Hivenaija #88.....The Rock I run to.


Every one faces issues differently and i believe that there are different ways of handling issues that we face and what works for one person may not work for the other depending on the issue at hand because I believe we have different kinds of issues ranging from family issues, community issues, marriage & relationship issues, religious issues, work related issues etc.

Personally, the first person I call on is my creator, because he sees even the deepest secret of men. He always comes through for us as our heavenly father. God does not condem neither does he cast away.

There was an issue between a couple I knew very well. I have pleaded woth them to reconcile but none of them was ready to let go and forgive each other. They kept on holding on to past grudges. I have even spoken to the peolle I felt they would respect, their families and even friends but all to no avail. Anyone of them that you aproach will say that "I am fed up".

Some family members were clamouring for separation. "Let them go their separate ways if that is what will bring peace" . It was at this point that I decided to take up the issue by myself because I would not be happy watching them go their separate ways.

I began a prayer and fasting session simply on their behalf. My prayer was simple. I prayed that God would restore the oil of gladness and joy back into their marriage.

God ndeed gave me answer to my prayers because he sent an angel in a human form to warn the couple that if they do not make peace with each other he is going to take one person's life out of the two of them and they might not make it to heaven with the grudges in their heart.

When that warning came to them, they did not hesitate to resolve their difference immediately and today, they are both living in peace up till this present time .

Most of my issues I handle them myself because I have discovered that most times the people I run to for help end up solving the problem half way and abandon me to my fate. Others just go about and use my issue as a topic for discussion in their gatherings and more. God has been my rock and helper. He is the one who sends genuine people to help me out.

I remember when my daughter was about to write
her WAEC and she had a fracture in her right arm. She had already started writing the papers a week before the accident. I was just so confused and lost because it was her right hand but I didn't relent I took her to the hospital for treatment. I also sought for help from her peers in order to get someone to assist jer in writing. I prayed and a helper was found that helped her to complete the remaining three papers that were left for her to write. When the result was out , I was initially afraid that she would nit psss but on checking, the three papers that was writen for her came out with good grades. God came through for me.

Thanks for reading.

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God is our ultimate source an rock. He is the only one that can truly handle all life's issues perfectly.
