies!

Food for thought :D


The seed and nut and most of the veggie allergies (what most of the other oils are) fall under my nickel allergy umbrella. As a teen it was only to where I couldn't wear certain jewelry, and now it's to the point where I have to eat a low nickel diet. I don't have any metal fillings from the dentist, either.
Other oils, like avocado, are the latex allergy, which actually does effect my ability to breathe (whereas nickel just gives me a terrible rash).
In my case, I think the underlying issue is autoimmune, because there are other things going on in that vein. But good luck getting that narrowed down when most doctors blow you off with your laundry list of symptoms (and this is common for most autoimmune folks, apparently the average to get a diagnosis is about a decade, which I have crossed). If I could afford going to see a holistic doctor, I would!


Damn those are wild - I've not been exposed to someone with a nickel allergy, that sucks! Save up your change and hopefully get to afford one! We have one near us that will do their initial appointment for 350$ and then follow ups are 150$. It seems like a lot but it helps!

In the meantime.. I can recommend a phenomenal podcast of someone who says a lot of great stuff and so much we can do ourselves and often at no cost. Stop Chasing Pain - Dr perry. He’s awesome! I started listening to him 4-5 weeks ago and love it. I’ve learned so much from him, I would give it a listen! His focus on lymphatic is wonderful, especially with auto immune issues.


$100 groceries don't last that very long over here too especially with 3-4 people to feed. I have a few allergies and eating is definitely a lot more expensive but that's the price to pay😂 or otherwise I can't be productive. My mom who mostly cook when I am around now understand how dangerous if my allergy is triggered.

Also, there's always added stuff in those packaged goods.I mean, it's marvellous we're all still alive by now 🤣


Right? It's a good thing I learned how to cook when I was vegetarian/vegan. My diet is completely different now with the allergies, but at least I can cook from scratch since prepared foods always have like 20 extra ingredients!


I think that grocery for $100 is not really bad compared to other places. I stopped using olive oils since I realized that the majority of them outside are fake…


Hello @phoenixwren
How are you?
We are doing a spotlight series in the Minimalist community, featuring authentic and practising minimalists, and we would like to feature you.
Are you on the Discord?

You can find me at millycf1976#9956.

Have a lovely Sunday:)))


I'm not on the Discord, I'm rarely on the site but I sent you a FR. :)

I don't think I really count as a minimalist though. 😅 I have decluttered and simplified a LOT, but I was going from "beginner hoarding" to a more healthy amount, not from a normal amount to minimalism? I mean I'm minimalist in some ways, but not in others. But I don't think that anyone would walk into my apartment and think "minimalist," LOL. 💜


Ok, you might be an interesting person to interview still. I will tell my MOD @honeydue, as she's the one arranging the series.
Thank you 💜
