Having friends who share a common vision or outlook!

Hi, guys!

Welcome to a fresh week and another weekly feature contest. I'm impressed that my decision concerning this community will not swerve.

Image by me

Concerning the contest topic; building good friendships is an exciting thing in this life. Most of us have benefited from building good relationships with people around us and they have been of blessing to us in many ways. For instance, my friend introduced me to Hive Blockchain technology, and he knows that bringing me here would have a great impact on my life, financially, and spiritually would be good. I stay connected to him and learn the supposed things I would acquired as a young person. This is what friendship entails. Many people are into the business of that man or woman. Friendship is supposed to shape our narrative about life. But many entangle themselves into a wrong relationship that has ruined their future.

Our young people have heartbreak because of the wrong association.

Having plenty of friends is not bad but being able to analyze the kind of person they are, if they will affect your life positively or negatively. They are good friends and we are still in good tares. Sharing a common vision and outlook with peace and love is what I value most in friendship.

Friends form a part of our lives. A world without genuine friendship, connection, partnership, agreement, or relationship such world is aimless and purposeless.

I'm very sensitive and exclusive when it comes to friendship. I select the kind of friends I keep. Having many friends without helping you to fulfill your purpose or achieve your common goals is insensitive and I wouldn't advise you to keep such a troop of friends. Change the circle of friends, if necessary. I don't keep friends randomly. I kept a few friends, who influenced me positively.

I'm an introvert, I don't talk anyhow and I don't relate to people anyhow. I study people before I mingle with them and a few friends I go with. If there is a need, or if need be I can initiate a friendship with people I like.

Friendship carries influence, and I'm always keen on what influence is on me. I don't know, I found myself with exceptional people, i.e. people who make significant impacts in their respective domains and who carry a worth of value. Identifying myself with them is always easy and blessings accompanied.

Who I am and who you are determines the prospects of friends you are keeping.

My friend's image

Two years ago, I almost deviated from the pathway of my destiny, because of my friend at school. I loved this girl but she had a bitter heart against my life and destiny for no reason. I wasn't as intelligent as she was, but I learned from her especially if I didn't understand a course or lesson. She would sit me down and teach. I appreciated her for this. Sincerely, I didn't know she was plotting evil against my life. She and my course had planned to put me in doom. I thanked God that time, even though I wasn't as intelligent as she was, I was sensitive and observant.

My God saw me through and showed me His mercies. At school, the workplace, and the market, I'm always careful. I don't keep friends because of beauty, or material wealth. I keep friends of great volume and value they carry.

Therefore, Having friends who share a common vision or outlook is always difficult to find but I find them easily and there are always a few.

Image by me

To the contest question, this is my answer. To me, I find it easier to relate with people when my spirit agrees. To start a relationship is easier than to maintain. It is hard to maintain if a friend you love hurts you, would it be possible to love him or her the first time you started? Nope!
It will become simple when my alignment with his/her speaks the same.

This content is in response to the Hive Learners contest. Thank you for reading through my blog.

Image by me

I love, I care, and I forgive!

I remain @peckypeace.


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