Yesterday I exposed myself to a lot of sun while preparing some raised beds for transplanting chives


Hello friends, the truth is that life in the countryside is hard, because it is not easy to work the land under an intense sun, but I still like it, I like to grow vegetables, about 6 years ago I did not mind working in agriculture in sunny days, but now it is different, now I feel that the sun exhausts me, well friends, as the years go by the body weakens, the skin becomes more sensitive and fragile, well friends, I am 67 years old. Therefore I have to admit that I can't force my body much less expose it to the sun a lot, that's why I always try to work in agriculture very early, I always start around 6 in the morning until 9 and then I continue working. . around 4 in the afternoon, precisely to avoid exposing myself too much to the sun.

Yesterday I exposed myself to a lot of sun while preparing some raised beds for transplanting chives

Yes friends, yesterday very early I started making the furrows to plant the tomato seedlings and I also started making the raised beds to plant my chives, and as I told you at the beginning, for health reasons, I have tried to work about 3 hours in the morning to avoid the intensity of the sun, but yesterday I made an exception and continued working until almost 12 noon, I CONFESS, that at 11 in the morning I already felt exhausted, but I had to finish making these beds up, because I had to travel and I had to leave these beds ready, because on Thursday of this week I wanted to transplant the chives.

Raised beds for planting chives:

Furrows for planting tomatoes:

Resting after an exhausting day

Yes friends, this Monday was very exhausting because I worked from 6:20 am until 11:45, yes, I never lack my cold water to drink, I drink water more or less every 20 minutes, well friends, after prepare the raised beds for my chives, I went to my avocado bushes where my hammock was waiting for me, I tell you that the first thing I do before starting work is hang my hammock between two avocado trees.


While I rest in the hammock, I listen to the songs of the birds

I confess that when I lie down in the hammock little by little my fatigue disappears, really, there is nothing better than resting in a hammock between the trees, and while I am lying down I enjoy the songs of the birds, these songs relax me, For this reason I love country life despite how hard it is, but everything in life involves sacrifices, especially when we want to fight for something, in agriculture the goal is for the plants to produce their fruits, whose fruits will be the result. of our effort and dedication.

Enjoying the birds singing:


Well friends, yesterday I returned to my apartment and today, Tuesday, I got up very early so as not to lose the habit, but I confess that I felt a small pain in my lower back, but that little by little it is going away. , the truth is that I have to start taking some B vitamins to strengthen my body, tomorrow is Wednesday so I only have one day left to continue resting in my apartment, because on Thursday I return to the farm to transplant the chives and plant . the tomato, the good thing is that my son and a friend are going with me, well the more people help me the easier my job will be.
