If I'm the Fairy God Mother! - Thoughtful Thursday Post.

I have many nieces and nephews. They are the best thing in life next to my own children. I have seen some of their birth, seen them grow up, and get to blessed them after their birth.

We have a tradition of handing the baby to the mother, usually the grandparents before the Father and even the Mom can hold them. You may not like it but we have a long tradition of respecting our elders, creating a bond with them, and prioritizing them in our lives. The God Mother blesses them, with some gifts, mostly with money. But most importantly with prayers.

Although I haven't experienced that yet, maybe when I would be a granny myself, I would do the same. But after seeing the prompt, I got to think about my special prayer for them. What gift I could give to the new life if I were the fairy godmother or the guardian?


My gift would be giving them the feeling to understand the strength of Respect, for themselves and for others as well.


We live in such a society where it's getting hard day by day to find the respect. No matter what the culture is and the region. People are growing up differently and becoming so selfish. We can no longer see the bigger picture, and can not feel the need of others but it's always us in our minds.

If we our next generation forgets the respect for others, even for them; they will gradually be messed up in their minds and in their social life.

Moreover, the resilience that comes with respect is what I would give them. The understanding is that this is how society works in balance. There's no achievement worthy if we are disrespectful and ungrateful. It creates a mindful connection between the generations. Not, only that, it teaches the children to value themselves, and to be true about their lives. Kindness and humanity come with respect; that's what I want to give them


And I can't resist but had to say my second gift would be giving them the understanding of the power of Love and Happiness. This is so very important to understand in life that no material things, no nothing can make us happy until we are happy and feel loved inside.

To be honest, if I had the power I would give them all the positive things in life. The world is changing so fast, it makes me fearful about the future of my children and the whole generation as well. Oh, I would give such a gift to them; I wish.

I wish all new life feel welcomed in this world, they grow up with love and honor so they can give back to society the same and build a beautiful world in the future.

Your @peacefulsoul


Nice one.
Respect is gradually dwindling in our current world. Children of these days need more enforcing or let me call it gifting, to adapt to the culture of respect


Yes you are right, with respect, one can conquer any life's daily wars facing humanity. Knowingly or unknowingly. Thank you for sharing.


Respect comes with so many other humanity works, it will help the person and the world.


Yes, this is the real change the world is fighting for, thank you.
