E24-OPTION I Other-determinedness - mass-attractivity - liberalism - OPTION II

by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich

Since Oct. 7 2023 a great darkness is descending on the world: Wake-up to where you fit - everyone you know is also confronted with such a bottleneck decision of giving meaning as a human, humanity at the crossroad. Under the latter's prevailing OPTION I cult of mass-attractivity of Cm-multiplied communication, you are meant to understand nothing about yourself and the X-existential self of others. Understanding is masked by the mutually disruptive battle for attention, so that nobody can know enough to understand. Tom Segev, son of German-Jewish refugees and a historian who has followed Israel throughout his life, in the middle of the GAZA war 2023-24 declared the two-state solution obsolete. It stems above all, from the decadent European divide-to-rule zeitgeist intellect. And also, Segev stated that now, for the first time, the corresponding Israeli democracy is in existential danger and needs to be reframed - yet, he admitted, an intellectual himself, he does not know how.

At the same time AI and its language models (based on words as flying carpets in the BIG DATA zeitgeist) show up as the new Phoenix rising of the failed intellect's ashes. On Aug. 18. 2018, post-humanists declared, as their final step of outcasting OPTION II at any price, that humanity, their construct under their OPTION I, no longer has any right to exist anymore with its thinking catastrophes which fulfill in evoking human catastrophes, the signs of which are on almost all walls, globally, mass-attractive, seemingly impossible to get rid of.

THE TRUTH lies where it is not allowed to come to light in intellect-based language models; rather in YOU, leading YOU to LIFE- THROUGH TASK-FULFILLMEBNT! Are you ready to enable it with this OPTION II?

  • Chat-GPT, so far, the ultimative OPTION I, works with some 1000 linguistic dimensions of the statistically ordered zeitgeist's, OPTION I's BIG zeitgeist fluid DATA. Thus, applying it lead to devil's circles; disrupting it while applying it, making it self-destructive.

  • Applied Personal (existentially intelligent) Science makes the 4th Faculty of Science operational to overcome OPTION I's curse on mankind. It works with 1728 sets of ‘open-ended generative principles’ as relationship truths. By now they are parameterized (oegp-substantially, not zeitgeist statistically denotationally disruptive) in 30 dimensions with either 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 23, 64, 81, 144, 1728 differentiating oegp-parameters. In this way, verified since 1980, one of the to-be-identified sets does oegp-structural justice to any substantial human system. That includes his or her personally relevant available options, also in collectives, with all the ups and downs real and abstract human life involves; among others, by oegp-modeling the individual psychosomatic interface, under OPTION I non-committing sublimation – position in the 12-level intellectual hierarchy - thinking catastrophes – trauma – evoking human catastrophes, etc.; all independent of one’s culture and language.

This site focusses on L3-reframing the meaning given under the OPTION I's MATRIX of PRE-TRANS-TRAP's Top-Down disrupting Shadows beginning with the denotations of words used for the dead-end rat race in the 12-level of the intellectual hierarchy of mass-attractivity. What is desirable is OPTION II's ethical sixteen, 5-year growth cycles of growing in responsibility for eustress towards synergy. This page concludes what began with

The understanding of E20-E23 is requires to fully understand this site. Then we can proceed here with what YOU can T-do in a way congruent with your E-self-determination.

1) OPTION II Growth in Synergy, beyond Temptations

It is time for a reality check - which the intellectuals, top-down from the United Nations have suppressed for too long. Here is an ignored example from 2015, of evil irrationality's thinking catastrophes with the same dynamic as that which among others in 1910 ended in the human catastrophe of the Titanic, up to the one of the Space Shuttle Challenger Management Disaster 1986, now 2023 the GAZA-War as a consequence of intellectual ignorance, and global political arrogance and evil address by Israeli Prime Minister 2015,

There are the following bottom-up levels at which people come to understand relationship truths relevant to them personally in time, to then internalize them to continuing to deepen their O-orientation, beyond that of insubstantial AI-Chats, provided by APS: Our G-conscience demands

1) OPTION I understandable communication: Only being open and honest for OPTION II is key to speak your thoughts and feelings and actively listen when your partner speaks. Try to avoid M-manipulative misunderstandings and make sure you are both on the same level of responsibility for eustress towards synergy, in the awareness of
M / O = STRESS < TOD. As a context, Genesis was made available in the Bibel according to which the Creator created the heaven and the earth up the sentient being Adam. He was made from the dust of the earth, and by breathing into him the breath of life, his k-embodied X-existence grew a living e-soul, in his q-spirit, capable of experiencing his the meaning of not just his P-problems* as a Creature, with his L-part of the solution in the Creation*. The latter in T-Tension of requires assuming the necessary power, in view of coercion, to learn to tame his A-anger, so he remains capable to acknowledge his thus unavoidable G-guilt, beginning with a B-contribution towards reparation, to maintain eustress based on

2) Substantial Empathy: Put yourself in the institutional shoes of your interlocutors and work to understand their perspectives in their roles in the common world. Show compassion for all concerned keq-PLB-TAG situation. And Adam the man gave names to all cattle and to the birds of the air and to every beast of the field; but Adam had no one like himself as a help. And the Lord God said: "It is not good for the man to be by himself: I will make one like himself as a help to him". And the Lord God sent a deep sleep on the man and took one of the bones from his side while he was sleeping, joining up the flesh again in its place into a woman, and took her to the man. And the Man said, this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: let her name be Woman because she was taken out of Man. And the man and his wife were without clothing, and they had no sense of shame about all this reality. Only in touch with one's living e-soul can people experience the blessing of

3) Patience: Change takes time for the necessary >qualification to internalize it. Be patient and give your interlocutors enough time to also sufficiently understand the relationship truths relevant to you and them. And the Lord God said: "Be fruitful and prosper, eat of every tree if the garden except the forbidden fruits. Now the snake was wiser than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: "Has God truly said that you may not take of the fruit of any tree in the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent: "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But not of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God had said: "You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die." In short, communication has consequences and is not to lead to "anything goes" but to increasing awareness of the relevant relationship truths! It is in the middle of the words, their denotations, where the devil sits an any substance demeaning PRE-TRANS-TRAP of which nowadays most institution up to the United Nations 'Families', with their insubstantial increasingly disrupting wordy 'foundation'. So eight years after the video above, 20 days after the Hamas massacre outside Gaza, here is the voice of Israel in the UN-Assembly in New York again in this world, still impotent to respect the potential keq-PLB-TAG learning process innate to uncorrupted human beings:

Imagine how the members of such impotent institutions, top-down are pre-trans trapped in them to covering up the self-destructiveness of their denotational formally closed in their zeitgeist's TRAP! People conditioned by those TRAPs' scribes are instrumentalized to deal with those denotationally unconditioned ones after childhood, as barbarians, PREceeding the scribe's wordy cultures. The latter outcasts them as scapegoats for their thinking catastrophe, to be subdued by the power monopoly of the states. This is to secure the elite's scribes' definition power, formally the relevant idols, at any cost. And even more fearsome, subtle and fiercer up to crucifixion and genocide, against anybody trying to TRANScend the intellectual thinking catastrophes!

That has led to the 12-level intellectual hierarchy. It's OPTION I has lured humanity into the Age of final Global Self-destruction beginning Nov. 24, 2016. It has begun with the serpent saying unto the woman, You shall not surely die; Death will not certainly come to you, for God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. That is why scribes refuse to understand the above
M/O=STRESS<DEATH, let alone to be made accountable for its lies about this basic! That is the historically proven guilt of the scribes in Jerusalem, distorting Israels history, faking important dates. In 70 AD it has led to 1.1 million Jews getting slaughtered by the furious Romans soldiers, while those who knew trusted the truth of the history in the Bible, got away! Such existential decisions require taking ones q-spirit serious, and its O-orientation and focus allows

4) Repetition of what is worthwhile: From Adam via Noah to Abraham up to Moses, God repeated what humans are here for; to fulfill what they were created for. What remains, when understanding does not resonate, and patience does not suffice? Before giving up in slavery, you can repeat important points in the relevant social dimension hopping for some common sense. Trying again, usually with more coercion, alienates people from any understanding, up to trying it the hard way with wars. There are avenues, beyond when even using examples and metaphors to explain beyond otherwise triggered traumatization from previous disappointments, how to overcome unresolved relationships. This reveals the limits of mutually cultivated language models, which do not allow those concerned to become part of the solution by applying the necessary 9 functions of each human system sufficiently with one's 16 inner resources. This topic is addressed in the Old Testament with the EXODUS, the meaning of which is now globally reverted in our time - back to the ultimate slavery under the OPTION I zeitgeist. And yet, the H2-superior order, via the H4-personally relevant one to you, guided by your a-inner voice provides you with the inner certainty of this OPTION II's

5) Continuing Support: After the EXODUS, God kept his support of Israel with further prophets, judges, and kings through all the ups of understandings, and downs, when the elite of Israel was taken to Babylon. In the centuries back in Israel, some scribes mutated the meaning of the Bible poetically, back to idolatry, King Salomon ending as the curse over Israel later ending under Roman occupation when Jesus was born. Therefore, learning to acknowledge your interlocutors for their progress and successes, on the path of internalized truths requires sustainability in their application. It seems, distancing from attempts to disrupt the B4-truth from what leads to B5-life, in favor of riding the ZG-zeitgeist's mass attractivity remains humanities temptation. With such feedback about the consequences, your interlocutor can be motivated to continue to work on their B4-inner truth, which leads them to their substantial fulfillment of life- through task-fulfillment. Refrain from allowing anybody beyond sch warnings to continue to ignorantly play power games with the 8 insubstantial, dark evil voices with you! Whoever, arrogantly, opts for mass-attractivity with top-down opinions, irresponsibly, does not want to understand what is relevant for self and others in living together. Be aware, such people end up hating, to backstab you for no acceptable reason. They end up obsessed to get rid of say the Jews, trying to get away with evil to prove the Bible's God with his prophecies a liar, as such irrelevant.

2) The full OPTION II Potential

Jesus did not just overcome death, but also the evilness in Saul, then the most dangerous champion of what has, historically, culminated in the holocaust.

Those two victories of Jesus,

  • his resurrection from man-inflicted death, and
  • his reframing of Saul to Paul
    prove that evil is not an essential part of God's creation and will not have the last word against fulfillment within its H2-superior order. But Paul's work for Christianity has also led to the Vatican, which evoked the OPTION I templates for the now global failure of humanity's cultivating the forbidden fruits. It has meanwhile, evoked then man-made disruptive evolution of the meaning of words in its 12-level intellectual PRE-TRANS-TRAP hierarchical idolatry. In our days we are told to 'understand' war as a constant, and our substance unworthy of scientific research. Nevertheless, in the context of the US-super power 5Cw-mentality, the role of the 'superpowerful' such as AH-Adolf Hitler, up to WP-Wladimir Putin, and XJ-Xi Jinping can be modeled to understand the man-made bloody cacophony of recent human history. Its clarification requires not another book, but appropriately a Screen Sharing Session.

The consequences of the bottom-up evolution after the Fall from People#1 Prophet's#3 Relationship Truths of the Superior Order of Creation beginning with the 10 Commandments to post-temple#0 zeitgeistvirtuality#0

3) Competing Ideologies under OPTION I

In recent decades, western liberals have been assuming that Western countries are firmly grounded open societies characterized by a principled protection of individual defensive rights against collective's thinking catastrophes. Now challenged by all the wars by and against the USA, those against Ukraine and Israel, and wars failing to result in more solutions but rather new problems. Its underlying intellectually arrogant, ignorant thinking errors have become the ultimate challenge to be corrected - or else the self-fulfilling, self-destructive prophecies of communists and post-humanists accelerate to grow faster to become the new reality - beyond the point of NO return!

We have witnessed how at breakneck speed, liberal democracies under the guise of protection against waves of diseases, climate change and discrimination are catching up with the Chinese model with its mutations of its repressive prohibition, total social control and surveillance state. Has our society in fact never been based on the stable foundation basis of the cultivated general illusion in it that the individual takes precedence over the collective? How could the rule of law be washed away so easily by media psycho-politics after its introduction by Stalin-Beria, and Hitler-Goering? Do the new developments in our time cause us to revise our idea about the challenge of democratic liberalism's by the evil axis of autocratic' regimes' growing competition? Actually, our intellectuals have become willingly impotent in timely recognition what is necessary, and what needs to be sufficient for a desirable future for mankind in favor of riding the mass-attractivity of the zeitgeist.

Liberals#20 argue, that in the long run, who holds power matters less than the political palace#2's systems#2, although there may always be exceptional situations. More important seems to be the question of why and how power is given to or can be usurped by anyone at all. Why should some individuals be allowed, or get away to other-determine#10 their fellow human beings in all areas of life? Why should some elite have the right to simply take a large part of the hard-earned income from the rest of the population to spend it as they see fit? All that has been sufficiently explained in the E20-Basics for Nation Rebuilding with Existential Intelligence on the basis of the example of the US-mentality and the rising shadow of autocrats shed over humanity**. All OPTION I elites are still sucking all OPTION II meaning of human systems to maintain their OPTION hierarchy for their hidden purpose of manifesting their 8 dark inner evil OPTION I voices ZG ?0 -4 %6 %5 +2 *3 %1.

More important than the question of what politicians are elected for and why, in the end it is a question of how we can fundamentally L3-reframe power in order to realize not just 'open', but life-fulfilling societies. What strategies and mechanisms could be used to minimize the growing abuse of state coercion to achieve what is necessary,

  • eustress, the precondition for peace,
  • the freedom to became part of the solution for prosperity,
  • not for 'anything goes' under OPTION I which inevitably leads to self-destructive OPTION I formally closed systems, rather
  • growing synergy either under an autocrat like Wladimir Putin, or Xi Jinping, or
  • in pseudo-democratic disruptions such as in the USA,
  • overcoming the former high desperation rates,
  • neither with right-left, democratic-aristocratic systems; both dependent for sacrificing sheople, and their life-fulfillment, neither with ideologies based on
  • artificial intellect or artificial intelligence which in itself, makes humans sublimate their OPTION II in self-destructive ways.

For liberals there is a widespread belief of losers among their opponents, basically communists, that the tendency towards a lack of freedom and welfare is primarily due to the current political personnel said to be incompetent or corrupt, or belonging to the opponent's party. As soon as the opponents are replaced, in elections by liberals, or some disrupting revolts against the 'establishment' by communists with their fig leaves of left-wing intellectuals, people are made to believe, everything will be fine. But what if the tendency towards growing lack of say freedom, equality, brotherhood, is not primarily due to personnel issues, but to the system itself? What if even the noblest and most noble intentions of politicians are corrupted by incentives within the state's OPTION I systems, such as the opportunity to increase one's power and income under it? In fact, elections under OPTION I usually do very little to change the fact that the influence of the state inevitably grows. The shifts from the ZG-meaning within the 8 dark inner evil voices, mostly for %156-TRAP down to the +2/-4 PRE, throwing out the TRANS with the ?0-*3 bathwater give weak yoyo-spirts ever false hopes.

  • Liberalism pretends to offer better ideas for solving human problems than the communist sham political 'pseudo-solutions' that have been practiced for decades since the murderous Russian revolution 1917. Als this takes place in the middle of the self-destruction of the 'Christian-Western' culture:

  • Communists invest in socially controlled hands, Liberals in many invisible hands to be superior to the few hands-on paws of creative leaders of the interests of the few. So, liberals ask like alle ideologies under OPTION I for themselves: How can 'liberalism' appear more attractive and how can liberal influences become effective in politics, business, and society? Michael von Prollius addresses this question in a recent article. Faith, love, hope, courage: This is what he reckons will be needed in the coming years, if not decades. Everyone can play a part in helping liberalism to regain its status as an attractive alternative in its own way - as such still under OPTION I still within the intellectually self-destructive hierarchy - seemingly more civilized, requiring less physical coercion. Both approaches are optimized under China's economical liberalize AI-enhanced total control, already a danger to itself and the world - like all empires to fall since Daniels' prediction in the OLD Testament.

Up to Nov. 24, 2016, it has been taken for granted since World War II that Western countries are stable, open societies characterized by a fundamental protection of individual's defensive rights. But historically, the Western World was leading the towards the insubstantial Age of Disruption. At breakneck speed, liberal democracies are now mutated into a repressive prohibition, control, and surveillance state under the guise of protection against their autocrat enemies, waves of disease, climate change, and real and psycho-politically suggested discrimination.

In fact, our society was never based on the stable foundation of the general spin that the individual takes precedence over the collective. The West prides itself since the Age of Enlightenment with such fig leaves - even after evoking two terrible World Wars! How was the rule of law washed away so easily and quickly again, nothing learnt from history? Such facts and uncertainty should prompt us to revise our idea of humanism and liberalism. But only the 4th Faculty of Science can come up with desirable answers, for with APS it looks where they are,

  • not in statistical pattern in the limelight of the zeitgeist's language model!
  • for, in you, in your OPTION II!

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08.01.23 17:30 (2nd edit)
