Alita (2018) : A Sci-Fi that satisfies my heart every time I watch it.


Alita is the kind of a movie I can rewatch hundreds of times. Not just because there is James Cameron's name in it but as a Sci-Fi genre fan, this movie is so good, especially the action scenes that it's on my unbeaten top list.


I watched this for the first time probably three years ago and after that many many times. Sometimes I just rewatch the action scenes, sometimes the emotional ones with her dad and boyfriend; every scene gives a new perspective.



Spoiler Alert:

This movie is based on a divided world where the poor live on the planet Earth and the privileged class moves away to an upper world called Zalem.

Alita is a cyborg, Dr. Ido discovered her destroyed and repaired her with the brain chip/memory of his late daughter. So there's an emotional connection between them.

But as she was a battle robot built to conquer, she got curious about her past and tried to discover where she came from. Along the way, she meets her boyfriend, and makes an emotional connection although she is a cyborg not human. But the world is they showed that is very normal so it doesn't seem unreal but justified.

She then discovers the dark secret of the world, fights with other cyborgs, meets her mom, and learns about her connection with the upper world.


What do I love most?

Not to mention, the action scenes. The CGI works are so satisfying in the movie. Also, the character build-up, the play, the move; everything feels good.

I didn't read the manga this movie is based on, I bet that's good too.


The Zapan and Grewishka characters are my favorite. Although they are ruthless and dirty-minded. They give such a cyberpunk vibe, loved it. Moreover, the final battle between Alita and Grewishka is the focus of this action film.

The underground battle has something special, the effect, the fighting, the timing; everything seems perfect to me. I rewatched it so many times, still gives me a chill. Because Alita was almost losing but in the end, she raised and destroyed Grewishka.


Alita lost her boyfriend at the end who was a human. But as the film didn't build/show much connection with the two characters so it doesn't feel that bad but it was kind of easy to move on with the movie's storyline. Because many more things were happening at the end like the motorball championship.


The movie ends with a hint that there will be a sequel and finally, it will come in 2025. I can't wait to watch more battles and what happens to Nova and Zalem.


You can watch the trailer of the film here -

Although it uses a soft tone to describe the story in the trailer but it's not. The trailer didn't show the battles in detail so we must watch the movie.

I would give this a solid 8 out of 10. It never goes below 7 for me.

So watch this if you have not and are a sci-fi /action lover.

Original Content by @peacefulsoul


I need to give it a rewatch, i remember loving the special effects... but dont remember pretty much anything about the plot.


You can watch it, if you can't see the full movie, then only the battle.
