Fiction: The echo of a "I hate you". A moment for redemption. Original content. EN/ESP.
It was a rainy night and with a lot of fog, Roberto, he had left work late, since he had to solve a couple of unforeseen events that occurred at the last minute, so when he was driving, he did not find the queue of vehicles that usually existed at peak hours, but due to the weather and the rain, he was driving at low speed.
He wanted to get home soon, he wanted to talk to his daughter, because in the morning, Natalia, naughty and charming teenage daughter, had been very upset with him, since he did not give her permission to get a tattoo and put a pirercing on her nose.
Natalia lived with her mother after Roberto and Lorena's divorce; however, most weekends and a good part of the school holidays, Natalia spent them with Roberto. And she loved it, since Roberto, spoiled her and fulfilled all her whims. For that reason, Natalia thought that her dad would give her permission to get the tattoo and put on the pirercing, since her mum had flatly refused it.
—Hi, Dad. Good morning. — Natalia said.
—Good morning, beautiful, you woke up early on your first days of holiday. I thought you were going to sleep like a bear, the first few days. — Answered Roberto, as he gave his daughter a kiss, and filled his coffee cup.
—I just got used to getting up early, and besides I wanted to talk to you, before you left for work. — Natalia replied.
—Let's see, princess, what do you want. You're probably going to ask me for something, you look so sweet this morning. — Said Roberto, smiling.
—You know, I had an argument with my mum about this, she always refuses to give me permission for the things I want to do. — Natalia said.
—Let's see, what do you want to do, go to the movies with your friends, a meeting here at home, or go to the beach in a group with your classmates? — Roberto asked, with a certain degree of interest, when he saw the anxiety Natalia showed.
—The girls and I, we want to get a tattoo and get a piercing, which identifies us as part of our group. — Said Natalia, anxiously waiting for Roberto's answer.
—Well, the answer is a resounding, No. If you want to get a tattoo, and put earrings on your nose, wait until you turn 18, or later, and do it, when you already work and are a responsible adult who can afford it. But as long as you are under my tutelage and that of your mum, I think the answer will be no, and in that I support Lorena 100%. — Said Roberto, with some annoyance in his voice.
Natalia, when she heard her father's refusal, became angry, began to swear and, before throwing down the door on the way out, told him that she no longer wanted to be with him, and that she preferred to be alone to be with her parents, telling him at the end with a loud scream: “I hate you”, as she threw down the door on the way out.
Roberto deviated from his usual path and stopped to buy some chocolate sweets for Natalia at the bakery. He had every intention of talking to her and eating something tasty. He knew Natalia well, and he knew that she felt too bad to have yelled at her, and to have told her all the things she said when she was upset.
So he bought some sweets for his daughter, to make amends, eating a delicious sweet, while watching a movie together. When leaving the bakery, Roberto stopped at the traffic light, to wait for the low beam, and when the light changed, he started to cross the avenue, and when his car was starting to cross, a truck, hit him, destroying Roberto's car.
Roberto lost consciousness and did not know anything more about himself. Natalia received a call, where they informed her of her father's accident, she called a nervous and distressed Lorena, and both were together in the hospital, waiting to hear from Roberto.
Roberto, he felt very strange, he was in a very dark place, but suddenly he saw a light and approached it, when he reached the light, he saw his mother, his grandparents, several of his old friends, and he could even see his dog Locky, which jumped up to him wagging its tail, as it did when he was alive.
Roberto was a little confused at first, but then he realized that he had died and that he was reunited with the loved ones who had left before him.
Roberto, felt a peace, a tranquillity and a feeling of love, indescribable and immeasurable. Now he felt that he was in his real home and there are those present, they let him know that he was well received.
But when Roberto was about to leave for good, he heard Natalia's crying and voice in the distance, and he felt a terrible desire to be with her and to comfort her. And when he felt that nostalgia and that feeling of pain in his heart, everyone who was present felt it next to him.
At that moment, a beautiful woman appeared before Roberto, and when he communicated with her, but not with words, but with thought, she gave him to understand, that she was his guardian angel, and also told him that his time was already over on earth.
—I know that I must go on my way, I also know that my cycle in this world is over, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be here and to feel, these feelings that I have never felt. But when I hear my daughter crying and feel her pain, I just want to ask for permission, to say goodbye to her, since I don't want her to feel guilty, for having yelled at me before the accident. — Roberto told his angel.
She was moved and got Roberto thirty minutes to say goodbye to Natalia and Lorena.
—Doctor, how are you, Roberto? — asked Lorena, with tears in her eyes.
—I'm making it difficult for him to recover. Let's wait and see if he regains consciousness, so you can say goodbye. Already everything medically possible was done, and there was no response. In fact, it is a miracle that he is still alive. — Lorena and Natalia, broke down in tears when they learned the reality of Roberto.
Natalia, was crying, sitting next to Roberto, taking his hand and asking for forgiveness, for having yelled at him and for having treated him badly in the morning, she was heartbroken and with a great feeling of guilt.
A moment later, Roberto squeezed his daughter's hand, looked at her and managed to talk to her. He told her, that he loved her, and that he knew she loved him. He told her that she shouldn't feel guilty, kissed her and said goodbye to her, telling her that she was fine, and that now she should leave for a new adventure. And then he told her that, in the future, she would be with him again.
After a sweet kiss and giving the blessing to his daughter, Roberto transcended again, to the world to which he now belonged. And from there, he saw Natalia and Lorena, with a sadness for their loss, but at the same time with a spiritual peace, which gave him tranquillity.
The joy that Roberto felt, seeing that his daughter did not feel guilty, and that she had spiritual peace, gave him all the strength he needed to move forward. And he said goodbye to them, from his new world, while, Lorena and her daughter, said goodbye to him through a long and emotional goodbye, full of love.
Thank you for reading me.

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El eco de un “Te Odio”. Un momento para la Redención. Contenido Original.
Era una noche lluviosa y con mucha neblina, Roberto, había salido tarde del trabajo, ya que hubo que resolver un par de imprevistos que se presentaron a última hora, así que cuando venía manejando, no se encontró con la cola de vehículos que habitualmente había en las horas pico, pero debido al clima y la lluvia, venía manejando a poca velocidad.
Él quería llegar pronto a casa, deseaba hablar con su hija, ya que en la mañana, Natalia, traviesa y encantadora hija adolescente, se había molestado mucho con él, ya que no le dio permiso para hacerse un tatuaje y ponerse un pirercing en la nariz.
Natalia, vivía con su madre después del divorcio de Roberto y Lorena; sin embargo, la mayoría de los fines de semana y buena parte de las vacaciones escolares, Natalia las pasaba con Roberto. Y a ella le encantaba, ya que Roberto, la consentía y le cumplía todos sus caprichos. Por ese motivo, Natalia pensó, que su papá, le daría permiso, para hacerse el tatuaje y ponerse el pirercing, ya que su mamá, se lo había negado rotundamente.
—Hola, papá. Buenos días. —dijo Natalia.
—Buenos días, preciosa, te levantaste temprano en tus primeros días de vacaciones. Pensé que ibas a dormir como una osa, los primeros días. —contestó Roberto, mientras le daba un beso a su hija, y llenaba su taza de café.
—Es que me acostumbré a levantarme temprano, y además quería hablar contigo, antes de que te fuera al trabajo. —contestó Natalia.
—A ver, princesa, qué deseas. Seguramente me vas a pedir algo, estás muy dulce esta mañana. — Dijo Roberto sonriendo.
—Sabes, tuve una discusión con mi mamá por esto, ella siempre se niega a darme permiso para las cosas que quiero hacer. — Dijo Natalia.
—A ver ¿Qué quieres hacer, Ir al cine con tus amigas, una reunión acá en la casa, o ir a la playa en grupo con tus compañeras? — Preguntó Roberto, con cierto grado de interés al ver la ansiedad que demostraba Natalia.
—Las muchachas y yo, queremos hacernos un tatuaje y colocarnos un piercing, que nos identifique como parte de nuestro grupo. — Dijo Natalia, ansiosa esperando la respuesta de Roberto.
—Pues, la respuesta es un rotundo, No. Si quieres hacerte un tatuaje, y ponerte aretes en la nariz, espera a cumplir los 18 años, o más tarde, y lo haces, cuando ya trabajes y seas una adulta responsable que lo pueda pagar. Pero mientras estés bajo mi tutela y la de tu mamá, creo que la respuesta será que no, y en eso apoyo al 100% a Lorena. —dijo Roberto, con algo de molestia en su voz.
Natalia, al escuchar la negativa de su padre, se encolerizó, comenzó a decir groserías y, antes de tirar la puerta al salir, le dijo que ya no quería estar con él, y que prefería estar sola a estar junto a sus padres, diciéndole al final con un fuerte grito: “Te odio”, mientras tiraba la puerta al salir.
Roberto se desvió de su camino habitual y se paró a comprar unos dulces de chocolate para Natalia en la panadería. ÉL tenía toda la intensión de hablar con ella y comer algo sabroso. Él conocía bien a Natalia, y sabía que ella se sentía muy mal para haberle gritado, y por haberle dicho todas las cosas que dijo cuando estaba molesta.
Así que él compró unos dulces para su hija, para hacer las paces, comiendo un rico dulce, mientras veían juntos una película. Al salir de la panadería, Roberto paró en el semáforo, para esperar la luz de cruce, y cuando la luz cambió, él comenzó a cruzar la avenida, y cuando su auto estaba empezando a cruzar, un camión, lo golpeó, destrozando el auto de Roberto.
Roberto perdió el conocimiento y no supo más nada de sí. Natalia recibió una llamada, donde le informaban el accidente de su padre, ella llamó nerviosa y angustiada Lorena, y ambas estaban juntas en el hospital, esperando tener noticias de Roberto.
Roberto, se sentía muy extraño, estaba en un lugar muy oscuro, pero de repente vio una luz y se acercó hacia ella, al llegar a la luz, vio a su madre, sus abuelos, a varios de sus viejos amigos y hasta pudo ver a su perro Locky, el cual brincó hacia él meneando su cola, como lo hacía cuando estaba vivo.
Roberto estaba un poco confundido, en un principio, pero después se dio cuenta, que había muerto y que estaba reunido con los seres queridos que habían partido antes que él.
Roberto, sentía una paz, una tranquilidad y un sentimiento de amor, indescriptible e inconmensurable. Ahora sentía que estaba en su verdadero hogar y los hay presentes, le hicieron saber que era bien recibido.
Pero cuando Roberto, estaba a punto de partir de manera definitiva, escuchó a lo lejos, el llanto y la voz de Natalia, y sintió un deseo terrible de estar con ella y de consolarla. Y cuando él sintió esa nostalgia y ese sentimiento de dolor en el corazón, todos los que estaban presentes lo sintieron junto a él.
En ese momento, se presentó ante Roberto, una hermosa mujer, y cuando él se comunicó con ella, pero no con palabras, sino con el pensamiento, ella le dio a entender, que ella era su ángel de la guarda, y además le dijo que su tiempo ya se había acabado en la tierra.
—Sé que debo seguir mi camino, también sé que mi ciclo en este mundo terminó, y agradezco la oportunidad de estar aquí y de sentir, estos sentimientos que jamás he sentido. Pero al escuchar llorar a mi hija y sentir su dolor, solo quiero pedir permiso, para despedirme de ella, ya que no quiero que sienta culpable, por haberme gritado antes del accidente. — Le comunicó Roberto a su ángel.
Ella se conmovió y le consiguió, treinta minutos, a Roberto, para que se despidiera de Natalia y de Lorena.
—¿Doctor, ¿cómo está, Roberto? —preguntó Lorena, con lágrimas en los ojos.
—Dificulto que pueda recuperarse. Esperemos a ver si recupera la consciencia, para que puedan despedirse. Ya todo lo médicamente posible se hizo, y no hubo respuesta. De hecho, es un milagro, que todavía esté vivo. — Lorena y Natalia, rompieron en llanto al conocer la realidad de Roberto.
Natalia, estaba llorando, sentada al lado de Roberto, tomando su mano y pidiéndole perdón, por haberle gritado y por haberle tratado mal en la mañana, ella estaba desconsolada y con un gran sentimiento de culpa.
Un momento después, Roberto, apretó la mano de su hija, la miró y logró hablar con ella. Él le dijo, que él la amaba, y que él sabía que ella lo amaba. Le dijo que no debía sentirse culpable, la besó y se despidió de ella, diciéndole que estaba bien, y que ahora debía irse a una nueva aventura. Y después le dijo que, en un futuro, ella estaría de nuevo con él.
Después de un dulce beso y de darle la bendición a su hija, Roberto trascendió de nuevo, al mundo al que ahora pertenecía. Y desde ahí, vio a Natalia y Lorena, con una tristeza por su pérdida, pero a la vez con una paz espiritual, que le daba tranquilidad.
La alegría que sentía Roberto, al ver que su hija no se sentía culpable, y que ella tenía paz espiritual, le dio toda la fuerza que necesitaba para seguir adelante. Y se despidió de ellas, desde su nuevo mundo, mientras, Lorena y su hija, se despedían de él a través de un largo y emotivo adiós, lleno de amor.
Gracias por leerme.
Hi @theinkwell, thanks so much for the support.
Happy Tuesday
Saludos @apoloo1, muchas gracias por el apoyo.
Tragedy and death are present in your story. It is a clear reminder of our mortality, in those last moments the father was able to say goodbye to the daughter he loved so much. A story that moves feelings.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent day.
Hi @riconpoetico7, I'm so glad you liked the story.
I wanted, to make it very expressive, at the level of feelings and also giving a vision of a future after this existence.
Thanks so much for the comment
Happy Tuesday
A very touching story.
Thank you for sharing it.
Hi @blaqbarbie, glad you liked the story.
Thanks so much for the comment
Happy Tuesday
You are welcome ❤️
We must always measure our words as they may be the last chance we have. Especially when it comes to those we love.
In your story there was an opportunity to clean up the offense, but it doesn't always happen that way.
A touching story, well told and enjoyable to read.👍