RE: Timeless Truth....presented by Bleujay


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Walnuts, hazelnuts, apples and pears - what a delightful combination @bleujay. It tempts me to delve straight into my pantry! The green of those apples comes across very boldly in your photos, the apples really stand out.

Now turning to your principle of perseverance, this is a tough one for many I suspect, including myself. We often know where we are trying to get to but getting there is not always so simple, such is the nature of life.

Perseverance and determination are closely linked and we need lots of it in this world if we are to achieve what we want. I'm sure you're more than familiar with the old adage if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. They are very wise words and so true.

By pushing ourselves to our limits and overcoming adversity only then can we appreciate how important the qualities of perseverance and determination truly are.

Another interesting post @bleujay to get us all thinking, this is what Hive is about.

Tip reward: 0.3 Hive


Greetings @peaceandmoney ,

Thank you for your kind words regarding the photographs.

The apples are coming across quite bold, despite my best efforts to calm them down...and they really are bold. ^__^

Appreciate the tip @peaceandmoney ....very kind of you. Your system is working is immediate...already showing up in my wallet. This is a good is P2P....interesting.

Appreciate the reminder of the old familiar adage....because I had quite forgotten it. It is so true.

The thinking part of these Principles...the opportunity to give readers a think..brings to mind the Principle that 'Truth never returns void.'...meaning you will either respond or will not be neutral.

Happy to hear your thoughts regarding the Principle.

Kind Regards,



Thank you for elaborating on the rationale behind the principle, it's good to get more context.

In relation to the tip, you're very welcome! I accidentally put 0.03 Hive in the original message but corrected it to 0.3 Hive. I don't know which figure you saw but I can assure you I sent 0.3 Hive!

Yes, I am enjoying the tip voting I have devised, I may even call it my new system of Vips! Enjoy!
