Overcoming Ourselves & Achieving True Greatness in any Endeavor | An Audiobook Recommendation (feat. "The War of Art")


Following our dreams isn't easy - we hoped it would be but it really isn't. We get sidetracked by trivialities, procrastinate on what we set out to achieve and we constantly doubt our results. We find endless reasons to belittle ourselves and what we do, regardless of how far we have come already.

And we feel this raw emptiness inside when we become too involved with our own valuation of ourselves; a feeling that tends to force the feeling of stagnation - a kind of mental blockage that can easily become a chronic habit. The hallmarks of a non-achiever.

The good news is everybody does it!

Thought you were the only one struggling with following your passion? Nope! All of us do it. We just don't talk about it very much.

They say you have to work through the rough patches... well, easier said than done. Isn't there a hack somewhere? A way of looking at the creative process that actually empowers us rather than making us cave in to our internal critic so easily?

The answer is YES, such a hack exists! Someone has figured it out and managed to write it down in such simple terms that the resulting cascade of insights and motivational energy is a sheer gift to humanity. So what is the problem? We do we have such a hard time to get out of our way and achieve true greatness?

As Stephen Pressfield, author of the book "the war of art" points out - the reason we fail is because we are not aware of our enemy.

The enemy of every creative and driven individual on Earth. The enemy that disguises itself as all manner of things in order to stay unnoticed and unrecognized. The enemy that won't quit sabotaging our efforts at every turn.

Who is this enemy, you may ask?

Pressfield argues, the number one enemy of humanity... is "resistance".



Resistance is omnipresent. It has infiltrated the consciousness of most human beings and if it remains unidentified it will continue to poison our spirit and all our worldly endeavors, one day at a time.

Resistance is the enticement to not do your work. Resistance is the excuse to put off what we originally set out to do. Resistance is the negative inner mind chatter that criticizes our efforts, compares us to other people and nags us to let go of our pursuit in favor of more immediate short term gratification.

Resistance, as Pressfield puts so graphically, is the main problem of humanity. It is at the root of every war and conflict. It lies at the core of every broken dream and unrealized aspiration. Resistance is the enemy. And when we start to treat it as such, amazing things start to happen!


The path of most resistance

Contrary to many modern philosophies and even to natural systems, when it comes to our passions the path of most resistance is the way forward! It is not a sign that the path is wrong, it is very likely a sign that the path in question is the right one. If you didn't care about the project in question there would be no resistance at all, there would be indifference. Indifference is easy. Resistance - that is a formidable enemy.

Rather than caving in to resistance's harsh evaluations we can simply notice its presence and be sure that this is exactly the direction we need to move in.

As Pressfield states, the more you feel resistance about your chosen activity, the more you can be sure that you have to do it in order to be fulfilled and happy. Resistance is a cosmic signpost, pointing to paradise while doing its utmost to prevent us from reaching it. We can use it as a compass! We can learn from our enemy. About ourselves and what we need to do. Where to go next!


Daily battlefield

Our two most important weapons for fighting resistance are vigilance and persistency. We have to wield them every day. What does this mean in practice?

It means that whatever resistance is telling you, you have to ignore it, sit down and simply do your work.

Let me say that again: If we want to achieve greatness, happiness and a fulfilled life, all that is required of us is to show up for the thing we signed up for. Every single day. Sitting down in spite of the doubts, excuses and fears in our mind. We have to do our work every day. And contrary to what resistance is telling us, that is ALL we have to do in order to be a success.

When we start to move and do our work, resistance will not like it. It will get creative and come up with even more reasons to not do our work. It will tell the most hair-raising tales, make the most gruesome predictions and bait us with instant gratification substitutes if we please just not do our work today. Don't listen to it. Remember: Resistance is the enemy. It needs to be fought and taken as a sign that we are on the right path. Push forward relentlessly.

Just do your utmost to show up. So I put to you the question: Whatever it is you want to achieve in life, did you already show up for that today?

Want to become an author and write a book? - Did you write today?
Want to become a good cook? - Did you cook today? Or yesterday? Or a week ago?

It doesn't matter how good we are, whether we like the results of our work day, how it compares to the work of others or how we felt during our work session. All that is just resistance-talk and completely beside the point. The only thing that matters is that we showed up. We overcame resistance, sat down and did our work to the best of our ability for a few hours, in spite of resistance's pleas to stop.

That is success within the creative process. We do the work regardless of how it goes.


Trusting that the muse will eventually visit us and gift us flow states and great results, fulfillment and self-expression. But until she does show up, we have to take the leap of faith.

I said we also need vigilance. This is because this battle will have to be fought anew EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Resistance almost seems like a force of nature and will come sneaking into your consciousness tomorrow, trying once again to lure you away from doing your work. Slay that dragon again by simply sitting down and starting, like you did today.

We have to be conscious that this battle will be an eternal one, and as Pressfield points out, resistance becomes strongest on the final stretch of our path. When the goal is in sight, resistance musters all the forces of hell to keep us from passing that finish line. Don't let it. Walk steadily, one day at a time with weapons in hand and a keen sense for the existence of the enemy.

I could say much more, but I feel it might be more beneficial to actually hear it in Pressfield's own words. The book is floating around online, and even great audiobook versions of it are on youtube. This is definitely a recommendation to listen and pass the wisdom on to other people in our lives who are struggling with their passion.

The book is written with a chuckle, and it will be such a relief to hear the thoughts you thought were exclusive to you - are the thoughts any creative individual or entrepreneur struggles with daily.

I hope this 3-hour audio book finds you well! May resistance be slain by humanity every single day, and may we come out triumphant and satisfied, knowing what it took to defeat this menacing enemy of humanity every step along the way.

Achieving true greatness that was earned one day at a time, and understanding the power of dedication it took to do so! Enjoy!


The War of Art is a good book man, glad to see someone mentioning it!


aye it really put a simple call to action into words the starkest logic can not find any faults in. i love it because it's so radical ahahaha. it has propelled me immensely!

looooove the archive by the way, big thanks!!!

blessings dude


Whatever it is you want to achieve in life, did you already show up for that today?

Resistance is futile!:) Sorry, couldn't help it.
But seriously, whatever about resistance I think showing up is the key. If you'll forgive the woo-woo, it's like signalling to the universe or oversoul. Not asking or praying, but acting as if you already have what it is that you want, if that makes sense.


they call it woo-woo but i see the sense in doing it that way completely.
letting go of results is what took the pressure away in the mind and showed there was no problem to begin with. only a clingy approach that is unnecessary and born from too much expectation.
the ease of working brings about the state you mention all by itself, and the universe can adapt the outer accordingly


i have been struggling with analysis paralysis and procrastination; will listen to this very soon. Thanks!


super glad the information is of use. the perspective in the book is a great relief for the overburdened mind and teaches letting go of expectations sort of as a side effect.

more freedom in our endeavors! enjoy
