Another Allegation against Elon Musk in Dogecoin Lawsuit for Insider Trading (Joke on them)

In my opinion, the lawsuit is just a waste of time, energy, and money because this is not the first time or the second time Elon Musk has had an allegation against for Dogecoin inside trading and the end result of this lawsuit would not be anything different from what has happened before, the truth is Elon Musk is a very influencers person and it is no secret that has he picked a huge interest in the meme coin king Dogecoin, hence the nickname the dogecoin father. So if he decides to tweet about Dogecoin a million times daily he can and nobody will stop him or ban his account, I mean he is the CEO of Twitter.

According to a news article, I read online from a crypto blog. the amended class-action lawsuit against Elon Musk for allegedly and knowingly engaging in insider trading and market/price manipulation of Dogecoin to make more money, hurting honest investors in the process is pointless because, in my opinion, nobody can prove that Elon Musk knowingly manipulated the Dogecoin price, so the so-called honest Dogecoin investors pointing fingers at Elon Musk for ripping them will still not get anything out of this lawsuit.

First of all, as I have pointed out earlier no one can stop Elon Musk from doing what he wants to do, including tweeting about Dogecoin, and if that makes the price of Dogecoin skyrocket it is not his fault, he doesn't control how people react to his tweets, man is just having fun playing with dogecoin in his tweets, and he would not stop tweeting meme pictures and words relating to dogecoin, in fact, I watched an interview recently of him and he was putting on a T-shirt with the Dogecoin logo, imagine me seeing that and I rush to go and buy Dogecoin because of it then get rekted, how is it Elon Musk's fault or insider trading?

When he change the Twitter web logo to the Dogecoin logo and the price of Dogecoin pumped hard, did he put a gun to anyone's head to buy Dogecoin or was it not their own decision to buy Dogecoin for that reason? Yes, He has a huge influence on the masses, but he never false anyone to buy Dogecoin because he tweeted about it or something, they bought in the hope of making some profit that's my opinion.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
