Making this precious bracelet and earrings for myself using pearl and red bead


Good day great people of this community @jewelry ,how is everyone doing? I hope we all are doing great. And i hope you all enjoyed your weekend,is another new week, let's make it count.
Today am here to share with you on how i made this precious bracelet and earrings for myself.

I was out of jewelry to wear on Sunday to church,so i decided to make this precious bracelet and earrings for myself and the color combinations i used went well with my attire.

This are the materials i used:

Red bead,
Pearl bead,
Jump ring,
Earrings finding,
Fishing line
To get started:

Firstly, I started by using my scissors ✂️ to cut a long fishing line, with my fishing line,I pick three(3) pearl bead and one red bead and I tightened it properly.

I pass through the red bead and then I pick three (3) red bead and went back through the previous red bead,and tightened it properly.

I pass through the next red bead,and then pick up three(3) pearl bead and went back through the previous red bead.and I tightened it properly.

I went up through another red bead and pick three(3) pearl bead, I went back through the previous red bead and I tightened it properly.

Again,I went up through another red bead,I pick three (3) pearl bead and went back through the previous red bead and tightened it properly.

I then pass through one red bead and up through two pearl bead .

I pick one pearl,plus one red , follow with another one pearl bead and
I went back through top pearl bead

I tightened it,and went up through one pearl bead and up through one red bead .

I pick three(3) red bead and went back through the previous red bead and tightened it properly.
I went up through one red bead

I pick three pearl bead and went back through the previous red bead.

Again, I went through one red bead, and I pick up three pearl bead and went back through the previous red bead.

I pass through another red bead

I pick another three pearl and I went back through the previous red bead and tightened it properly.

I went through one red bead,and went up through another red bead.

And went up through two pearl bead

I pick up one pearl,one red bead and another one pearl bead , I now went back through the previous pearl bead and tightened it properly.

I continue the process till I got to the length required

At the end ,I pick my jump ring and went back through the previous pearl and tightened it properly.

At the other end, I insert my hook, and reinforce round to tighten properly

Here is my bracelet

For my earrings,

I did the same procedure for the earrings,

On getting to this point
I pick three red bead and went back through the previous pearl bead

I went up through two red bead

I pick three pearl and went back through the previous red bead.

And tightened it properly

I went up through two pearl bead and pick my earrings finding and went back through the previous pearl bead and then reinforce round to help my work tightened properly.
I did the same process for the second earring.

Here is my earrings

My earrings and bracelet.

This really look nice on me, at a point I was about giving up, but I say to my myself you can do it.
Am sure you all love the outcome of my bracelet and earrings.
Thanks all for going through my blog and also for always supporting me. I really appreciate.
Happy new week once again,do enjoy your new week.
I love you all 💖💖💖💖


It is so beautiful and stylish. Its design and color combination make it more attractive. Well done!


These colours really fits you. I love the more energy you put into doing your works, there are really nice.


Nice bracelet and nice design you gave it, the pearls you used and the combination of colors give them a perfect plus. Thank you for giving us your creative process.
