The hurdles bring favor at the appointed time!

Hello, everyone, and Happy Valentine's to the lovers of the lovest.

Image by me

At times, we might not understand why we are in trouble, and many times the hurdles pave the way for good things to come our way.

They painted me black and white for years, and he seemed to be smart and sensitive, he didn't know it would turn back at him, a hundredfold. In this life, people should be careful and understand that karma is real.

My people, if your friend or anyone in your family talked against your back and you later realized that, this is what people have said, don't revenge not fight. Their own time will come and they will face times two of what you faced. Hold on, hold firm that things will be put in place.

Before I got admitted into the university to study my course. Someone promised my parents to pay my school fees from year one to the final year. It's hilarious to share this story with you guys. Unfortunately, my supposed sponsor related this information to his nephew, and this guy started feeding my sponsor negative reports against me. My sponsor believed what he said, and all the promises that he gave me, but turned down. The person who seems to be my stumbled block happens to be my blood, my dad's brother in the quote.

God saw me through, from my first year to the final year without my supposed sponsor, I went through the walls of the university without any issues of money. My dad stood his ground on sponsoring me till I finished. It was a hurdle time for me and felt discouraged for not fulfilling his promises. His unfulfilled promise is what I tagged as a 'hurdle'.

Therefore, my blocker got excited over his stupid actions and deeds. Not knowing that God is omnipotent and omnipresent. His eyes and ears are all over the wall. His thoughts towards my life are of good, not of evil but to give me an expected end. The God I worship fought my unseen and unknown battle for me and a victor now.

Friends, when you see people who want to favor your friend, family members, or neighbor, don't speak evil of the person, allow him or her to be favored. My uncle who claims to be right at everything he does or says, thought that was an end.

Image by me

The person who was blackmailed, that's me, turned out to be favored. The person who blackmailed me turned out to be the worst.

If you are a Bible reader: you would understand the lines of this phrase, 'at the appointed time'. My appointed time came as a miracle. I was shocked when I received a call of testimony. All the promises the man gave me, he did it beyond my expectations.

I'm happy and blessed that the hurdles turned in my favor.

I'm blushing now with high and deserve the reputation of myself. God turned my tears into joy. And what the enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for my good.

This is a good report of myself. I hope this content will help you to stay right and be thankful for the good things of others.

Image by God
This post is in response to Hivelearner's contest of the week.

Thank you for reading through my blog.

I love, I care, and I forgive!
