Fiction: The Old World Diary. Adventure story. Original Content. EN/ESP.



Mariana and Andrés, had several months excavating and exploring together with their team, in the surroundings of an ancient structure, in the most remote mountains of Turkey. The archaeologists of the team, were Latin American and were being financed by a foundation, which was of the family, was one of the leaders of the research team.

The team of archaeologists made some discoveries that could be considered very conflicting, since they found Mayan symbols and statues with Inca characteristics, which it was impossible for them to be found in the area where they were working, if one believed in what was known about history and archaeology today.

That's why the work team was making constant discussions about what they had found, and they were pressuring Mariana and Andrés to make it public, before the foundation and its sponsors.

However, Mariana and Andrés were afraid that their discoveries and the evaluation of the objects found by their work team would be dismissed and attacked, since those discoveries attacked everything that history and archaeology had as true up to this moment, that's why, as leaders of the project, they had certain doubts that what they found would be well received, by their sponsors and the world.

—Mariana, this is really crazy, it is impossible that we have got a Chakana in a Middle Eastern ruin. — Said Andrew, worried and full of disbelief.

—I know Andrés, but you can't deny that we have a beautiful Andean Cross on the table, and this Chakana, is very old and was as part of a decoration of the walls of this structure. — Said Mariana, very serious.

—In addition to that, there are other findings that would indicate that the members of this Middle Eastern community, knew, lived together and had commercial activities, with Mayan and Inca peoples, and that would be impossible, according to the known history. — Commented Andrés.

—Well, maybe the story we know, not really the true story, remember that there are a lot of hypotheses on that topic.— Said Mariana, while continuing to see and study the Chakana.

—Please, you look like the introduction of Ancient Aliens. It's just that you don't realize that we can't present this, they're going to say that we put it up, that we invented it, that we made mistakes, what we don't know we do because we're Latinos, and who knows what other things more. — Said Andrés, somewhat upset.

Before Mariana could answer, one of Andrés's assistants entered the tent, a student of the eighth semester of archaeology at the university. He was sweating, very happy and full of emotion; he had something in his hands and without speaking, he stretched out his arms towards Andrés and Mariana and said —I found this. —

Mariana and Andrés, opened Gonzalo's shirt, where he was carrying wrapped, what he had got, buried under the sand and stones. It's a book, Andrés said with a tone of astonishment, no, it's not really a book, from what I see, I think it's a kind of diary. Yes, look at the writing forms, it's a diary, a very old diary, it's covered with animal skin, and its pages are made of skin and papyrus. By God, it's amazing, Mariana said, her pages are battered, but they are still legible!

Excited by the discovery, Mariana, Andrés and their team spent days studying the diary. For them, it was fascinating, the diary had Egyptian symbols, part in Sumerian language, and parts in Aramaic. Its pages related the existence of a mythical and strange land, where the gods made imposing rivers gush and had unimaginable riches, there were also some kind of gold and silver mines.

And in the diary, there was also talk about some warrior women who jealously protected the riches and secrets of these lands, and were under the direct direction of the gods.

As they progressed through the translation, the team of archaeologists who were with Mariana and Andrés discovered that the diary contained geographical coordinates expressed in an archaic but at the same time fascinating mathematical language. Faced with such a discovery, Mariana proposed to Andrés and the team to talk to the foundation, comment on the discovery and request funds to move to follow the clues that the newspaper offered them.

After a couple of weeks, the foundation approved the trip, and the team spent a couple of months, carrying out intense research and preparations, to go the best prepared to the place indicated by the newspaper, thus entering the thick and unknown jungle of Latin America.

Finally, after days of hard crossing, the team found themselves in front of an imposing walled city, covered and hidden by lush vegetation. They were all astonished at the discovery to which the diary had led them.

Mariana, Andrés and their team of archaeologists, linguists and other professionals, approached the main entrance of the city, and there they saw a huge monolith carved with many symbols, and when they began to study them, they realized that many of them were the same symbols that they had seen in the diary and in the archaeological sites of Göbekli Tepe, places in South America, the Middle East and ancient Sumerian.

Upon closer inspection of the monolith, they noticed that images were also carved on its surface that seemed to depict a spacecraft, taking off from a kind of square. When Mariana looked towards the front, she saw among the ruins of one of the few deteriorated walls that there was, a huge square and said, —That ship of the monolith, I think it came out of there — pointing towards the square.

Mariana, Andrés and their team looked at each other in disbelief, aware that this finding could put in check the whole accepted history about the origins of human civilization.

Without wasting a moment, the archaeologists entered the ancient city, fascinated by each of the walls, temples and streets that seemed to have been abandoned, but were too well maintained not to be taken care of.

And as they explored, Mariana, Andrés and their people found more and more evidence that this city had been connected to the cultures of the Middle East and Ancient Egypt. The evidence was overwhelming: this city had been the home of an ancient and advanced civilization, which seemed to have had contact with other cultures on a global level.

But as they delved deeper into their search for answers, the research team was able to explore the city further, and what they discovered left them stunned, they found real evidence of advanced technology, in addition to ruins of structures that seemed to be astronomical observatories and, most shocking, inscriptions carved into rocks, which spoke of the existence of life on other worlds.

At that moment, Mariana, Andrés and their team realized that everything that had been taught about the origin of humanity was incorrect, since this ancient civilization, hitherto unknown, had been connected to the entire world, much earlier than was believed possible, and not only that, but also seemed to have knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life and other inhabited worlds.

Faced with such a discovery, Mariana, Andrés and their team worked tirelessly, recording every detail, every layout, every architectural feature, and every artifact they found. They knew that the impact of this archaeological find and all the evidence they were gathering would shake the foundations of history and archaeology that was currently known.

— When we return home, how are we going to present this discovery, and how are we going to tell the whole world that everything they have believed so far is not a reality? — Andre's asked.

—I have no idea, honey. But you know what, I'll take your words from weeks ago and if they ask me, the first thing I'll say is "Never, we've been alone" — Said Mariana, referring to the program, Ancestral Aliens. While laughing.

Thank you for reading me.

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El Diario del Antiguo Mundo. Cuento de Aventura. Contenido Original.

Mariana y Andrés, tenía varios meses excavando y explorando junto con su equipo de trabajo, en los alrededores de una antigua estructura, en las montañas más alejadas de Turquía. Los arqueólogos del equipo, eran latinoamericanos y estaban siendo financiados por una fundación, que era de la familia, se una de las líderes del equipo de investigación.

El equipo de arqueólogos, realizó unos descubrimientos que podrían considerarse muy conflictivos, ya que encontraron símbolos Mayas y estatuas con características incaicas, que era imposible que se encontraran en la zona donde estaban trabajando, si se creía en lo que se conocía de la historia y la arqueología en la actualidad.

Por eso, el equipo de trabajo, estaba haciendo discusiones constantes sobre lo que habían encontrado, y presionaban a Mariana y Andrés, para que lo hicieran público, ante la fundación y sus patrocinadores.

Sin embargo, Mariana y Andrés, tenían temor de que sus descubrimientos y la evaluación de los objetos encontrados por su equipo de trabajo, fuesen desestimados y atacados, dado que esos descubrimientos, atacaban todo lo que la historia y la arqueología, tenían como cierto hasta este momento, por eso, ellos como líderes del proyecto, tenían ciertas dudas de que lo que encontraron fuese bien recibido, por sus patrocinadores y el mundo.

—Mariana, esto es una verdadera locura, es imposible que hayamos conseguido una Chakana en una ruina del medio oriente. — Dijo Andrés preocupado y lleno de incredulidad.

—Lo sé Andrés, pero no puedes negar que tenemos una hermosa Cruz Andina sobre la mesa, y esta Chakana, es muy antigua y estaba como parte de una decoración de los muros de esta estructura. — Dijo Mariana, muy seria.

—Además de eso, hay otros hallazgos que indicarías que los miembros de esta comunidad del medio oriente, conocían, convivían y tenían actividades comerciales, con pueblos de Mayas e Incas, y eso sería imposible, según la historia conocida. — Comentó Andrés.

—Bueno, tal vez la historia que conocemos, no realmente la historia verdadera, recuerda que hay mucha hipótesis sobre ese tema. — Dijo Mariana, sin dejar de ver y de estudiar la Chakana.

—Por favor, te pareces a la introducción de Alienígenas Ancestrales. Es que no te das cuenta de que no podemos presentar esto, van a decir que lo colocamos, que lo inventamos, que nos equivocamos, qué no sabemos lo hacemos por ser latinos, y quién sabe que otras cosas más. — Dijo Andrés, algo alterado.

Antes de que Mariana pudiese contestar, entró uno de los asistentes de Andrés a la carpa, un estudiante del octavo semestre de arqueología de la universidad. Él estaba sudado, muy contento y lleno de emoción; tenía algo en las manos y sin hablar, estiró los brazos hacia Andrés y Mariana y dijo —Encontré esto. —

Mariana y Andrés, abrieron la camisa de Gonzalo, donde él traía envuelto, lo que había conseguido, enterrado bajo la arena y las piedras. Es un libro, dijo con tono de asombro Andrés, no, realmente no es un libro, por lo que veo, creo que es una suerte de diario. Sí, mira las formas de la escritura, es un diario, un diario muy antiguo, está cubierto con piel de animal, y sus páginas son de piel y papiro. ¡Por Dios, es sorprendente, dijo Mariana, sus páginas están maltratadas, pero aún son legibles!

Emocionados por el hallazgo, Mariana, Andrés y su equipo pasaron días estudiando el diario. Para ellos era fascinante, el diario tenía símbolos egipcios, parte en lenguaje sumerio, y partes en arameo. Sus páginas relataban la existencia de una tierra mítica y extraña, donde los dioses hacían brotar imponentes ríos y se tenían riquezas inimaginables, además había unas especies de minas de oro y plata.

Y en el diario, también se hablaba de unas mujeres guerreras que protegían celosamente, las riquezas y los secretos de estas tierras, y estaban bajo la dirección directa de los dioses.

A medida que avanzaban en la traducción, el equipo de arqueólogos que estaba con Mariana y Andrés, descubrieron que el diario contenía coordenadas geográficas expresadas en un lenguaje matemático arcaico pero a la vez fascinante. Ante semejante descubrimiento, Mariana le propuso a Andrés y al equipo, hablar con la fundación, comentar el hallazgo y solicitar fondos para trasladarse a seguir las pistas que el diario les ofrecía.

Después de un par de semanas, la fundación aprobó el viaje, y el equipo estuvo un par de meses, realizando intensas investigaciones y preparativos, para ir lo mejor preparado al lugar indicado por el diario, adentrándose así en la espesa y desconocida selva de América Latina.

Finalmente, después de días de dura travesía, el equipo se encontró frente a una imponente ciudad amurallada, cubierta y oculta por la exuberante vegetación. Todos estaban asombrados por el descubrimiento al que les había llevado el diario.

Mariana, Andrés y su equipo de arqueólogos, lingüistas y otros profesionales, se acercaron a la entrada principal de la ciudad, y ahí vieron un enorme monolito tallado muchos símbolos, y al comenzar a estudiarlos, se dieron cuenta de que muchos de ellos eran los mismos símbolos que habían visto en el diario y en los sitios arqueológicos de Göbekli Tepe, lugares de Sudamérica, el Medio Oriente y la antigua Sumeria.

Al inspeccionar más de cerca el monolito, notaron que en su superficie también estaban talladas imágenes que parecían representar una nave espacial, despegando de una especie de plaza. Cuando Mariana miró hacia el frente, vio entre las ruinas de una de las pocas paredes deterioradas que había, una enorme plaza y dijo, —Esa nave del monolito, creo que salió de ahí — señalando hacia la plaza.

Mariana, Andrés y su equipo, se miraron con incredulidad, conscientes de que este hallazgo podía poner en jaque toda la historia aceptada sobre los orígenes de la civilización humana.

Sin perder un instante, los arqueólogos se adentraron en la antigua ciudad, fascinados por cada uno de los muros, templos y calles que parecían haber sido abandonados, pero que se mantenían muy bien para no estar cuidados.
Y mientras exploraban, Mariana, Andrés y su gente, encontraban cada vez más y más evidencia de que esta ciudad había estado conectada con las culturas del Medio Oriente y el Antiguo Egipto. La evidencia era abrumadora: esta ciudad había sido el hogar de una civilización antigua y avanzada, que parecía haber tenido contacto con otras culturas a nivel global.

Pero a medida que profundizaban en su búsqueda de respuestas, el equipo de investigación pudo explorar más a fondo la ciudad, y lo que descubrieron los dejó atónitos, ellos encontraron evidencia real de una tecnología avanzada, además de ruinas de estructuras que parecían ser observatorios astronómicos y, lo más impactante, inscripciones talladas en rocas, que hablaban de la existencia de vida en otros mundos.

En ese momento, Mariana, Andrés y su equipo, comprendieron que todo lo que se había enseñado sobre el origen de la humanidad era incorrecto, ya que esta antigua civilización hasta ahora desconocida, había estado conectada con el mundo entero, mucho antes de lo que se creía posible, y no solo eso, sino que también parecía tener conocimiento de la existencia de vida extraterrestre y de otros mundos habitados.

Ante semejante descubrimiento, Mariana, Andrés y su equipo, trabajaron incansablemente, registrando cada detalle, cada trazado, cada rasgo arquitectónico, y cada artefacto que encontraban. Ellos sabían, que el impacto de este hallazgo arqueológico y todas las pruebas que estaban recabando, sacudiría los cimientos de la historia y la arqueología que actualmente se conocía.

—¿Cuándo volvamos a casa, cómo vamos a presentar este descubrimiento y cómo le vamos a decir al mundo entero, que todo lo que han creído hasta ahora, no es una realidad? — Preguntó Andrés.

—No tengo idea, cariño. Pero sabes qué, tomaré tus palabras de hace semanas y si me preguntan lo primero que diré es “Nunca, hemos estado solos”. — Dijo Mariana, refiriéndose al programa, Alienígenas Ancestrales. Mientras reía.

Gracias por leerme.




Intriguing story with an anthropological mystery that has repercussions for our understanding of history. I like the environments in which the story takes place. I also like the idea behind the story.

But as they delved deeper into their search for answers, the research team was able to explore the city further, and what they discovered left them stunned, they found real evidence of advanced technology, in addition to ruins of structures that seemed to be astronomical observatories and, most shocking, inscriptions carved into rocks, which spoke of the existence of life on other worlds.

I think that for this part, it might be better to focus on one thing instead of many things at once. For example, the story speaks about "evidence of advanced technology" and "inscriptions", but the reader doesn't really get shown that technology or told how the archeologists were able to read the inscriptions. By focusing on one theme or the other, then you can better describe the nature of their grand discovery.

This was a fun and thought-provoking tale. Excellent!


Hi @litguru, I'm glad you liked the story, I had fun making it, I thought a lot about Indiana Jones, when I was looking for the Grail with his father's Diary and then, I also remembered about Ancient Aliens and so I decided to make a text starting from there.
Thanks for the comment.


I like Indiana Jones, and this is an imaginative interpretation of the themes. One day we might find that aliens did alter our history. 👽


In reality it is quite possible, as it is known that the Vikings arrived from Europe before the Spaniards.
There is also research on giants in different countries and with Göbekli Tepe, it is known that the history of mankind is older than previously thought.
This means that there is still a lot to discover.
Today I wrote the non-fiction story about the social crisis and the dreams and imaginations of terror that social networks create in people during election times.
An experience that happened to me, today.
If you read it, let me know what you think.
Thank you very much for your comment.


Your adventure story is very interesting, I really liked the great discovery they made regarding aliens. Very entertaining to read.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


Hi @rinconpoetico7, I'm glad you liked the story, I thought of a couple of movies and a TV series to make it.
Thanks for the comment.
Happy Tuesday.


Hello, @osomar357

A story that I enjoyed to the end. The crux of your story revels in the astonishing, but not discardable ideas of an advanced, global, antediluvian civilization in contact with beings from the cosmos. Who knows if reality will surpass fiction in this regard.

