Wanted: Real-Life Marketplace On Hive!


Being back on Hive has been a really good experience these past two weeks, I'm stoked this place still carries as much potential as it always has!

With the buzzing developments on the platform I can see a world where a true parallel economy is being erected by us - based on Hive and HBD.

Now I have asked this question before, years ago, but after searching a bit I could not find an answer this time around either...

Is there a Hive-based marketplace on this platform?


I distinctly remember this being the case in the early days of Steem (did I merely dream it and have a false memory now??!)

Anybody else remember that?

You could go onto that platform/frontend and put your chili seeds up for sale, denominated in Hive (Steem back then). I know many find it more important to build bridges and onramps, to connect Hive to the current financial system... but to those committed to stick around for the long haul and wanting to be as system-independent as possible using Hive and HBD as payment method would be downright glorious, and produce no tethers to the fiat system matrix.

The seller would - at their own expense temporarily - cover the shipping costs in fiat at the local postage office and would be paid for the goods + shipping in Hive or likely in HBD.

The marketplace would physically link people in real life! I could suddenly decide I wanted special coconut seeds from some of my hive friends in southeast Asia, Ghana or Nigeria. They in turn could link to their Hive shop directly beneath their tutorials and posts explaining the ins and outs of gardening.

Other arts and crafts could be sold as well. This could even extend to service-providing concepts like fiver.com where you basically offer your skills in line with your competency, and get paid for your time and effort... in Hive or HBD. One may also opt to be paid in a community specific token, giving the respective tokens a sudden use case within that community. No longer just "nice to have" but rather "hey, I can buy something with this!"

Hive would not "merely" be a digital place of social relations, it would transform into a city. We have a currency already, why has nobody set up shop?


Now, I have seen people sell stuff in return for Hive on their blogs but that would make it hard for users to find all that is offered. A more centralized location to find it all would be amazing, and that is precisely the logic behind a marketplace.

Of course this could already be done without such a platform by sending Hive to another account and hoping they don't steal the funds, but what then are we doing if we already have the technological potential here to implement it correctly? The escrow function of such a neutral marketplace, supported by on-chain smart contracts would be an amazing feature. And I feel: much used.

Or would it? What am I not seeing? Too much effort to build? Too laborious to moderate and maintain?

I am sure this is neither a novel idea nor particularly simple to do... I just feel that that is something still missing around here. Gravely missing.

Even a layer two token could help achieve this, have it all run on a hive engine based token. I don't know, I'm not a coder. But capable people are on Hive and many users are pointing out that DHF funds are very much available to be used for sensible projects if the community deems it worthy.

So please get me up to speed here: Is there a Hive marketplace of sorts (using Hive and HBD as native currency). And if not, do you know of any such developments? Is there a promising DHF proposal or crew who is on it already and could use further support?

If you showed a functioning marketplace to newcomers (one that is only offering legal goods of course!) I feel it would have dramatic onboarding effects as well and just vastly improve the ecosystem. So many other projects like @ecency, @leofinance, @peakd or @nftshowroom successfully have added tremendous value to this place in recent years and are continuing to do so every day.

If I had the skills, I would be doing it. Anybody know the status of such an undertaking or why nothing grand has happened on that front?


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Thanks for stopping by <3


oh whaaaaaaaaaat??? i gotta check that out. ahahahha thanks vince


Sure thing. I wasn't too convinced, when I checked out a while ago but maybe they have improved over time.


hmmm so something has happened. that is great to hear dude

i will plow through the site and see how i feel.

anybody here who has used hivelist.store before?


I just stumbled upon this beauty on there: written by @selfhelp4trolls and a cover designed by me ;<)
The price is a steal, if you ask me!



Damn! Even I’m surprised at how cheap this is! 😆

Hivelist was a solid attempt. I think it hasn’t taken off simply because there was no hype around that. Also, thelogicaldude disagrees with me on this but I think it could grow much faster and help the process of hive if it accepted cash as well and paid out in hbd.

I should put my other part 2 and 3 up!


I feel I have to go through too many steps to even buy something on there. I could send some ive or HBD to you ( or any other seller ) and you could Wetransfer me the file directly. It would save me, the buyer, a lot of time ;<)
This is how I did it with my book, a year ago. Both that and old fashioned snail mail for the printed books.


This is what Steemfiles.com used to do. Now, a days it is a multi-blockchain frontend. Although it was only digital flies. Later that was superceded by Peerhub. These days Hivelist.io seems to be the thing. Was Steemfiles too early to the market? The website owner has to make something too but people were mostly trying to sell image files and there wasn't really sales through the portal.


hivelist seems to be more like an amazon than an ebay. the categories are ridiculous! but then maybe that is because its lists are so unpopulared still. i would wish for less shiny and more useful

guess i dream of a craigslist on hive.

i could just start a community but it would soon become chaos, searching through it and finding anything recent.

thanks for the infos dude


Yes, I also have fond memories of the good old days on Steemit. I once bought a work of art, which the artist sent me with a personal dedication and framing, including dispatch, by accepting HBD. In my job as a systemic counsellor, I myself offered sessions under the premise of SBD as a means of payment. In fact, there was one. But demand remained low and everything then disappeared under the new way of marketing yourself as a blogger. The platform is too small, in my opinion, to serve as a marketplace for real goods and services. A different direction has been taken with the obvious reward system. You are rewarded for what you say and not what you offer as a service or product. This keeps the level at a certain performance level, but remains below the possibilities.

If I would, for example, put something onto the chain which numerous people can then use for their own purposes, I run the risk of being under payed. If they only use it but don't pay me, I will most likely not publish the details of my service.

Right now, I would not accept HBD as a payment. Other than for maybe a service which does not cause me to invest a lot of time and real objects to perform what I sell.

I'll take a look at hivelist.io

What would you personally like to sell? Goods from a farm-shop as suggested in your picture?


yeah i figure things like seeds would be easiest and least expensive to send. so if i had seeds in that elusive garden i could send them all over the world.

i guess it's less about relying on selling products for hive, and more about starting to shift economic activity to hive slowly.

if this place ever does get big such a farmshop would be a real staple of the ecosystem.



This place won't get big, I am afraid to say. It has missed the high opportunity in its beginners days. And, it has still the same problems like in its beginners days. Though, I am not a prophet, so I am in no way absolutely sure.

Don't slap me for that, please:)


of course not, nobody can see the future. let alone the actual present.

i see it like this: i have been away. i come back. i still find this place has amazing potential and compared to other social networks, the quality of interaction with my small tribe is beneficial for all.

so it does have actual value to me. and likely to you, otherwise why are you still here?

i am however not betting on hive becoming s thing. just using it as a tool is already good enough for me



I am not here for the money :) That makes me free.

the quality of interaction with my small tribe is beneficial


Hard to say why I am posting - not that often, actually, but still. I think it became a habit and I like to engage with people through the written word. I also think it's a training ground for becoming better in argumentation. On that, I am not so sure, though. A classical argumentation follows strict rules and that is not always taking place - on the other hand, when I fail to communicate what I thought the other would understand, and I rephrase what I just said, it also means I learn something. The best encounters are those where I am challenged :) If you know what I mean.
