Germany to start with border controls to stop illegal migration


Wir schaffen das

I must be about 10 years ago today when Angela Merkel spoke the famous words: "Wir schaffen das". It was when the migration crisis in Europe really started, and Merkel put the door open with these words. 10 years later millions and millions of migrants from all over the world have flooded the European Union, and also Germany.

To the point, that it is unsustainable, migrants attacking and killing Germans with knives are a weekly phenomenon. The extreme right party AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) has won regional elections, massive protests against migrants in the streets, and house prices jumping up because of the massive influx,...
This all put together leaves the current government no other option than to put a stop to the current migration tactics and stop it at the border.

30000 refused entry

Since they started with the controls, already 30000 illegal migrants have been stopped at the border and been refused entry. This shows how massive this crisis really is in Europe.
It also will put pressure on the other European countries to do exactly the same. Because what spills over in Germany will flood to the neighbouring countries, which are also in the same kind of trouble Germany is in.

Belgain minister for foreign affairs, Annelies Verlinden, has stated that no such thing will be implemented in Belgium, but we all know that this will eventually change, and the controls will happens here too.

I have said it before and I will say it again, we have created a tinder box in Europe, and a small spark can put it on fire!



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think it was allowed at first bcoz of young workforce need.
