Home plant and it health benefits

Hello great lovers of hive and #Agriculturalmindset, hope you all have a peaceful and bless day, it's Sunday, the visitation day, well it's fun day, a very good friend of mine came to visit us, although she told be a week ago that she will be visiting us today, i know she really loved editan soup and it's her favorite soup, i didn't want to cook editan soup for her because it will take some time to finish, so i sent my kid sister to by me some items to make a jollofrice, fortunately some items could not found because some of the sellers doesn't came back from church and some have traveled so i change my mind and decided to cook her favorite soup (editan) so i check around the compound and the one i planted have already grown so i decided to cut them and use.

It is really really good to plant some important crops around us, assuming i did not plant this editan crops i would have went to the market and buy it.

It health benefits

It helps to increase fertility in women, it helps also in reducing internal heat, helps in pregnancy women and new born mothers, editan helps in many ways, it help to cure some bad diseases in humans body.

Talking of it health benefits, in this world now there are a lot of people who love eating afang soup than editan soup, but the best leaf among every other leafs is editan, it really good to plant around us.

Thank you so much friends for reading through my post.
