Hello beautiful people. The pursuit of every man, institute, and system, either consciously or unconsciously, is GLORY; even in the botany world, trees, grasses, and flowers are arrayed in different degrees of glories; they allure by their magnificence, beauty, elegance, grandeur, splendour.

Everything in this terrestrial Globe is made for GLORY, by glory and is all decked with glory. We see them in the nebulas, wherein lies the constellation of billion galaxies; we see them in different water bodies as they rage and foam in their strength.


GLORY has been defined to mean many things, part of which are effulgence, dominion, status, and worship with no end to the list. They are true in a kind and are majorly an outshow of something innate, of something more inward, deeper and more real. The Glory without can not be compared to the glory within, But the glory which shallow men seek and pursue is that outward which is fleeting, superficial with no weight.

Why do men seek glory, why the pursuit of glory?

Because our ancestor, the true man to have ever lived on earth, fell from glory, as it not been written, have we not heard…That through that ancestry lineage, we have ALL come short of the Glory of God.

Who can comprehend or maybe apprehend the innate effulgence, dominion, and splendour the first man emanates?

Now to Glorious, to emerge glorious in any profession, or in any works of this life, you must have been beaten, stretched, gone through serious rigour like gold purified in the fire, like pearls formed in an oyster. Gone through pressure, and temperature of different degrees; these are pathways to glory, while we seek glory and professionalism in our field which is a great one, we must seek the real innate glory that man fell from by coming to know the true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent to you and you me.

