Papillon took two Hive members on a tour.

@fermentedphil and his lovely partner, @urban.scout paid a visit to @papilloncharity and we took them to two places that Papillon partners with.

The tour was mainly focused on the art classes at Imibala for the children and the second visit was for them to meet with the owner of an art school that also gives free lessons to the Imibala children. In fact, it's not all about the art, as Imibala is a registered school for disadvantaged children, and they also give extra classes to the children, depending on their talents. They can for instance join the woodwork classes, or the dance classes. They also have the option to join classes like ballet, pottery, music, welding, gardening, hospitality, maths, coding, recycling and some other skills classes.
So, let me show you this visit.

First, let me show you some of the skills classes.


Then we have the music tuition class.


Combined with the dance studio.


And now, let's see some of the children's art works.







Finally the free coding classes for the children and the youth started by Papillon and Imibala.

This free coding course was started in 2021, and since then, it has grown tremendously due to the popularity of computer coding. By now the youth have arrived and a math class was in action, it was a brainwave to combine the math tuition classes with the coding classes, as it works very well.

This post is getting too long now, and in a second post I will show the second visit with our visitors to the Art Haven Cafe inside this beautiful old building.

Papillon also partners with the school feeding projects at Imibala. The tag name @papilloncharity in fact belongs to The Papillon Foundation. A non-profit in South Africa, founded and registered in 2002.

Started in 2001 and officially registered in 2002, The Papillon Foundation celebrates 23 years of community work in 2024; having had socio-economic and empowerment projects in South Africa nationwide, the placement of computers in South Africa and some parts of Africa, and Trauma training in South Africa, Africa and Ecuador. Papillon partners with and supports other worthy NPO’s and community projects. The Papillon Foundation is a Registered Non-Profit Organisation (022-158-NPO) and an Approved Public Benefit Organisation (930005579 P.B.O).


More information about the great work of Imibala can be seen in the source link.

The Imibala Trust is a registered South African NPO which works with children of school-age whose lives are affected by impoverished circumstances. The Trust provides a platform from which to offer programmes that make a substantial and measurable difference in the lives of the children, currently and as they prepare for their lives after school. All children, regardless of race or creed, are assisted through these programmes.


Should you ever visit the Western Cape Province of South Africa, don't hesitate to visit us, in order to see the great work being done for the needy children of our country.

Remember to keep an eye out for the second post of the visit by our esteemed guests.

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


Thank you so much for taking us on this wonderful journey, like always! Such an inspiration to see what you and the charity/charities are doing to improve the lives of so many young children who do not have the opportunities. I always look forward to hearing the good news from you regarding what your work does! Keep up the good and life changing work.


Always a pleasure to have you guys around, and I am glad that you and your lady enjoyed the tour. On your next visit, we will also show you some other areas where Papillon is active, and I am sure that you will also enjoy it. You guys understand the dire need in the country, and we never know what the future holds for all of us. So. we just keep on plugging gaps every day.
Thank you again for the visit.

!PIZZA and !LUV.


Just keep jumping, as my grandmother always said! We can only do what we can do, and by stopping we will forfeit a better and richer future. Small incremental changes always lead to something better in the future. With our uncertain future in this country, we can only try and be positive and bring about change where we can. Always an inspiration to see your projects! Looking forward.


Your grandma was right, and you are also right, as one cannot just let up and stop. Small incremental changes will certainly build up to much bigger things eventually.
So, we shall see what the future holds, and when the time comes that you are ready, we will walk the road together.


I am so sorry for only responding now. I managed to finish the first draft of my PhD, and it took quite a lot out of me. I am hovering close to that burnout zone, as I got a stomach bug as well now. I am definitely taking the weekend slow.

Just keep jumping, even in my own case! That is the only thing we can do at this stage.

I am looking forward to it. I am going to have some meaningful discussions with various philosophers in the coming months, trying to get philosophy out of the academy to the lay public. This might also be of interest to you and in our future meet ups.


Great that you finished it, and not good news about the stomach bug. We also had it and it was a very painful struggle. Stress doesn't do wonders for it either, and you have to be very careful of burnout, as it is always a worry.

Now Dr. Phil, no philosophical lessons for me, as I am half mad already, but if you need a sounding board, then I am your man !LOLZ


If I can only keep it at bay for a while. There are so many opportunities, and you need to say no to some of them and take others. I managed to get the marking job for UNISA, I cannot remember if I told you about it with our last visit? And I am going to present a couple of articles this year again. So hopefully I can just keep the total burnout at bay. I am counting on my youthful brain.

I will let you know how it goes. Sometimes madness is the door to greatness haha.


A good idea to keep it at bay my friend. Yeah, I remember that you mentioned the UNISA job and so congratulations. Soon you will be completely familiar with the article presentation system and just maybe you will again have a few winners.

Yep! Let me know!



I am so sorry about this almost two-week delay in response. I also almost did not post anything. It seems like time management just flies out of the window in crunch times haha. I am flying to Pretoria at the end of the week, and I still have so many things to do.

Life waits for now one right?

I will let you know how things go! I am having a lot of beneficial conversations with some big names in philosophy and other areas of academia. They seems to like my work. There is also talk about beginning an association for philosophical counselling in South Africa between other big philosophers. So, there is some light in the tunnel!

I hope you are doing well?


Well, think about it this way, you have escaped the hassle of the power cuts, as we are supposed to be used to it, but it remains to be a hassle to get things done.
So I presume that you are in Pretoria now?

It seems that you are on the right track, and an association of philosophical counseling might just be what the country needs. I am glad to hear that they like your work, as that is always good news.

I am doing as best as I can, and you are obviously doing the same under the circumstances. So just keep on going. !LOLZ


Just keep jumping! That is my life motto now.

Not yet, I am flying on Friday evening. For now, I am running around trying to get everything done in time. Time management, as I said on another comment in discussion with Joan, is a rare skill. Even with it, it seems that time runs out too quickly.

When we get back in the Cape, we should meet up again. I will sit together with my other half and see when we both are together in the Cape.


A good motto, and so strange, as I have just now discussed the flying time lately with another friend on hive. So lately you just keep on jumping and the time just keeps on flying !LOLZ

Good idea to meet again and fare thee well.


That is the problem, right? For some reason it feels like everything is just speeding up. My dad and I both feel close to burning out and it is not even close to the end of the first semester, in fact only first term! Three terms remain. But these are silent wakeup calls to react before time runs/flies out!


Oh yes, the rush has increased 10 fold, and be warned that a burnout is not a thing to be played with. Been there and got the medal twice, so it's my duty to warn you about the aftereffects.
Sorry to hear that your dad is also taking strain.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Yes, it is never nice to go through it yourself (me) or see others suffer from it (my dad). But in the end, if it makes us sleep a bit better knowing that we put in extra effort for the right reason, then it will be all worth it.

But you are right, you cannot burn the candle on both ends and expect to go the extra mile to help! I always like to use the analogy of a car, you can only drive so much on one tank of gas, and you can only go so far without servicing it.


Glad that you also know the dangers of burn-out and yes major impacts always come with painful reminders afterwards. But as they say, you get out what you put in.

A great analogy but remember that we always have a hidden second tank, but no answer for the servicing. Love is however very good medicine.



Love becomes the service we so desperately need. And yes, that second tank is so important, to keep it connected, and to be connected.

So true. You definitely get out what you put in but in balance. You cannot expect infinite returns in a finite system, right? Such a delicate balancing act.


Yep! I agree, as true love can fix many things, and a second tank is a must.

That is exactly the problem, balancing can get quite tricky at times, and my manner of just bulldozing through the difficult parts has come at a great cost to my health.



Luckily, I can still bulldoze at this stage. I do not have too many commitments, nor do I have the 9-5 job that keeps me so busy. But as soon as that first job is landed, I might not have that much free time. But the priority is getting the PhD done now. Luckily, I have a completed first draft finished now. Now, it is just editing and smoothing things over.


Yep! That first job will strand your boat, and I am happy that you realize that you should concentrate on your most urgent aims now. The PhD will be a great boon to your chances, and so it's great that the first draft is now taking shape. Just keep at it.



Sorry for the long delay in responding. What a couple of weeks. I thought I was super human, trying to finish the PhD, do some sideline work, preparing and editing papers, and so on, but I had to stop. Focus should be on the PhD, and it does not help to burn myself out for a job, especially not if it is at the cost of the PhD.

Moments like these help you re-evaluate your life choices.

I hope all is well on your side, and that life is not speeding up for you like it seems it is for everyone else! We need to slow down and appreciate every second.


No problem, and when love is in the air, one's time flies out of the window You are right, as the two main things that need to regard as priorities, should be your soul mate and the PHD. Too much fiddling around with other stuff will only result in some major problems later on.

Re-evaluation is always a good thing, as the one can keep a finger on the pulse of life.

Time is racing lately for all of us, and it's unreal how quickly a day passes. We are fine and I hope that you guys are also well. Time is indeed of the essence.


Here is a perfect example of how time just flies. I was tasked with marking a bunch of essays (which was not planned - the lecturer kind of dropped a bomb on me there); the University of Pretoria asked me to do a small online lecture/seminar; and the PhD thing... All of this contributes to me being so late with this reply. I always say I am sorry, I should get that on a T-shirt!

For sure, if the PhD is done and off of my back, things will for sure return to a more "stable normality". I think I will be taking a leave of absence for a while after the submission of that document. It is crazy how things just do not want to settle down. At least by staying busy, I am staying out of trouble and away from politics! So that must count for something. I hope that time treated you and your wife well!


It sounds like a bit of use and abuse here, but I know that you can handle it, and it would be very dangerous for your future if you were to refuse the extra work.

Good idea once that you are qualified to take a sabbatical, as it will draw you out of the constant rigmaroles required by studies, and hopefully re-establish a bit of normalcy in your life again. I am sure that you will find something else to keep you busy !LOL


The inevitable (smallish) burnout has arrived, hence the two-week delay in answering your reply. What a couple of weeks. The papers are marked, but I am dead tired. The PhD is slowly coming along, but with all the extra marking and so on, I really need a break. I am flying to Pretoria tomorrow, hopefully, I can rest a bit up there with my girlfriend.

A couple of interesting offerings have come across the table though, some overseas opportunities and local research work. I hope that this week or two up north will help a bit! How are things with you? Once again, I am so sorry for the long silence.


Yep! That's why I left you alone, as I knew that you have a lot to do. A little break will do you a world of good. Marian asked me yesterday how you were doing with the PhD and I said that I would tell her when you contact me again. Now she has her answer.

The interesting offerings sound great, but you have to bide your time, as a lot of water still have to run into the sea. So, be happy, but don't stress about it as I am sure that the Lord will guide you. I think the week or two will be very good for you.
Things are okay with us, and I am working on a project paper for the bakery. Discussed it today with a great guy and things are starting to look good at last.
No apologies needed as I understand.


And they did it again. At the start of the week I get yet another email telling me what I need to do; things not covered in the original job offer. Alas, I made it out. But the week or two of rest is now gone because this; the whole "taking things slow" transformed into yet another week of extremely hard work! But alas, we are young and I think I made it through the toughest stretch.

For sure, but the interesting offering rides on the PhD, so that is cool. I might have the opportunity to get some overseas exposure, and to do some "serious" research for an author based here in Cape Town as well. All linked to the PhD. So that is cool, but as we all know, plans can change drastically! But as you said, all is in the Lord's hands, we can merely listen and do our best.

I am super happy to hear that things are going good! Especially with the bakery as well. And I am glad that you can relay the information to Marian. My soon-to-be-more-than-a-girlfriend will be visiting soon (June/July) then we will definitely meet up again. Looking forward to it already!


Shame man, I know how it feels after time away and the mountain of work that results in the interim. But as you say, you are still young and great that you can pick up the experience now, as then you will be prepared for the much work that you will still have to do.

Things are looking up for you and the PhD will unlock many new doors for you. I look forward to calling you Doctor and of course then I will push you to become a Professor. Just take care that research for the author will not interfere with your work. It sounds interesting. And I repeat that you will be guided from Above.

Working on it all of the time as a sideline, even though Papillon will not make any money out of the bakery, as a part of it will be free to the communities, and the rest will have to pay the overheads.
I am still waiting for a wedding invitation !LOLZ

Looking forward to your return.



Thank you so much! I really will try not to take on too much, and yes, for sure, nothing should impede the PhD at this stage. It needs to get out as quickly as possible so that my life can move past this work. I do not want to still work on it when I get a job and so on. That would be an interesting shift, in signing letters and so on I will need to choose the doctor option! It will also be interesting to explain to clients that I am not a doctor in medicine if and when I open a practice in the future.

I am sure the bakery will work out. There is a need from people to learn how to bake, especially sourdough bread. I am not 100% sure exactly what your plans are, but I am sure it will work out. Bakeries are a gem that people always look forward to visit, especially if the breads/pastries are good.

Keep well, and we will send one very very soon!!
