Fiction: An Unexpected Dinner. Fiction Story. Original Content. EN/ESP.



Armando and Karla are university professors, they teach social communication, and also, both are involved in different social, cultural and political movements, which makes them very well known in the university field.

Among the movements to which they belong, there are those of defence of ecology and the environment, and the movement of technological and cultural rapprochement with China. This last movement is very important for them, due to the change of international geopolitics and the transition from a hegemonic world to a multipolar world, where China is taking a preponderant role in the new international changes.

Armando and Karla, have been very active in the communication process, through the presentations, academic articles, radio programs, social networks and the intervention in the media where they have been invited, in promoting, the interest and the importance it means for the Latin American region, to strengthen a greater relationship in all areas with China.

And due to these activities, the Chinese embassy invited the pair of professors to participate in a series of conferences and forums, at the universities and industrial centres of their country, where Chinese companies and professionals would be promoted and motivated to invest and develop relations in Latin American countries.

When Armando and Karla arrived in China, they did it on a beautiful spring evening, and after several activities in the capital, both were invited to give presentations in other regions of the country, and one of the cities they visited was Xi'an, there, after the conferences, they were invited to meet the terracotta warriors and to do other activities, ending the day with an invitation to a dinner with exotic food from the region.

When Armando and Karla arrived at the restaurant, they were delighted with the atmosphere and the cordiality received. After spending some time chatting at the table, the couple was introduced to the Chef of the restaurant, a young and attractive woman named Mei-Lang, who was an expert in traditional Chinese food and announced to the guests that she was preparing a traditional and very special dish, little known to Westerners.

—We really want to please you with a very special and very little known dish. —Mei-lang said.

—Thank you very much, it's very kind of you, to have that deference to us. —Commented Karla.

— I love Chinese food. However, I have been able to verify that the food we have met here is very different from the Chinese food restaurants in my country. Really, I can't wait to try your dish. And what kind of dish is it? — Commented Armando.

—I prefer that they know it, when it is served and presented properly. — Lao-Che, one of the hosts, said, smiling.

While the invited couple of teachers, were immersed in a great chat with their hosts at the table, in the kitchen, Mei-Lang, moved masterfully, chopping and seasoning the ingredients with precision. Lao-Che, watched her with pride, and made comments about her skill as a chef, while choosing for the guests the perfect wine to accompany the dinner.

After a while of waiting, full of wonderful smells, which invited diners to enjoy the food that would soon be served. Mei-Lang arrived, announcing that the special dish was ready. The guests' eyes were amazed to see the whole ritual and the enormous beauty presented by the dishes served to taste at the table.

Armando and Karla, who were captivated by the aroma and the exquisite presentation of the dishes they were served, were delighted to ask, What is this exquisite dish that we are going to eat?.

This is a traditional Chinese meal, called "The Flying Dragon," Lao-Che replied with a satisfied smile, seeing the surprised and pleased faces of the two teachers.

—The dish is prepared with panda bear meat, and the side dish has fresh vegetables, rice with ginger, and is also accompanied by several exotic sauces. — Said Mei-Lang, full of pride, at her culinary preparation.

Armando and Karla looked at each other, surprised and somewhat uncomfortable. -But, how could they get panda bear meat, if I remember correctly it is a protected species due to risk of extinction?, commented Armando concerned about the ecological impact.

Mei-Lang and Lao-Che, reassured them, explaining that the meat came from a bear that had died of natural causes in a rescue centre and that no animal had been killed, nor had the law been broken.

And after the explanation, the guests agreed to taste the dish, delighting in the flavours and textures, which had never been tasted before, neither by them nor by most Westerners.

During the dinner, the conversation flowed naturally, in it Armando and Karla, shared their experiences in the fight for the preservation of endangered species and especially, of a distant cousin of the panda bear, called frontino bear, which was also about to disappear from the Venezuelan jungles.

As the dinner progressed, the evening became richer and more pleasant and the initial tension, which had begun with the contents of the exclusive dish, had dissipated, while everyone enjoyed the atmosphere and the food.

When the dessert arrived, Armando and Karla, expressed all the presents, their surprise and satisfaction for the delicious dinner and the excellent company. The evening ended in an atmosphere of joy and hope, strengthening the bonds of friendship and mutual respect between the guests and the hosts, demonstrating the importance of respect, acceptance and understanding of the cultural visions of the representatives of both societies.

When the teachers arrived at the hotel, they reflected on the lesson learned that night. They also realized that it was more important than ever to work on the importance of preserving biodiversity and finding new and creative solutions, to invite and promote different societies and cultures to create a more sustainable, diverse and equitable world.

Finally, Armando and Karla realized that this unexpected dinner, with this exotic dish, had been more than a simple meeting, or an entertainment for them; since it had really been a moment of connection, learning and commitment, between two cultures, to work together, for a better future for all species, both human and wild, so they laughed, thinking that the best solution to save the world, was to create an exotic food restaurant at the UN.

Thank you for reading me.

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Una Cena Inesperada. Cuento de Ficción. Contenido Original. ESP/EN.

Armando y Karla son profesores de la universidad, ellos dan clases de comunicación social, y además, ambos están involucrados en diferentes movimientos sociales, culturales y políticos, lo que los hace muy conocidos en el ámbito universitario.

Entre los movimientos a los que pertenecen, están los de defensa de la ecología y el medio ambiente, y el movimiento de acercamiento tecnológico y cultural con China. Este último movimiento, es muy importante para ellos, debido al cambio de la geopolítica internacional y el pase de un mundo hegemónico a un mundo multipolar, donde China esta tomando un papel preponderante en los nuevo cambios internacionales.

Armando y Karla, sido muy activos en el proceso comunicacional, a través de las ponencias, artículos académicos, programas de radio, redes sociales y la intervención en los medios donde han sido invitados, en impulsando, el interés y la importancia que significa para la región latinoamericana, fortalecer una mayor relación en todos los ámbitos con China.

Y debido a estas actividades, la embajada de China, invitó a la pareja de profesores a participar en una serie de conferencias y foros, en las universidades y centros industriales de su país, donde se impulsaría y motivaría a las empresas y profesionales chinos a invertir y desarrollar relaciones en los países latinoamericanos.

Cuando Armando y Karla llegaron a China, lo hicieron en una hermosa noche de primavera, y después de varias actividades en la capital, ambos fueron invitados a dar ponencias en otras regiones del país, y una de las ciudades que visitaron fue la de Xi’An, ahí, después delas conferencias, fueron invitados a conocer a los guerreros de terracota y a realizar otras actividades, terminando el día con una invitación a una cena con comida exótica de la región.

Cuando Armando y Karla, llegaron al restaurante, estaban encantados con el ambiente y la cordialidad recibida. Después de estar un rato conversando en la mesa, le presentaron a la pareja a la Chef, del restaurante, una joven y atractiva mujer llamada Mei-Lang, que era experta en comida tradicional china y les anunció a los invitados, que les estaba preparando un plato tradicional y muy especial, poco conocido por los occidentales.

—Realmente queremos complacerlos con un plato muy especial y muy poco conocido. — Dijo Mei-Lang.

—Muchas gracias, es muy amable de su parte, tener esa deferencia para con nosotros. — Comentó Karla.

—A mí me encanta la comida China. Sin embargo; he podido comprobar, que la comida que hemos conocido acá es muy diferente a la que sirven los restaurantes de comida china en mí país. De verdad, que me muero de ganas por probar su plato. ¿Y que tipo de plato es? — Comentó Armando.

—Yo prefiero qué lo sepan, cuando este servido y presentado como se debe. — Dijo sonriendo Lao-Che, uno de los anfitriones.

Mientras la pareja invitada de profesores, estaba sumida en una gran charla con sus anfitriones en la mesa, en la cocina, Mei-Lang, se movía con maestría, picando y sazonando los ingredientes con precisión. Lao-Che, la observaba con orgullo, y hacía comentarios sobre su destreza como chef, mientras elegía para los invitados el vino perfecto para acompañar la cena.

Después de un tiempo de espera, lleno de olores maravillosos, que invitaban a los comensales a disfrutar de la comida que pronto sería servida. Llegó Mei-Lang, anunciando que el plato especial estaba listo, los ojos de los invitados quedaron maravillados al ver todo el ritual y la enorme belleza que presentaban los platos servidos para degustar en la mesa.

Armando y Karla, que estaban cautivados por el aroma y la presentación exquisita de los platos que les servían, preguntaron encantados, ¿Qué es este plato tan exquisito que vamos a comer?.

Esta es una comida tradicional china, llamada “El Dragón Volador'", respondió Lao-Che con una sonrisa de satisfacción, al ver el rostro de sorpresa y agrado de los dos profesores.

—El plato, está preparado con carne de oso panda, y la guarnición lleva de verduras frescas, arroz con jengibre, y además está acompañado de varias salsas exóticas. — Dijo Mei-Lang, llena de orgullo, ante su preparación culinaria.

Armando y Karla, se miraron, sorprendidos y un tanto incómodos. —Pero, ¿Cómo pudieron conseguir carne de oso panda, si mal no recuerdo es una especie protegida por riesgo a extinción?, comentó, armando preocupado por el impacto ecológico.

Mei-Lang y Lao-Che, los tranquilizaron, explicándoles que la carne provenía de un oso que había muerto de causas naturales en un centro de rescate y que no se había matado a ningún animal, ni se había roto la ley.

Y después de la explicación, los invitados accedieron a probar el platillo, deleitándose con los sabores y texturas, que antes nunca habían sido probados, ni por ellos, ni por la mayoría de los occidentales.

Durante la cena, la conversación fluyó con naturalidad, en ella Armando y Karla, compartieron sus experiencias en la lucha por la preservación de especies amenazadas y en especial, de un primo lejano del oso panda, llamado oso frontino, que estaba también a punto de desaparecer de las selvas venezolanas.

A medida que iba avanzando la cena, la velada, se hacía mas rica y agradable y la tensión inicial, que se había iniciado con el contenido del exclusivo plato, se había disipado, mientras todos disfrutaban de del ambiente y la comida.

Cuando llegó el postre, Armando y Karla, expresaron todos los presente, su sorpresa y satisfacción por la deliciosa cena y la excelente compañía. La noche terminó, en un ambiente de alegría y esperanza, fortaleciendo los lazos de amistad y el respeto mutuo, entre los invitados y los anfitriones, demostrando la importancia del respeto, la aceptación y la compresión de las visiones culturales de los representantes de ambas sociedades.

Los profesores cuando llegaron al hotel, reflexionaron sobre la lección aprendida esa noche. Además se dieron cuenta que era más importante que nunca, trabajar en la importancia de la preservación de la biodiversidad y de encontrar nuevas y creativas soluciones, para invitar y promover a las diferentes sociedades y culturas a crear un mundo más sostenible, diverso y equitativo.

Finalmente Armando y Karla, se dieron cuenta que esa cena inesperada, con ese plato exótico, había sido más que una simple reunión, o un agasajo para ellos; ya que realmente había sido un momento de conexión, aprendizaje y compromiso, entre dos culturas, para trabajar en conjunto, por un futuro mejor para todas las especies, tanto humanas como silvestres, así que rieron, al pensar que la mejor solución para salvar el mundo, era crear un restaurante de comida exótica en la ONU.

Gracias por leerme.




It's good the contents of the dishes were well explained to the couple teachers. Good to know both teachers were mindful of the preservation of these rare species


If I were the one, I would never eat this dish. It was truly a surprise dish, but then the dead panda meat is what I have complaints with.


Hi @abigail04, the thing about the meat of the animal that dies of natural causes, I put it for two things, first if I say that it was only from panda, it is quite possible that they will tell me that I was calling for animal cruelty and violence.
And the second thing is that I had to give coherence to the text, without breaking with the limitations of the community.


Now you did a good job with the prompt hehe, your storytelling skills are great, and I enjoyed reading.


Hi @amiegeoffrey, thank you very much for the comment, I'm glad you liked the story, I always worry that the flavor of it will be lost for the blessed translators. My best wishes.😆👍


A very pleasant story to read. The thing about panda meat draws a lot of attention, I try to imagine its flavor. The UN thing was funny, you made me smile.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


Hi @rinconpoetico7, I am very glad that you liked the story and the ending places it like that, since at present with the genocide that the government of Israel does in Palestine, under the complicity of the USA, I am very glad that you liked it.In the USA, the war in Ukraine and the wars in Africa, it is clear that the UN is nothing but an empty shell.
My greetings.
