A battle to get the full moon.

Clouds tried to spoil my night, but this time I was the winner.


I will show you how the struggle started.

We had some time to spare before the moon started rising, and so we went to a restaurant called "BOSSA" to watch the Springboks in a rugby match against Wales. The match started late, and I suppose it was scheduled because of the time difference between South Africa and Wales. The Springboks are the world champs, and needless to say that they gave the Wales rugby team a hiding. We don't have a TV, and I was eager to watch the match at BOSSA, as they have many big TV screens. We also had a grilled fish and chips to share, and so, it was a good start to the night.
But I digress, so, come and watch the battle.

This was the scene as we exited the restaurant, and I took all of the photos from the steps at the entrance of the restaurant. A band of cloud tried to hide the moon from my camera.

I knew that the moon's rise would clear the band, and I snapped it's rise out of the band. Now this takes a lot of patience, and in the meantime, I had to stand aside on the steps, each time when customers entered or left the restaurant.


Ever so slowly, the moon started to clear the band of clouds.


I tried to take a distant shot below, as I saw a shooting star or a comet (you can see the white line) at the right-hand of the photo, and sadly the photo was not very clear.

As the moon rose into the gap of the clouds that you see above, I extended the zoom and got the photos below. A wee cloud strand still clung to the bottom of the moon's face.

And this below was the clearest that I could get it.

I stood on those steps for a long time, and by the time that I was done, both my wife and I had lame legs. For safety sake, she stood the whole time at my side, as it was dark and with all of the criminals around, it is not very wise for a woman to sit waiting alone in a dark car. Our VW Polo Vivo, is on the list of the most hijacked and stolen cars in the country, due to its popularity, and the thieves here prefer rather to shoot than to talk. If a driver has a look at their faces, the driver would be sure to get shot, in order to prevent the driver from identifying the thieves. It is a wild west, as many illegal weapons, especially guns and ammunition are for sale, and most thieves are armed. Hundreds of cars are stolen every year, and it is not if, but when our time also comes to be accosted by the criminals. So be it!

I was glad to finally get the moon and then we had to hurry home at last. We try not to drive at night, due to the danger, but sometimes one has to do, what one has to do, and this was such a night. Thankfully we arrived at home safely.

Hope that you liked the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PoweshotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


Wow 😲

I can see the comet clearly. That was a perfect timing shot. Lol
They were all great but the comet was my fav. Have a great day ahead


Ach, I had no time to zoom the comet, but that is how things go. You get some and you lose some.


Well, I think it's perfect just the way it is.


Those shots were worth waiting for Zac!
Sad that we have to watch over our shoulder all the time, cannot sit and wait in the car for someone, and be afraid to drive at night! I used to regularly drive some 10km to a theatre with my Mom and a friend if Arthur didn't want to see a particular show, can't do that no more!
But, the Springboks won, and Bossa is always a nice place to go; we went a couple of times with our son in Johannesburg.
And, you saw a comet, and, got home safely!


Thank you Lady Lizzie, and a pity that I could not get the moon clearer, as it was a hazy sky.

We pray that black and white will finally take hands to build the country for all. Hatred and pain have had serious negative influences thus far, and it's time to bury the past, but to remember the lessons. There are more diverse minds now in parliament and it can only be a good thing, provided that the dual focus must be on uplifting the poor and securing the country. We all know how to be careful in the crime wave, but sadly some are not observant, and they pay the price. Sad also that we have to drive around feeling like prisoners. But you have a cool head, and you are doing the right thing by not going out at night.

Bossa is great to watch the sports, and so we had a good night, plus the win. That comet caught me totally off guard, but I simply aimed and clicked with no time to extend the zoom. We have seen a few here now, and if it's warm at night, we also watch the movements of the satellites in the sky.

!PIZZA and all our !LUV


Sometimes one has to do, what one has to do - that's so very true 👍 and the waiting was well worth it. Last year, I have tried to photograph a comet, but haven't got any photo - congratulations, my friend 👍😀

When you wrote "Springboks in a rugby match against Wales" I first read Whales instead of Wales and wondered how Springboks can fight against Whales 😂 !LOLZ

We are living in dangerous times, and here it has become much more dangerous too, but just like your animals and insects are bigger than ours, sadly the danger down there is also much, much bigger than ours.



Patience is a virtue my friend, and it's almost always rewarded. I was happy to geta photo of the comet, but like I said elsewhere, it was unexpected and caught me totally by surprise. One day I will have enough time to get it on the zoom :)

Hahaha, I think that one can definitely see the differences between a whale and rugby team. Whales only play rugby with their wives at sea. Wales it was and sadly they lost the game. I think that they were just as confused as you 🤪 !LOLZ

Africa and Austria are two opposites my friend. There are so many differences and even our seasons are opposite. So, it makes sense that our crime levels will be worse, as Austria is a back pocket size and Africa is almost a thousand times bigger. You have 3 police officers including yourself in Austria and we have 3000 😉😜😁🥴

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

as you know, I would love to be more patient, but most times when I try, I fail. But you are very right, always when I stay patient for a little while, I get rewarded with an image that I really like 😀

Just a little letter like "h" makes such a big difference - a country becomes a big swimming mammal 😂 !LOLZ

That's true, nobody here should ever moan. We don't even need to look as far as Africa, because there are countries in Europe where life is harder and crime rate is much higher than here.

It's lunchtime and the weekend is near. Tomorrow is my last nightshift for this month and the new month starts with a week full of meetings and other business appointments 😅

I hope the weatherman is still nice to you and everything's fine, my friend. Wishing you a wonderful weekend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Hi Hannes,

I know that you struggle with patience, my friend, but just the fact that you know the benefits of patience, is a sure sign that sooner or later, you will really start to wait a little while longer. So, there is hope for you 😉😊 !LOLZ

One little letter can certainly make a big difference, and here's another example, if you want to compliment a lady that she is very fast, and you leave the "s" out you will be in serious trouble 🤣😲

Oh yes, you are right, but I think it is because you guys are the law, and you do things right. The people are also law abiding, which is always a boon, as many countries border on lawlessness, and the people don't care if they break the law 😉

Yay! So, the new month arrives, and you are snowed down with meetings and appointments, not fair methinks, as they overload you with work, and it's not good for your health. I surely hope that the rest of the month will be better for you 🙏

The weatherman was very nice today, as we went out to a farm with two of our Hive friends to celebrate their engagement, and the sun was warm at 26C for a change. Tomorrow it will be 20C and the next day it will drop to 17C, so, the winter is not so bad yet.
I wish you guys a great Sunday and all strength to you for the new week 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

one day Lady Patience will take my hand and never let it go again ... so, the hope is still here ... one day 😁

Yesteday morning, after my nightshift, I drove to some waterfalls in Slovenia which I haven't seen before. The area looks promising and I'll certainly go there soon again, especially because the hike isn't too hard and there are really no other people 😀

I've been home at lunchtime and in the afternoon I mostly slept - I'm not the youngest anymore, it seems, and these nightshifts become more and more demanding 🥱

Haha, when I come home today, I'll call my wife a fast Lady, but with the "s" because without the "s" she would push me very fast from the balcony, I believe 😂 !LOLZ

Yep, we Austrian and the German people are mostly very correct and we follow the rules: when the traffic light is red we don't go, even if nothing and nobody's around 😇 The younger people are becoming different though and they walk even over red lights.

We have had some very hot days with over 30C, but today the temperatures will not climg over 23, says the weatherman.
I hope the Winter will keep on being nice to you - not too cold and no bad storms and such 🙏

Wishing you a wonderful start into a great new week, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Good evening Hannes,

I think that Lady Patience is waiting for you to retire, as then you could spend more time with her 😉

We both stared at the beauty of your photos, and it seems that Slovenia is full of waterfalls. So, we look forward to your future visits my friend. I am glad that there is an absence of people, as then nature will remain pristine, and you can concentrate on your photography efforts in peace 🙏

Glad that you also get some rest uncle Johann, and you are right, as nightshift can eventually become very tedious 🥴

Hahaha, that "s" is one of the most essential inserters, as should one forget, then life can suddenly become very dangerous 🤪 !LOLZ

It used to be the same here many moons ago, but now one cannot wait at a red if there is no other traffic, as the best is to go in case there are criminals lying in wait. They know which traffic lights have scarce traffic, and then it's an ideal place for them to rob motorists. Young and old also walk over here instead of waiting 😲

23C sounds so much better, as +30C should be very bad for the people over there. We are cold at 17C, and it will be a wet week after tomorrow, that stretches right into the week after this one ⛈️

May your new week also be great my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it's 5am, I'm awake since 3 and up since 4:30 - it's time that my boss gets back from holidays, because at the moment I'm working on 4 desks at the same time ... it's holiday time, but the work has still to be done 😅 !LOLZ
I think Lady Patience is waiting till I retire, because at the moment my life is too stressful, even when I'm out and about.

Thanks a million again as always, my friends, Slovenia has so much to offer, but I love the waterfalls most, and there are still many waterfalls to discover.

Here the worst that can happen at a red traffic light would be that someone ignores it and you have to brake to avoid a crash.

We have had a wet beginning of the week, and it got a bit colder, but now it's quite nice again. It's still not too hot though - it's perfect for me 😀

Hope your week isn't too wet and above 17C - wishing you an awesome Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Good evening Hannes,

Not fair that you have to keep 4 desks going, and I thought that you have some new colleagues to help. But I know that they still don't have the experience, so you have to do all of the work. Just keep on imagining that you are laying in the sun on a beach, as that picture in your mind will help you to relax while you have to slave away 😉 !LOLZ

Soon you will have the time to explore all of the waterfalls in the world at your leisure and in between the explorations you will also have time to spend at the sea 😊

We have also had some serious incidents that was narrowly avoided by cars skipping the red traffic lights. It happens here every day, and not if, but when it actually happens, there will be great drama 😲

Same here, as also wet here throughout at the day and even right now. It must have snowed somewhere inland, as the wind is icy cold. So, now we are sitting at 13C. Glad that you are having a nice day.

I hope that your week will continue to get warmer, and may Wednesday be kind to you, my friend. 🌞

Cheers and thank.


Good morning Zac,

and the work goes on and on ...😅 another colleague has had an accident and will be at home for a couple of weeks. Her building (our headquarter) belongs to my responsibilities and so ... 😅 !LOLZ

Oh yes, laying on the beach would be nice at the moment, but in a couple of minutes I'll pack my things and move to the other office for another nightshift. But tomorrow morning I want to go for a photo trip, if I'm not too tired.

Our weather is quite nice with some rain from time to time, but over all it's nice and warm.

Hope you're having a nice Friday and the weekend will be warmer so that you can get out without a coat 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

so now you have another building to manage, and you still have to work night shift in between all of the other work. They are going to shed long tears when you are gone, and you can buy them a box of tissues to dry their tears 😁!LOLZ

I think that you must can the photo trips for a while, as due to your workload you need all of the rest that you can get. So rather stay in bed after the nightshift, and maybe your wife can massage your feet 😉

Our weatherman was once again caught out, as we have had a severe rain storm last night, but today we have a clear day with 16C. Tomorrow will also be clear, and then on Sunday they reckon that a cold front will arrive with snow on our mountains 😀

I am glad that you are still having warm days, and that your weekend will be nice.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

our main building belongs to my work anyway, but when our co-worker there is ill or on holidays, I'm responsible for it, and there's always a lot to do 😅

These short trips are all I can do at the moment, but in mid August I'll take a week off with my wife to visit our daughter and our niece in Lower Austria ... and to take some photos in the mornings while the others still sleep, of course 😉

I hope the rain storm wasn't too bad and that you'll have a lovely clear and warm Saturday, my friend 😊🌞 and that you'll get some nice shots of snowy mountain peaks tomorrow 🗻

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I really admire your working skills and can tell you that you are a very impressive guy in the way that you cope even with extra work 😊

We took a short trip to watch the Springbok rugby team (world champs), in a match against Ireland (number 2 team in the world), and the Springboks beat Ireland. They are here for 2 tests, and the second test is going to be interesting, as both are very strong teams.
So, I popped out regularly to watch our car, and I saw this.

Well, the short trips are successful, as you get some beautiful photos, and mid August is not far away. A week off will do you a world of good, and I bet that your daughter and your niece will enjoy your visit. If you are like me, then you will leave the wife to do all the chats and you will sneak off to go and take some photos. I do that when we visit my wife's aunt 😜 !LOLZ

Saturday was good until the clouds started coming in at sunset. We have a Level 6 warning for severe winds 80-90kph that will arrive at 2am tomorrow morning and it will get worse as a series of cold fronts are in a queue to land over the next days until Friday
Let's see if the weatherman got it right with the snow tomorrow my friend 😲
I also hope that your weather is still warm 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

wow, what an awesome sky - gorgeous colors 😍 It's a while since I've see a sunrise or sunset this colorful.

Good luck for the Springboks - may they win the match 🤞

There have been storms in Austria too, but we have been lucky again, because it only rained a bit and the wind was a bit stronger than usual, but nothing to worry about.

I haven't taken any photos on Saturday - was too tired, I guess, but yesterday I visited a gorge in the west of Carinthia:

You're very right: my plans are exactly like you say. My wife's work will be the chats and mine will be to go away and not disturb them 😁 !LOLZ

I think I'll be offline for the rest of the week: I'm in our headquarter tomorrow all day long, meetings on Wednesday and another nightshift on Thursday. Don't think I'll go online in the evenings. From next week on my life at work should be easier though, because most colleagues will be back from holidays.
So I'm wishing you an awesome week, my friend, may you have the best weather and such amazing skies like in your photo 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Thank you so much for appreciating my photo. It means a great deal to me 🙏

Yep! The Springboks won the match, and on Saturday they will play the next one, as the Irish is here for only two tests 🏈

1000 homes destroyed and 4000 people have no homes now. Much more damages elsewhere in the province, and that's only thus far as the second cold front lands tomorrow. Fortunately we had a 30 minute sun break today and we popped down to have a look at the ocean. I will post about it on Wednesday. Glad that you guys don't have very strong storms 😊

Great to see that you had a rest and as usual the photos are fantastic. So sad that you don't publish them anywhere, as I am sure that many people will adore them. Congratulations my friend 😲

Hahaha, I normally have the excuse that I am going to the toilet. But women are clever, and they know that I am not going to the toilet, as they see that I take my camera with 😜 !LOLZ

By now I know not to worry about you anymore, as I also know that you are capable to handle all of the work. So, I trust that you will do what you have to do and all of our blessings on whatever you have to do. Ps. Marian is also amazed at your photos 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

these photos are amazing and I hope to get some like these soon myself too.
Thanks a million for the appreciation of my images 🙏

I'm at the end of another nightshift, it's Friday and I have the weekend off 😁

It's so sad to hear the so many homes have been destroyed and so many people have lost their homes. Maybe climate change will be good for you, because it seems that we are getting the extreme weather situations. Hopefully you'll get the nicer weather in exchange.

My wife knows that I don't like to be too long with too many people around me, and she understands me. So I often stay at home while she makes visits or goes shopping. On the other hand, I don't force her to go hiking with me 😆 !LOLZ

It's extremely hot here at the moment and I've let the AC run all day long on 16C yesterday. The night was hot anyway and I'm looking forward to a cool shower before I head to my first meeting today.

I'm not sure what I'll do this weekend, but I will not stay at home, that's for sure 😉
I still don't post anywhere, but almost every day I think I should start posting again. I'm not sure about the Hive though.

Wishing you a wonderful start into an amazing weekend, my friend, may the storms ease down and the skies into colorful scenes in the evening 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I also hope that you will get great photos at the beach my friend, and you know that we love your images 😊

Great that the nightshift is done, and you must have a great weekend 😅

Still another 2 cold fronts on the way, and they say that one will land on Sunday, and the other one will land on Monday. In the meantime, the damages have doubled, and some cases are really very bad. We have a new government now, and we look forward to their promises of caring more for the people. The first thing for them to do in my mind is to move the people to flood free lands. So, we will wait to see what happens 🙏

You and your wife respect each other, and you have both compromised on your personal freedoms. A great way to do things, and we are together 24/7. I go with to where she wants to go, and she goes with where I want to go. The difference is that wherever we go, she does her own thing and I do mine, and I also don't force her to go anywhere 😉 !LOLZ

Oh yes, I saw that there is a heatwave across Europe, and I am glad that it's cold here. Great that you have an AC, as it can be a real life saver in the heat. I hope that all went well at your meeting, and that there was also an AC at the meeting place. Take care in the heat my friend 🥴

I saw a lady wearing a T-Shirt to today with a slogan, "Golf Widow" on the chest. Our wives should get T shirts that states, "Photography Widow" on the chest. So go and get your photos my friend 😁

Thank you, and yeah, the only times when we see the sun lately is at sunset. Talking about colorful scenes, here is something that you might like.

I also wish you to have a wonderful weekend, and may you really enjoy yourself in whatever you do 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good afternoon Zac,

my weekend was more or less a lazy one because it's still too hot here and because I'm quite a bit tired at the moment, but on Sunday I've made a little photo trip. I didn't take the usual photos, but some abstract images of lichen on rocks ...

... and a beetle - Trichius Sexualis Bedel - on a flower ...

... and no, I have no idea why this beetle has got this name 😁

I really hope that your new government keeps to their promises, but politicians are a weird race: they promise anything until they win the election. These people should get land where they are safe. That would be much cheaper than to help them rebuild their destroyed homes each year.

We don't have many AC's at work, but since our summers get warmer and warmer, there will be more and more of these devices. My office has windows to the south and apart from window blinds and a ventilator I don't have anything to cool the room down - we all have often temperatures over 30C in the office 😅

Haha, I'll have a look for a t-shirt like this ... Photography Widow sounds cool 🤣 !LOLZ

Colorful clouds at sunset and birds - lovely photo 😍👍

Have a great Monday evening and a wonderful rest of the week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

The lichen photos look like rock paintings that the primitive people painted many years ago, and they are lovely. The heat can certainly sap one's energy, and in our summers, I always take cold water showers. Maybe you should also try it 😊

Bedel here means to beg, so maybe that tricky (Trichius) beautiful beetle uses the lovely flower to attract females for a happy time (Sexualis) 😜😉😲😁🤣

I agree with you 100 percent, but now there's a historical difference, as the main party didn't get an outright win during the elections, and so a GNU (Government of National Unity) was formed. There are more eyes on the spending and corruption now, and the good news is that a white party is now also included. It is about time that blacks and whites take hands to improve this country, as all of the voters are now watching and waiting for them to keep their promises. Interesting times ahead 🙏

I think that it is high time for AC's to be installed in all of the offices. Maybe you should start a petition as that will force them to do something. No wonder you are always tired, as 30Cs is not childs play. If the bosses refuse, then all of you must book off sick 😉

Yep, a T-Shirt like that is spot on, as we are forever away on trips to take photos, and the "poor" females must stay at home with no husbands 😁!LOLZ

May your week become cooler, and all strength to you my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

thanks a million 😀 Last year I have had a closer look at these colorful rocks and took a macro photo and it was awesome. Next time I'll spend more time and try even closer close-ups.

Oh, thanks for this explanation that makes really sense to me. Maybe I should change my hair color from kind of gray to yellow and black 😁 !LOLZ

Blacks and Whites should work together hand in hand, just like you say. We all are humans and and we should live and act as humans. When I was young I have never seen any other people than white people, but I never could understand why the color of our skin would make us different, why it would make some people better than others. When they now work together in your government, I believe that good times will come.

We have our rules that regulate where you can have an AC, but these rules are slowly changing. We are used to our warm offices and are glad that they aren't as cold in Winter as they are ho tin Summer 😂

You have no idea how happy my wife is that she doesn't often have to accompany me. She's a person who loves to stay in bed as long as possible, and if our kitten didn't need some food in the morning, she would probably sleep all day long 😴

A long and hot day has started for me, but luckily there's no meeting or other things apart from regular work planned for today.

Wishing you a wonderful rain free Tuesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉
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Hi Hannes,

I seem to remember the photos of last year, but I have also forgotten if this makes any sense to you. The macros that you took of the recent ones looks lovely and Mother nature is a great artist 😊

It's all about respect for the self and for all others regardless my friend. On the farm I worked well with everyone and in the past, I had many staff numbers to manage, but we always reached great heights together. So, this new government can do great work if everyone put their differences aside, and only concentrate on serving the people. Let's see how it goes 🙏

ACs will regulate the temps in the offices during summer and winter, and it will be a great boost for the staff to see that the bosses care for them. At the moment I think that the rules suck, and you guys can definitely do something about it to make things better. If you put a live frog in a pot and gradually increase the heat, then the frog will not know that it's been cooked 😜

Shame Hannes, now you blame your poor wife for her love of sleeping, and I detect a sense of jealousy here, as I know a guy that that is addicted to sleep, even paid sleep. I am not pointing fingers here, but not so long now, then you could join your wife in sleeping all day. You guys can even work shifts to feed the cats 😉😲🤣😁🥴

I said in the previous reply that the day is a bit wet, but occasionally a dry stint arrives, and then I am out to get some food for my camera, Like that Rock Kestrel bird photo in the previous reply. I also got it bathing after its breakfast and will do a post soon 😀

So it's a wet and dry day, and I hope that your day is also good my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

... and I don't even know if I have posted these photos 😆 but I agree, Mother Nature ist a great artist 😀

Right, you don't need to love each other, but respect the others, especially the ones who are close to you.

That frog thing sounds interesting - maybe our government ist doing just this thing: the younger ones can stand the heat, but the older ones not. Maybe this way the government hopes to save money because they don't have to pay us when we old ones don't live till our retirement 😁 !LOLZ

Maybe you're right, but I can only tell you that more and more often I think of sleeping longer in the mornings, even when I'm not getting paid for sleeping 😂

Our days are hot and dry, but this afternoon they say we'll get thunderstorms ... we'll see. I'm on my way to the other office for another nightshift and hope that the AC isn't broken 😅

Have a more dry and warm day, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

Happy to see that you don't remember, as it tells me that you are also getting old. When you reach my age, you will also start to forget your name 🤪

Nope, I won't send you the verse, but it states, "LOVE ALL OTHERS AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF". So respect is the cousin of love, and we are instructed to even pray for our enemies.

The frog thing is that they slowly start to boil you without you even knowing it, until you are cooked. So you have it absolutely right, as when the oldies kick the bucket before they retire, then they save a lot of money. You better take care not to croak before you retire methinks. I like how the word "croak" fits into the boiling frog theme 🥴 !LOLZ

Now you really start to sound like my wife, as she has to attend the early morning devotions, and every time that I get to sleep a bit longer, she complains that she would also like to sleep longer. So, like I said before, you get closer to your retirement every day now, and afterwards you can sleep for the whole day. Remember that lady called patience? 🤣

The new cold front arrives tomorrow and at 5pm the sky was dark over here. So we will not see the sun again for a while. I hope the thunderstorms will break the heat. And please check that the AC works tonight, as we don't want you to boil during your paid sleep 😁

I hope that your day will be cooler tomorrow my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I haven't forgotten my name yet, but it's often hard do remember names of people I have known for a long time, but who I don't see often 💭

So, if I hate myself, which I often do, it's not wrong to hate other people? 😂 !LOLZ

Believe me, I rather get less paid when I retire, because I prefer to have less money and be mentally and physically reasonably healthy to be an old grumpy man with money ... I will not get boiled 😂 !LOLZ

Bad storms were all around yesterday, but here it was just a little storm with a bit rain - we were lucky again while only 100 km away the cars of people were swimming.

The AC is too loud, so we turn it off during the night. Because it was running on 16C all day long, the night wasn't too hot.

Yesterday was really busy, but I hope today will be easy, because I want to get home a bit earlier today. It's weekend and I want to take some proper photos again, maybe make a little hike too.

Wishing you a wonderful Friday and great start into the weekend, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I exaggerated a wee bit, as I can still remember my name every now and then, but like you, I am also useless remembering the names of everyone else. Embarrassing when they suddenly appear, and I don't remember their names. Thankfully my wife reminds after a while 😉

You don't have to worry, as I bet that everyone else that know you love you, and that should be good enough, so please don't lose no sleep worrying about it 😁 !LOLZ

See, I just posted the reply by clicking the wrong thing, and now I have to continue the reply in "Edit".
Never easy in this life, and you have the right idea about saving money for your retirement years. So many don't do this, (me included), but I don't worry about it, as I plan to work until my dying day. So one day when you are very old with a lot of money, then you will be able to afford a Ferrari wheelchair, and all of the very old ladies will be after you 🤪 !LOLZ

Glad that there are no floods in your area, and I have now done a few posts about the flooding here. It is in the upper parts of the river, as the river rehab contractor has not done that section of the river yet. They reckon that it will be 2 to 3 years before the river rehabilitation project is completed. So in the meantime, I continue to take photos of the birds and the dogs in the flooded areas 😊

By now your day is almost over, and great that you have plans for the weekend my friend. I really hope that you will get some good photos 🙏

We spent a wet morning to fetch an aunt that was released from hospital, rained wet when we took her into her home from the car, and got back here 2.30pm. Still wet here now, and they reckon that the weekend will be cold and wet. But I am not complaining, as I will still find time for taking photos 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I'm back at work after a hot and mostly lazy weekend. I've had to work a bit on my homepage because it didn't work anymore, and yesterday morning I've been at a waterfall in Slovenia. The other 40 hours of the weekend I've mostly been doing nothing but sweating 😅

There was a colleague in my office last Friday and I had to edit his access rights to the main office. I have known this guy for quite some years, but I couldn't remember his name ... I didn't want to ask him, so I was talking to him about this and that and after a while I remembered his name 😆

The older I get the grumpier I become, I believe. I've always been the friendliest person at work, but a couple of years I started using the word "no" - not everyone loves me since I'm using this word more and more often 😇 !LOLZ

Hihi, as long as the old ladies don't have Ferrari wheelchairs too, I still will have a chance to escape 😂

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel, so that the floodings will come to an end some time in the next years 🙏 our floods are bad for the people, but they mean nothing compared to yours.

I hope your weekend wasn't too wet and cold, my friend, I wished I could send you some of our heat.

Wishing you a good start into the new week 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

At first, I always look at your photos, and as usual they are all fantastic. Difficult to pick one for me, and if I must, then it will be the last one. Marian of course likes the first one with the flowers. Well done 😲

Working on your home page? On Hive, or somewhere else? So sad that it is so hot there, but you know that a lot of sweating could help with weight loss 😜

Embarrassing to forget someone's name, and yeah getting older is not for sissies. How many years are you away from retirement now? Oh, and please, don't forget the name of your boss, as I don't think that he will like it very much 😁 !LOLZ

You grumpy? I don't believe it, as you have a very caring heart, and you will never hurt anyone deliberately. I think that I know you by now my good friend 😊

Hahaha, just the thought of a tribe of old ladies chasing you around on Ferrari wheelchairs tickles my funny bone 😁 !LOLZ

Yeah, we really hope so, and there are already noises for the new government to release higher up state land for the people. The problem is that before they resettle the people, they will have to establish infrastructure and services on the land. It is a very expensive issue, but it has now come to be a priority, and we will keep on watching to see progress 🙏

And I wish that I could send you some of our cold my friend. It attacks all of the old bones in my body, and I limp around on the gammy leg like a disabled person. So yes, it was both wet and a bit of dry the weekend, and usual in the dry periods I was out taking photos.
Look who called me outside.

I hope that you had a good start to the week, and that things will start to cool down a bit.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

my first break today, so I have some time to do the more important things, which is to quickly write replies to you 😅 !LOLZ

The photo with the flowers is also my favourite 😊 I wanted to have all sharp in focus - the flowers and also the waterfall, but it didn't work as I've hoped, and so I left the waterfall unsharp. Thanks a million kindly as always 🙏

I've been working a bit on my private homepage piber.cc which I want to keep a bit more updated than before. Maybe if I write a blog article, I could post it also on the Hive ... maybe, but I'm not sure what I'll do in future.

We've had some rain yesterday and today is also very cloudy. It has cooled down a bit, but it's still very warm.

From May to the end of August 2027 I want to use my vacation time, and September 2027 will be my first month as a free man 😁

I think when my wife sees the old ladies surrounding me, she'll come and chase them away, because she wants to be the only one who is allowed to surround (and scare) me 😂 !LOLZ

I think long term it will be cheaper to invest in new and safe infrastructure for the people than to spend money for rescue and repairs and ... after each flood.

If such a beautiful bird would sit and wait for me outside, I'd certainly get up and out, but unfortunately here there are only sparrows and pigeons 😉

Especially in the mornings my feet feel like they were several hundred years old and I walk just like I really was that old. So I hope your weather is getting better that walking will be easier for you.
Wishing you an awesome Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good and wet afternoon Hannes,

Firstly, I think that we must cut this reply shorter, as you don't have a lot of time available to you.
So, I will strip it to its bare bones 😊

Ah, so you take Marian's side, but it's okay as I told her that you also like the flowers, and she likes that. So, it's only me that has good taste for good photos 😉 !LOLZ

Ah, so now you tell me that you have a home page after all the years that we have been together. A blog article on it might allow it to go viral on trending methinks. Any case, I will have a look at your home page 😲

Over here we would say , "Hoza September 2027", and Hoza means to hurry 😁

Your wife will also have a Ferrari wheelchair and she will lead the ladies, all of them hoping that they will get you to the place where they put you in a funny jacket 😜 !LOLZ

Yep, walking tends to become difficult with age, but one has to stay active, as a lot of sitting will result in many illnesses 🙏

Thank you and may your Thursday be kind to you my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good hot and dry afternoon Zac,

the past two days have been very busy again, but now it's weekend 😁 It will be only a short weekend though, because I'll be working on Sunday.

Your tast for good photos is great, my friend, Marian's and mine is just a little bit greater 🤣 !LOLZ

Oh, I thought I had told you about my website. I've even had a little online business selling a self programmed CMS / Content Management System for websites in the early 2000's until the big crash in 2008. Then the sales went rapidly down and I closed this business. It wasn't a huge money maker anyway - I just earned enough to compensate the time while my wife was at home with the kids and didn't earn anything.
This webpage is just for my photography. I started it before the Hive, I think, but I didn't do much with it for years until I sometimes copied a Hive post from time to time.

I've told you before that I'd love to wear such a funny jacket and live in such a funny house where I get rainbow colored pills each day and smile all the time 😆 My wife can visit me sometimes for a ride on her Ferrari wheelchair 👍🙃

I hate to sit around watching tv, I prefer to lay in my bed watching tv 🤣

I hope that everything's fine with you two guys and that you'll have a wonderful weekend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

so bad that your Sunday is booked for work again, but at least it will be paid sleep and extra income. So there's always a good side to things 😉

Oh Marian likes this, so I should not have read your reply to her. You see? she said, Hannes agrees with me, and so there you go. Now I feel so sad and sorry for myself 🥴 !LOLZ

Maybe you did tell me, but it must have been long ago, and I even struggle to remember what I did yesterday. It sounds great, and if many know about your page, then it's so much more urgent to keep it updated. A pity about you having to close the business, but as you say, it helped you to cope with the big crash situation, as you needed the extra income when your wife wasn't working. Maybe in the future you can start small business on it, as it will boost your retirement income?

Hahaha, some special humor here, and I think that your wife will rather use the Ferrari to flee when you get the notion that you want to play some rugby 😜😲😁

All is fine here, just a wee bit of rain today, but the clouds will gather overnight for yet another cold front that will land tomorrow morning. So, Saturday will be filled with very wet storms once more.
I hope that your Saturday will be a bit cooler, and that you will get some rest my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

it's hot here and somehow I'm looking forward to work tomorrow, because there's an AC and I'll get paid for sleeping. Maybe, if it's as quiet as it usually is on Sundays, I'll even be able to earn some sleep money during the day 🤣 !LOLZ

Don't feel sad, my friend, the second winner is still a winner. He's just not the best like Marian and me 😁

That business took a lot of time. These days I've had a different job at work, that allowed me to do my private work in the office, but I still have been working at home till midnight and later. So I was somehow glad that it had an end and I don't think I'll do something similar again. The internet has changed a lot anyway and my code is more than only outdated - it's ancient and wouldn't even work on most servers anymore 😉 Maybe the Hive will give me some extra income when I retire, who knows.

Oh yes, you're certainly very right. I'd also flee when an old guy in his wheelchair wanted to play rugby with me 😂

As said above, it's hot here with temperatures over 30C and I'm having a rather lazy Saturday, but I was motivated enough to edit some photos from last weekend ... the Mlinarica waterfall in Slovenia:

Hopefully the storms are not too bad this weekend and you can get out a bit - wishing you guys a lovely weekend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Marian says that she doesn't think that you get paid sleep, as you are too busy, and I cannot convince her otherwise, so I told her that it was just a standing joke between us. The AC sounds great, and please don't walk around in your socks and underwear 😉 !LOLZ

Ah, but you can rub it in, and she sits here smiling 😊

Oh yes, running a small business can be very time consuming, and you are right about having to work late on it, as you have to keep your finger on the pulse of the business. Never easy, especially for a loner, but at least you managed to get some income to support your situation. The good think about Hive is that you still have 3 years of time, and in crypto anything can happen. I pray that Hive will give you a great and happy surprise over this time period 🙏

A miracle cure, as man jumps out of his wheelchair and runs away from a guy with rugby ideas 😲🤪

You have certainly taken some fantastic photos of that waterfall my friend, and one can also see and feel the running water. Brilliant work and you should feel very proud of it 😲😲😲

I got the misty period before the storm on camera, but today was totally wet, and tomorrow will be the same. I will do the mist post on Monday.
Hope that your shift will go well and stay cool my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it was a very calm day, but unfortunately no paid sleep during the day. The AC was running all day long, so I've had a relatively "cool" night of paid sleep 😉
My partner in these 24 hours was a very young female police officer, so no chance of running around in socks and underwear ... and no rugby playing, of course, because it was way too hot ... the weather and not the girl 😁 !LOLZ

Thanks, my friend, I also hope that the Hive or crypto in general will give you the support that you need more than me 🙏

It's always a pleasure to receive such nice words on my photos, my friend, thank you so much 😀

I'll have a look at your photos when I return home tonight - I love misty photos 😍

Half an hour left till the end of shift. Then I'll take a quick shower and head to our main office for some work there. It has just started to rain and the air has already got a bit cooler - maybe this will be a nice cool day.

Wishing you guys a great start into the new week with lovely weather 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I am glad that there is an AC, as then you can "rest" very well 😉 So, I hope that you don't snore, as young girls are not very fond of it. She does not know your paid sleep trick, and she might complain about your loud snores 🥴 !LOLZ

We also have to thank you for all of your support over the years my friend, as you have and still are playing a major role in the building up of the Papillon account. I never knew that a mountain goat could have such a good heart 😊

It is always a pleasure to see your photos, as they are always very impressive, and you seem to get things just right to bring out its beauty 😲

Yeah, I know that you love misty photos, and I was thinking about you when I did the post. Now my photos cannot match your high quality shots, but at least someone can see what's going on 🥲

So, you don't go home after the shift, as you go to the office after the shift to work there. No wonder that you get tired, as at the time when I used to work night-shift, it ended at 2am, and then I had to rush home to sleep while it was still dark, I cannot sleep when there's daylight, and a sleep from 2:30am to 07 am gave me a bit of sleep. Maybe your paid sleep keeps you fresh 😜

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I didn't have any time in the past days, or better said when I've had time I wasn't in the mood to turn the computer on ... it's a somehow weird time at the moment.

The AC is very loud, so you can only use it during daytime to cool the room down and hope that it stays reasonable cool during the night. You may believe me that everyone here knows about the paid sleep, and everyone who does night shifts takes advantage of it 😂 !LOLZ

It's not the quality of the photos that counts, it's what's to see in the photo 😀

Yep, our shift is 24 hours, but I usually work "normal" after a shift, so I'm at least 32 hours at work before I go home. Until a couple of years ago I also couldn't sleep during daylight, but that has changed. Now I can sleep almost anywhere at any time 😴

Last weekend I drove to the Dolomites after work, slept a few hours and then I hiked around the Tre Cime di Lavaredo. I haven't been lucky because again there haven't been any dramatic clouds, so the photos are more post card images for tourists, but rather boring for me. In the afternoon, when I was back at the van, dark storm clouds arrived and I was happy because I thought there will finally be photos possible which I like, but it started to rain heavily and a thunderstorm in the mountains is too dangerous, so I went home with only images like these...

I'm not sure when I'll be on the Hive next - the week is busy and I'll be working half the weekend. Next week we want to visit our daughter and our niece in Lower Austria, and I'll take my camera with me, of course 😉
So I hope you two guys are fine and have a good time 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

it is weird times lately all over, and by now I think that you know that the Hive price fell down yesterday. The USA is entering a recession, the Japanese Yen has tanked, and the worry of a Middle East war has made that everyone is cancelling their investments. So, you have not missed anything, as times are bad currently on Hive.

Ah, that loud noise of the AC will be a real pest for the paid sleepers, and it's wise to only use it in the day. So, I understand why you guys don't use it at night. Besides, it is summer there and the nights would be nice and warm. We are ever so slowly breaking out of the low temperatures, and today was 18C, which is much better than 10C. 😊 At night it drops to 5C, and it feels like one is sleeping in a fringe 🥴 !LOLZ

I also used to work double shifts in the 70s as a construction manager, but that was years ago, and I don't know how you can still handle it at your age now. You are obviously a strong and healthy guy that can still endure it, but thankfully for you at will soon be all over. Kaput, and never having to work a shift again 😉

The Dolomites make for some magical photos, and we are both agreed that that we like the first photo, as it has a tinge of mystery about it. Beautiful photos as usual my friend 😲

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to Lower Austria, and may it be that you will get lovely photos my friend. I will see you when I see you and hope that all will be well with you 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

weird times, you're so right, my friend. I want to wait till after the US elections and if the crypto market gets better I will stay, and otherwise I think I will have to make a decision ... we'll see.

Paid sleep is best when it's a good and undisturbed sleep 😴 !LOLZ

Our temperature is still up to 30C during the day, but the nights are a bit cooler and it rains every day a bit. There are also thunderstorms and hailstorms around, but we have been lucky.

I'm glad that your temperatures are getting warmer, so you don't have to sleep in a fridge anymore 😉

Thanks for liking the photos, my friends, wishing you a lovely evening 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

Something strange here, as I am starting to feel the same way. Now with the fall of crypto prices, our post incomes are slaughtered, and we are losing out big time. So, maybe soon I will also have to make a decision to slow things down. It's a lot of work doing quality posts every day, but I have to say that nowhere else will we get paid well for our blogs, so I am thinking to slow things down by only doing two or three posts per week. A powerdown will also have to be done, but I am waiting for things to get better.

Oh yes, and it's wise to cancel the AC at night 😉 !LOLZ

Glad to see that your nights are starting to get cooler, and not so long now before your winter arrives. I have seen you getting along very well in the snow, and at least then your African temperatures will be gone 🙏

Hahaha, I don't know what it is to get a full night's sleep my friend. So often I am jerked awake with toe or calf cramps, and I think that my legs don't like the early morning extra cold. In summer I sleep only with a sheet on top, and the legs are happy 😊

Always a pleasure to see your photos and all our love to you and your family 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I had already replied to this, but it seems the system didn't take it - also strange 🙃

My plan is to wait till the end of 2024 and then decide whether to leave or stay. Maybe it will all get better, who knows, but posting here is no option for me at the moment.
Posts on Instagram or X are easy and quickly made. I don't get any money for such posts, of course, but the audience is much bigger, although my accounts are too small to get more than a few views or likes 😂 !LOLZ

I'm wishing you two guys a wonderful weekend with warm temperatures for a good sleep 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

As long as we stay in touch, as we have a mutual bond, then all will be well with your decisions. I cannot tell you what to do, as you have to do what is the best for you my friend.
Just a heads up, my health is not 100% lately, and to tell you the truth, I am up at 2-3am most mornings. but I simply continue. I am tired of seeing doctors, as all that they do is to give me more pills, and so, no more doctors and I will just continue to handle each day the best that I can.

If you are happy with the general media, then I am happy for you, but whatever you do, don't let us lose contact with each other. Else I will cry 🙏 !LOLZ

May you have a special weekend, as you know who reminded me that it's your birthday on Sunday. I don't know how to contact you on Sunday, but if I don't see you, then we both wish you a very Happy Birthday, and may our Lord give you many more!

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

thanks, my friend, but even I can't tell myself what to do. At the moment I even can't convince myself to get up in the morning to take photos when I don't have to go to work ... I just stay in bed and later I regret, but it's the same next time.
But I'm trying hard to find my Mojo again, so 2 days ago I got up at 2 in the morning and tried something new to me: photos of the Perseid Meteor Shower. I got some meteors, but I think I'll have to try it again some time in the future, because I have found out that it's more work than taking photos of waterfalls ;)

I can fully understand that you have enough of going to the doctors and I do hope that my decision to avoid them as long as I can is the right decision.
And I do hope that you're doing the right thing, because you have taken so many pills for such a long time... many diseases disappear on their own just by believing ... I don't know, but I hope 🙏

I don't like my birthdays anyway and I was happy when all the birthday wishes were over on Monday, and I was happy for everyone who has forgotten to send Happy Birthday wishes 🤣 !LOLZ
But thank you so much for thinking of me and for the good wishes, my friends 😊

Hope you're feeling well and that everything's fine 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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PS: It's all too much at the moment - work and private life, but especially work is too much and photography doesn't work very well. So I think I'm going offline for a while. Of course, I'll have a look on the Hive from time to time, but I'm not sure if I'll return.

Cheers and !BEER


Oh no! Don't tell me that you will also go the Janton way, as I would hate to lose a friend like you.
So maybe just start to take things easy and continue to pop in every now and then when you have a bit of time. Know that we pray for you and the family.



I've always been busy at work, but it seems that someone or something wants to challenge me in my last 3 years 😅 In my free time I'm mostly too tired to sit at the computer, and at work there's not much spare time at the moment either.
I'm not sure about the Hive either, so I have decided to leave it at least for a while. Maybe I'll power down too, but I'm not sure.
Thanks, my friend, your friendship is the only thing why I'm still here anyway, otherwise I would have been long gone, I believe.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Wow, I thank you from my heart for the compliment Hannes, and you know that I also regard our friendship as very precious.

They say that the last years before retirement is very difficult, as one faces uncertain times, especially if one has been in employment for many years. All sorts of doubts and resentments start to influence one, and sadly so many just die after retirement. But you are not like that, as you have a good head on your shoulders, and you can face anything by the grace of our God. So, believe me that you will cope very well, especially when the stresses of work is finally lifted off your shoulders.

As far as hive is concerned, don't be hasty, and even if you are no longer on, sooner or later hive will moon, and then it will be your time to power down. So, maybe you can send me a message every month or two, just to let me know how you are. You know that we care, and you and your family are in our prayers. But you know this.


Hi Zac,

I will be more often here than only once a month 😉 !LOLZ

I don't believe that the Hive will moon, because I don't think that the ines who are already rich will ever want or allow so many poor people to become rich over night.
But I believe that the Hive one day might go up to maybe 5 Dollars again.

That's why I'm not sure if I should power down ... I probably will wait for a while.

I also know a few people who retired and died soon after. That's not my intention 😁 because I want to be retired at least just as long as I have worked for the government, what will be 42.5 years ... I'll be 104.5 years old when I want to start of thinking to leave 🤣 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I only know how busy you are and no need for me to also put pressure on you, as our friendship is worth so much more than that. Unless you want to ask me for a divorce 😜 !LOLZ

I also have my doubts about Hive mooning, but just in case, I continue to build my account. Should Hive reach $5 one day, then it will be very good to cash in 😉
We intend to put the money into our proposed community bakery. I might even name it the "Hive Community Bakery" 🙏

So, I agree with you about waiting, as you are starting to know lady Patience 😊

What! I don't know if they will allow me to reserve a seat in Heaven for you for so long. At 104.5 years old, you would be ancient and then we could do nothing with you in heaven. Besides I will be appointed to walk behind you every day and to wipe up all of the spit that you drool and even if you wear an adult nappy, I will have to clean up if you have an accident 🤪🥴😲😁!LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

yep, no pressure and certainly no divorce 😊

The Hive, or better said the Steem was at $ 5 some years ago, if I remember right. That was before I joined and quite some time after it started very cheap. Maybe it goes up to 5 again. It would be awesome to have some spare money when we retire.
I think that once you've told me about the community bakery. It's a great idea and I like the name, but I think you would have to sell honey and/or pastries made with honey too, so the "Hive" in the name makes sense to the people who don't know the Hive 😉

Well, I suppose that when I'm ready to join the heavenly team, I will grow wings on my back and fly around all day long. Of course, you'll have to change my adult nappy at least twice a day, because otherwise some of the angels might get nervous when this big old "bird" flies above their heads, because he might let something fall ... 🤣 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I can't remember when I joined steemit, maybe about 3 years before it collapsed, and then I waited for a year before a friend sponsored me onto hive. I know that the money was good, but also before my time. Hive at $5 will definitely be a boost to so many people, but it still seems to be a long way off. This bear market now is working on many people's nerves, and some has even started fighting. Not the way to be, as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel 🙏

Now listen here, youngster, I will not be changing your nappies every day, as by that time I will be the big old bird flying around, and you will have to change my nappy 4 times a day, as you will be scared that I will poop on your head 😜🥴😁!LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

luckily I haven't spent that much in crypto, and I even have already got more out than I have invested. So I can easily by happy, because all I have now is profit. But I would love to have something for my old days, of course.

Hihi, I believe there will be some special trained Nappy-change-Angels flying around, because there will be more than only us two. In case there are no such angels yet, they will have to invent this job when we arrive 🤣 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

A good thing that you have profit accumulating now, and in 3 tears time it could accumulate to a sizeable investment. Unless if you take it out, as then you will be broke in your retirement years 😉

So, If they don't have a nappy company, then Piber&Smith Enterprises can start such a company. We will have to fit some wings to the van, as it will have to fetch and the deliver the nappy stocks. So, yeah, no worry as it will be a great success 😲😜 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I think I'll power down, purchase some huge wings for the van and a ton of nappies, because we'll need them - there must be a lot more angels in heaven than us people down here on earth. And if I'm wrong we can always extend our business down to the hot area, because there will be quite some sh*t producers too 😂 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Quite a decent attempt. Here’s mine with a 260mm lens on the APS-C sensor:



Yep, I had a look, and it looks good. My moon was not clear enough, as the clouds made the sky foggy. Here's one that I took the night before the full moon, as the sky was clear.



This is beautiful. What is the original resolution?


I forget, but the next moon that I take it will be noted. I use a Canon Bridge camera with a single retractable zoom lens, and I use the Auto setting.


Excellent photos of the moon but my friend, there is one thing that will improve the texture of the moon in subsequent photos. If you put the camera on a tripod, you will see how quickly the moon moves from one edge of the camera screen to the other. Therefore you need to shoot a little ahead and with a short shutter speed then all the craters will be very clear :) !VSC


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Thank you for the advice @barski, the moon was still covered by hazy thin cloud, and I normally get it clear with the craters when the sky is clear. I don't use a tripod, as I shoot free hand. but I think that you are correct, as shooting on a tripod will make a clear moon even clearer.



You can do it without a tripod, just lean on something, on a tree branch for example, hold your breath and shoot. This is the kind of photo you get without a tripod but with a stop at a short shutter speed with a slight lead in the course of the moon, like when hunting ducks, you shoot ahead. !BEER


My friend, I know all of this, as I have now had 12 years of training, and I prefer to shoot free hand.


Sorry for poking my nose into something that doesn't belong to me, if things are as you say, then everyone is their own artist and decides how and what to photograph :) !BEER


This will also help when shooting the moon behind the clouds, your focus shifts towards the clouds, I'll look, I have photos when I caught a very clear moon behind a layer of clouds, but you need to spend time :) !VSC


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