Sometimes it just needs to shut its damn mouth, you know so a person can sleep.
The brain tends to do what it wants though, oh not worried about anything? Ok let me increase your heartrate and give you something to worry about.
It has too much control over things so I do my best to belittle the bastard so it knows who is boss... I think... It thinks... Ah shit it has reverse psycho'd my ass.
Anyway, right now I am forcing my brain to type these damn words because there is nothing it hates more than putting down thoughts, basically writing and interacting with people is cryptonite to the blob of electrical signals.
It takes away a lot of the energy it then uses to spend on frivolous thoughts and inaction.
I guess my brain is a bit of a hoarder, it just wants to take in and put things somewhere, anywhere is ok, it does not really care because it has no intention of using it.
That must be why it gets so taxed when writing or yapping because it all of a sudden needs to go dig out whatever this or that is.
Now it is not all that bad to assume that nothing I say really matters or that no one needs a response because they say things cause they felt like it. I think it is fair enough to ignore or not-engage with most content whether online or IRL.
It is not really my fault someone felt like writing, or making videos or what have you. I watched or read, good enough.
The reason to share things is because you want to , I am yet to ever make anything that I care whether it gets feedback and if I do care then I should probably check myself.
Obviously there are some exceptions, but generally speaking it is a stupid cycle. The main reason to create any content is to make your brain shut-up, that is simple... or maybe to make money, but let's assume you do it for the "joy" which is probably a bit of a fib, sure you can enjoy it but creation in itself is not joy.
This post seems to be shit, but I have empathized a lot with it 😆, a little sincerity decontaminates, I suppose that in the long run making a post brings more pleasure than not making it, whatever the reason. He always asked me if it's really what I want to do or if it's just a cocktail of chemical processes that makes me do it, and then I do it if I think it's right