The Things I Miss about the Pre-Pandemic World - Memoir Monday #49.

If I say, I was a different person before the pandemic, believe me, it would not be an exaggeration.

The pandemic, the quarantine, and my health issues changed me a lot. Like every other human on this planet, it also affects my mental well-being.

Now if I have to name what I miss most about the pre-pandemic life; then I would probably talk about how my life was during that time.


  • I had Corona twice, didn't have to admit to hospital but had to quarantine from my family at home. It was a tough time. And as you can guess, although I have recovered, it has given me many health issues.

  • Moreover, we had some financial hardship after the pandemic. We were wrongfully evicted from our house, had been in debt, and still are so it affected us in many ways.

  • I had to leave my job during the pandemic because it was getting hard to maintain the household. I thought we would catch up but that never happened. I've been doing the job again for almost 2 and a half years now.

  • We are not in the same position in life, not financially nor psychologically. Now, our relationship dynamics have changed, our household runs differently, and in general, our smooth life has changed.

Like I was saying, all this made me a new person. And I wouldn't lie, I miss the old me, I miss the old life.

Now, if I answer the question from a different perspective then I might say; that I miss how the world used to run.

I miss the days when there was no craze for social media. I liked how people used to interact personally unlike now. It's been only a few years but in this short time, our life has changed. The so-called influencers are taking over the world. I miss when there were a handful of celebrities and we were not too mass-greedy about making money online.

Moreover, I feel a tension everywhere. I don't know what is it, can't explain it. But in politics, in the world economy, in our social life, about having another pandemic; everywhere I look people are too worried, too tense.

It's not like our life was too simple 4/5 years ago. But the change is something that can't be ignored. Like the inflation. It's insane in my country. There's no sign that inflation and price adjustment would ever happen and we can get out of the water.

Also, the small little things like people's interaction, children's growth and development (a parent and professional can tell the difference), our social life, our lifestyle; everything is changed, maybe a little but I miss the 'before' sometimes.

If you ask me, do I wish to go back? Maybe I would answer no. Because I believe life is like a river and it's better to be on. But no one said we can't miss the old things, right?

Your @peacefulsoul


Sad to know that pandemic hit you hard. All those hardships that you faced. I hope you're ok now.


I'm not drowning now and learned to swim, that's the difference.Thanks for your concern.


You had Corona? And you survived? Lol 🤣

Don't mind the way I exaggerated the question. The thing is, back then in my part of the world, we had a lot of manipulated death records of those infected with the virus. It was so scary because they would get it today we would hear of masd death 🤣. It's good you survived.

Days before pandemic.... Honestly, you highlighted some good points especially the inflation. In my country, the rate at which cost of living skyrocketed is unbelievable!


Yes, twice. It was nothing serious just like regular fever. I know, back then it was so scary and there was a lot of misinformation and forceful quarantine/hospitalization. Thankfully I didn't have to go through any and yes, I survived. lol
Thanks for reading.


It's good you survived without forcefully being pushed into quarantine, I mean the public ones😂


The quarantine affected us in so many ways. That seems like a nightmare now. We all survived it.


I feel like the pandemic really changed life for a lot of people all over the world. Very sad but seems some things have been rewarding for some. Insane how life can change from one person to another. Similar situations but very different outcomes. I'm happy you can talk about it and its okay to miss how things used to be.


Yes, it hit different to different people. We never know how hard it was for others. I have seen people almost forgot about the pandemic. And I myself never can do because it was a hell lot to deal with.
But it's okay, life takes us somewhere, somewhere safe, gradually.
Thanks for your valuable comment.
