A Friday mix on show.

First up was a little beggar humbly asking for a nut.

Now who could refuse that innocent look and pleading stance?

I have squirrels, flowers and birds in here to share with you today, as it was a long week, and now finally Friday has arrived. I am older now and the days of the week are starting to play games with my mind. Not only the days, but also the rushing of time. One moment it is 10 o'clock, and the next moment it is 4 o'clock. I mean, come on, who has fitted a turbo charger into the hours? Somebody has to be blamed here methinks.
Some say that the world is spinning faster, and if that's true, then you and we just have to hang on, come what may.
So come and look at what I have to share today.

So, he had a happy Friday, as the wife gave it a nut.

I told you that there would be some flowers and here in the picture below you can see some different colored daisies.

A full white show.

And a full pink show.

Mister Southern Double-collared sunbird likes the red flowers of the Cape Honeysuckle bush more than the yellow and orange flowers of the other two bushes. So, if you are thinking about getting flowers to attract sunbirds to your garden, then go for the red flowered cape honeysuckle bush.


With the Protea Pincushions it is a different story and also a different species of sunbirds. Here is a female Malachite sunbird on a yellow pincushion.

And here below is a female Malachite sunbird on a red pincushion. So they like both colors of the pincushions.

And finally, just another shot of the southern double-collared sunbird on a red flower.

According to what I said above about time racing and confusion about the days of the week, during a meeting with a friend I made the bold statement that time is an illusion. Timekeeping was man-made in order to control things according to my thought. Ancient Egyptians changed the concept of sunrise and sunset by inventing the first sundials and water clocks. China disputes this as they say that the Chinese invented the first concept of time
So, you see that timekeeping was man-made, and since then man has never rested:)
Another thing that I have about time is that at times I awake in the morning when everything has a graveyard silence and when it's pitch dark. So, I go outside to see if somebody has pinched the sun, and then when I come back in and switch a light on to look at the clock, it proudly tells me that it is 2am, and that I can go back to bed.
I mean, what's this?:))

I wish everyone to have a great Friday and a lovely weekend. Hope that you also enjoyed the pictures and my silly natter.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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All the pictures you show are very beautiful, but the squirrel enjoying a nut caught my attention. From the look in his eyes he said he was happy to find someone kind enough to give him food.


That's indeed an interesting concept about time...

Lovely pictures too...



Thank you, and in the ancient days, people measured time by placing a stick in the ground, and to watch the shadow created by the sunlight on the stick. !LOLZ
