You know I have heard mothers including my elder sister and myself say > School should do and resume because the headache you children are giving me is too much.

That's because school is on holiday, and these children are causing stress and havoc. My teacher then in secondary school would always seize the opportunity to say that every child behaves according to the type or kind of school he or she attended, and I agree with him but not completely. My elder brother attended a community school, but he's the most calm and collected person I know.

Growing up there is this notion that if you attend a public or community school you are automatically a stubborn/disrespectful child, those who attend private schools are saints cause they are well behaved and they have teachers who had the right to correct, discipline and bring them to their senses, but in this present era the reverse is the case in the sense that when a kid is being corrected by a teacher the parents are so ready to fight that teacher thereby giving that child a wrong impression. Then as far as I can remember teachers in private schools love their kids and treat them all equally like their own children but now the reverse is the case, I'm not saying there are no good teachers anywhere there are but they are few, teachers that children will be so eager to go to school because there's one teacher waiting for them in school to receive them warmly.

Home schooling was not really a common thing while I was growing up and the ones that were there people had many bad things to say about them either it's too expensive or you hear cases of child molestation, but if you ask me I would choose home schooling over my child attending a private or public school, yes i attended both the public and private school I know how it is although my stay in the public school was not for long just about month 😁 but I know what and how it is, apart from that let's talk about how the schooling structure is nowadays. When I say structure I don't mean building but the activities of the school which are very poor. You might want to say is it not too expensive or what about child molestation? There is CCTV that can be installed in the house and I would not leave my child or kids alone with a stranger in my house even if we have known for quite a long time(don't ask me how will I do that even as a working-class woman) 😁, but I still prefer homeschooling, my dear if you have the money and time homeschool your kids cause the news and videos we see and hear around is alarming.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. See you soon. 🤗

peace out ✌️


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