Pic 1000 ... Learning how to tolerate.
What do you see?
I see two boys on the floor, the taller boy kneeling with a parrot bear wrapped round his arms while the shorter boy sitting on the floor has in his arms a teddy bear. Both wearing blue jeans trousers with gray and yellow T-shirt.
What do you feel ?
I feel the are both in the mode of silence thinking what to do next.
This reminds me of Godswill and Godslove, two bous in my compound who can disgree for no just reason.
Godslove can create a fight and still claim right over the fight. When asked, he would say Godswill started the fight first and so he must take his own revenge.
I always advice them to learn to tolerate each other. The other time when I witnessed such fight, I called Godslove who is the older one and adviced him to tolerate his younger brother and if he could not then he should report to an elderly person whenever he is offended by his brother. And they should learn to forgive each other.
Thank you all for reading.
Is not everybody that can tolerate especially at tender age. I pray they learn to accommodate each other.
Thanks ma
The advice tht you gave to God's love is good. He needs to tolerate his younger brother or better still, let him report to an elder.