Hello beautiful people.
"If you are not tired of where you are, where you are is tired of you"
The mobility of life is what makes it worth living, if it's stagnated and lacks progress for too long it becomes boring and uninspiring.
In this new year, no longer hide under the disguise of " I'm waiting on God" because the God of the Bible is a God of motion( He moves when you take the first move), he is rather waiting on you to take that bold step of faith so that he can latch on it to take you to places and showcase his glory.
Taking a cue from the story of the four lepers in 2Kings 7, who asked themselves"why sit we here until we die?", they resolved that forward forever and backward never and God swiftly honoured their determination.
You have been down for too long, you have accepted defeat too early, be encouraged to initiate that bold move of progress and watch God magnify and establish your paths with success and victory.
Break off from the cocoon of stagnation.
Why sit there until you die?
A question you must answer.
It is painful to move forward especially for the initial step, it is also painful to sit still until you experience a coccon form around you leading to stagnation and more pain.
If you are going to die (which will happen eventually), make the journey the best experience you can ever have.
Yesterday I was reading about the creator of some of the best stories and movies ever created.
I am sure everybody has heard of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
Do you know that Tolkien wrote that story in 1930's? Published in the 1950's.....
He has passed on but his grandchildren are still benefiting from his work.
Start something today, you do not know what it will turn out to be.