Some bird shots after the rain.

The rain stopped earlier than usual, and it was a great opportunity for my camera.

A strong wind cleared the skies at high speed.

Of course everything was wet, but almost everything, as the smaller birds know how to hide from the rain. So, as soon as the rain stopped some dry little birds appeared here in our front garden. Another flood took place here in our area, but it was in a part of the river where the contractors have not started with the river rehabilitation project yet. I took some photos of the flood that I will show you in another post. But for now, let me show you what I have to share with you today.

A small Southern Double-collared female sunbird landed on a wet flower in our garden.


Her husband was also around, and he sat on a wet yellow flower of the Cape Honeysuckle bush.

We planted the honeysuckle bushes, especially to attract the little sunbirds, and currently the bushes are still small, but they will steadily grow bigger with many more flowers.

Some earlier clouds to serve as a line break.

And then we had a Hadeda Ibis on the sidewalk at the front of our house.

Many see them as just noisy grey birds, and so I decided to show you the Hadeda's true colors.

Enough now he said, can you leave me in peace, as I don't watch you when you eat.

So I left him alone, and rather took this picture below of the sun that has sunk behind the clouds.

We love the periods immediately after the rain fall, as it abounds in fresh air and wet soil smells. The colors in nature also seem to be more intense and it is really uplifting for one's senses. A friend bemoaned the fact that we were now hammered for 3 weeks by heavy storms, but when I pointed out that we really need the water, he started to simmer down. Everything has a reason, and one should always search for the deeper facts in any occurrence. Yes, I know that many people suffered in the floods, and thousands lost their homes, but I see this as a lesson to us, to move the people out of the flood-stricken areas. It happens every year, and every year the people only re-build their homes in the same areas.

Now you might think that this is madness, but no, the reason why they re-build in the same place, is that they don't have money to travel over distances in order to get to their jobs in the city. So, they have to stay close to the city, and there is no proper land for them close to the city. That's why they simply re-build in the flood areas and suffer every year when the floods arrive. We have to find a solution and now a few possibilities are being discussed. Let's hope that for the sake of the people, a solution will be found.
Sorry for the long writ, but I just had to get this off my chest.

I hope that you liked the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


These birds are wonderful, nice capture. I really love to capture photos, I just don't have the correct lens for that. I don't have a zoom lens.


Thank you, and I started with a small used camera at first, so maybe you can also look online for used cameras, as they are cheap.


I have a Nikon D5100 but I don't have the zoom lens. I will try to use a 50mm lens if I get the chance to see some birds.


Ah, a Nikon is a very good camera, and I didn't get one as the lenses are not only expensive, but they also take time to exchange when I am out in nature. So my camera has a fixed lens that can be set according to any purpose that I require. !LOLZ
