One Punch Man: It Was Recommended and I Finally Saw It ~ [Spa-Eng]



𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝙼𝚊𝚗


This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

  Saludos gente linda de la Comunidad de @theanimerealm. Hoy les vengo a dejar mi opinión sobre un animé que me recomendaron hace mucho pero mucho tiempo y es ahora que le di una oportunidad. Les hablaré de One Punch Man.

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  Bueno, para empezar debo decir que este animé me resultó particularmente bueno. No está en mi lista de favoritos pero reconozco que tiene muy buen potencial y es bastante divertido, lo que también resulta ser bastante entretenido.

  Me sacó unas cuantas carcajadas, me hizo reír bastante en varios capítulos y su trama me gustó mucho. Pero lamentablemente no es una serie que vería dos veces. Es decir, no me encantó, sólo me gustó. Esto más que todo es por su protagonista. Hay algo en él que simplemente no termina de engancharme y creo que es su lado hiper aburrido de ver la vida.

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  Es decir, Saitama! eres el hombre más poderoso del mundo! no sólo de tu mundo! de todos los universos existentes en el animé y el manga y ¿te aburre ser tan poderoso, sólo porque tu contrincante no resiste tu puñetazo? Vamos! esto es ridículo.

  Entiendo su punto de vista, su situación también, que quiera probar su fuerza al máximo, ponerse al límite y ver si puede mejorar algún aspecto y es lamentable que nadie sea capaz de aguantarlo. Pero esto te convierte en alguien realmente admirable y puedes ayudar a tantas personas de manera desinteresada. ¡Esta seria tu misión de vida! Pero no, vamos a deprimirnos, es mejor.

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  Esto fue lo que menos me gustó de la serie, eso y que algunos capítulos se me hicieron algo aburridos en el aspecto de que eran muy hablados y acción al mínimo. Pero no todo fue malo. Tengo varios aspectos que me gustaría resaltar, entre ellos mis personajes favoritos de toda la historia.

  Para mí Speed-o'-Sound Sonic (valga la redundancia 🤣) es el mejor y el capítulo donde él aparece me pareció el mejor de todos. Me encantó su personaje de pies a cabeza y sobre todo sus perfectas pompis. Me causó mucha gracia que el diseñador de los personajes resaltará en todos este pequeño pero importante aspecto. Nalgas perfectamente definidas y redondas en casi todos sus personajes.

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  Las chicas psíquicas también me gustaron mucho, sobre todo la personalidad chillona y malcriada de Tatsumaki. En cuanto a su hermana menor, Fubuki, ¿cómo no quererla? son como dos caras de una misma moneda y ambas son muy poderosas. Las adoro por sus poderes y sobre todo por sus personalidades.

  Otro aspecto que me gustó mucho de la serie es el Ego que tiene nuestro protagonista. Saitama a pesar de tener una depresión severa aguda, es todo un Héroe. Hace honor a lo que él quiere representar, sin necesidad de buscar méritos ni gloria ante el mundo.

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  Otro aspecto que me encantó de la serie fue su nivel de diseño. Es decir, hacer dibujos tan realistas, detallados y luego pasar a lo muy simple, esto es nivel épico de arte. Yo por esto le otorgo sus cinco estrellitas completas de 5 Estrellitas Doradas. Las tiene bien merecidas, y bueno, de que veré la tercera temporada, lo haré. Pero no me considero una fan (ok no soy fan de Saitama pero sí de Sonic 😍).

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𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚞 𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚒ó𝚗 𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘
𝙼𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚛í𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚎
𝙷𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝙼𝚒 𝙿𝚛ó𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

Imagen de Portada DeepL
Imagen 1CANVA
Imagen 2 Grammarly Extension para correcciones en Ingles
Imagen 3 LanguageTool para correcciones en Español
Imagen 4
Imagen 5
Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autoría


  Greetings beautiful people of the @theanimerealm Community. Today I leave you my opinion about an anime that was recommended to me a long, long time ago and now that I gave it a chance. I will tell you about One Punch Man.

- 1 -

  Well, to begin with, I must say that I found this anime particularly good. It's not on my list of favorites but I recognize that it has excellent potential and is quite funny, which also happens to be quite entertaining.

  It got a few laughs out of me, it made me laugh quite a bit in several episodes and I liked its plot. But unfortunately, it's not a series I would watch twice. I mean, I didn't love it, I just liked it. This is mostly because of its main character. There's something about him that just doesn't end up hooking me and I think it's his hyper boring side of looking at life.

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  I mean, Saitama! you're the most powerful man in the world! Not just in your world! Of all the existing universes in anime and manga and you're bored of being so powerful, just because your opponent doesn't resist your punch? Come on! This is ridiculous.

  I understand his point of view, his situation too, that he wants to test his strength to the max, push himself to the limit, and see if he can improve some aspect and it's unfortunate that no one can put up with it. But this makes you admirable and you can selflessly help so many people, this would be your life mission! But no, let's get depressed, it's better.

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  This was what I liked the least about the series, that some chapters were a bit boring in the aspect that they were very talkative and the action was minimal. But not everything was bad. I have several aspects that I would like to highlight, among them my favorite characters of the whole story.

  For me Speed-o'-Sound Sonic (worth the redundancy 🤣) is the best and the chapter where he appears seemed to me the best of all. I loved his character from head to toe and especially his perfect booty. I was very amused that the character designer highlighted in all of them this small but important aspect. Perfectly defined and round buttocks in almost all his characters.

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  I liked the psychic girls too, especially Tatsumaki's screechy and bratty personality. As for her younger sister, Fubuki, how can you not love her, they're like two sides of the same coin and they're both very powerful. I adore them for their powers and most of all for their personalities.

  Another aspect that I liked about the series is the Ego that our protagonist has. Saitama, despite having an acute severe depression, is a hero. He lives up to what he wants to represent, without needing to seek merit or glory before the world.

- 5 -

  Another aspect I loved about the series was the level of design. I mean, to do such realistic, detailed drawings and then go to the very simple, this is an epic level of art. For this, I give it its full five stars of 5 Little Golden Stars. It's well deserved, and well, if I'm going to watch the third season, I will. But I don't consider myself a fan (ok I'm not a fan of Saitama but I am a fan of Sonic 😍).

𝚃𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞
𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

Front Cover Image DeepL
Image 1CANVA
Image 2 Grammarly Extension for English corrections
Image 3 LanguageTool for Spanish corrections
Image 4
Image 5
Original Content and Text of my Authorship


Amiga, es un buen anime, de los mejores jaja, a mí al principio me daba miedo Saitama, pero luego robo mi total atención jaja, buen post.💐💕


Si, me gustó pero no lo catalogo dentro de mis favoritos. Esperaré la tercera temporada y si salen más. Es que ni el manga me dan ganas de leerlo. Saitama es un héroe diferente y no me termina de cuadrar su forma de ser jajajaja Gracias por pasar y comentar bella, saludos! 💕


Por un lado, es entendible que te parezca aburrido Saitama, muchas veces se muestra desinteresado y aburrido. Pero, por otro lado, también es entendible que sea así, perdió toda emoción por las peleas. Nadie representa aunque sea un esfuerzo para él.
Me hiciste reír en la parte donde resaltas las nalgas perfectas jajaj.
Buena reseña, saludos n.n


Es eso, Saitama y su desinterés. Y bueno cómo no notarlo si lo enfocaban bastante jajaja eso sacó a relucir mi lado pervertido XD Gracias por pasar y comentar! 💕


I haven't watched it yet... And most people says this anime is absolutely great... Maybe it's time to give a chance. Nice review!


It has good things. Many people loved it but I don't particularly like Saitama. The first episode of the series didn't grab me and I stopped watching it but I was urged to do so. I found it funny and entertaining but it's not on my favorites list. If you watch it I look forward to reading your opinion on it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕


OPM is actually very interesting it watch
I love the action and comedy aspect just that we haven’t gotten real action yet

I have completed the manga too but at a point I started finding the manga boring because too many unnecessary drama are brought in and characters are not properly developed but it’s still a great show


lol Thank goodness you told me about it. The anime itself was cool but that's as far as it went, I'm not a manga reader but after watching the complete series with its OVAS and extras, I didn't feel like watching the manga even out of curiosity.

It's good yes, it has its good things but honestly, I've seen better anime. What I do give credit to the series is its design, animation, and details in each episode. That is a masterpiece. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕


I love OPM too
I can’t wait for the third season to be released
The wait is getting too long


I only watched the first season and I didn't want to follow it because I didn't like it haha in fact it has very good animation, but it's Saitama my problem hahaha I'm not hooked on his way of being, I think if a villain had appeared that really made it difficult, I would have watched its other seasons, although I don't know if one like that appears later haha 😂


The second season is crazier and funnier but of the two, I still go with the first. Although Garou's character was my favorite in the second season, he has potential. I hope someone can give Saitama a tuki to stop being like that. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕

La segunda temporada es más loca y divertida pero de las dos, me sigo quedando con la primera. Aunque el personaje de Garou fue mi favorito en la segunda temporada, tiene potencial. Espero que alguien pueda darle un tuki a Saitama para que deje de ser así. Gracias por pasar y comentar! 💕


One who is half Otaku, not to say complete haha I haven't seen this anime. I don't know, I've always intended to watch it but for some reason I didn't end up doing it. The thing is that this is mythical, not watching it is almost a crime but I don't know, maybe someday I'll watch it.



Look, the same thing happened to me. I watched the first episode and nothing didn't hook me. So I left it there, but this time after reading some recommendations, I decided to give it a chance.

After watching it I'll just say it's not great, I've seen better stories and better characters. I mean, more interesting. What I do recognize is its design and details in the drawings presented throughout the anime. That is worth watching. The fights are also very good. The rest is more of the same with crazy touches.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕


Un anime que vale toda la pena ver👌


Así es jejeje aunque en mi caso sólo lo veré una vez. Saitama tiene algo que no termina de gustarme y la serie en algunos capitulos se me hizo muy hablada y algo aburrida. Gracias por pasar y comentar! 💕
