Marhaba ( welcome )
Let's sing marhaba with Tuba
It starts today officially and ceremoniously
It has been preamble before meticulously and scrupulously.
Now that it is celebration galore and amble
Now that it is a celebration lore and fable.
So I sing marhaba with Tuba
Mediatically I wish you all the best of it
A person who has lived enough does not need to be told to celebrate it.
So I sing marhaba with Tuba
If you are beaching my dear beach it
If you are touring my dear tour it.
This is reality my dear leave it
This is celebration my dear celebrate it.
So I sing marhaba with Tuba
I am celebrating mine affordably
I am feeling the moment reasonably.
I am having a blast definitely
It is a celebration and I am buzzing it easily.
So I sing marhaba with Tuba
Merry Christmas to you all.