I Tried A Cooking Hack/Probé un truco de cocina (Eng/Esp)
Hey foodie friends! So I was watching some videos the other day and saw one of those "cooking hacks" that I just had to try.
¡Hola amigos amantes de la comida! El otro día estaba viendo algunos videos y vi uno de esos "trucos de cocina" que tenía que probar.
pardon my messy kitchen/perdona mi cocina desordenada
You put whatever you want to fill your tortilla with in small amounts in two spots like this. I just did some nacho cheese to make a quickie quesadilla.
Pones lo que quieras para rellenar tu tortilla en pequeñas cantidades en dos lugares como este. Acabo de hacer un poco de queso nacho para hacer una quesadilla rapidita.
Then you fold it like this
Luego lo doblas así
You mean I didn't have to dirty a pan? Yes please.
¿Quieres decir que no tuve que ensuciar una sartén? Sí, por favor.
Tastes like taco bell, lol. I'm here for it.
This may not be news to other people, but it never dawned on me to make tortilla sammiches in the toaster before. When you are too tired to really cook or do many dishes or you just don't have time, I thought this was a great easy peasy way to have a meal. I will be doing it again. :D
Sabe a taco bell, jajaja. Estoy aquí para ello.
Puede que esto no sea una novedad para otras personas, pero nunca antes se me había ocurrido hacer sammiches de tortilla en la tostadora. Cuando estás demasiado cansado para cocinar o lavar muchos platos o simplemente no tienes tiempo, pensé que esta era una manera excelente y sencilla de comer. Lo haré de nuevo. :D
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
¡Gracias por leer y que tenga un gran día!
And the cooking hack actually came out quite well
It did!
It is looking so delicious 😋🤤 wasn't it?
It was yummy!
As it is looking :) 😁
Thank you! :)
Happy to see your post on Foodie Bee Hive timeline and ... genius! I've never thought about it 😁
Me neither! So simple, so genius.
It’s my first time seeing a tortilla sammichies
It must taste nice and it looks easy to make
A tortilla is just a flat bread that is very thin, think like pita or naan but thinner. We usually use them for burritos and such.
Hah!😋 Ma'am, I like this. What is the tortilla made from? Is it a flour baked? I'm from Nigeria, we are not use to such but I could try if I know that components.🥰
Yeah they are flour flat bread, the recipe I use is:
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup boiling water
make into dough, after kneading, let rest for 10 minutes, take a small ball of dough and roll out thin with a rolling pin, cook over medium heat in skillet until top is slightly bubbly then turning onto other side for a minute or two.