What Causes Painful Breastfeeding.

Motherhood is a lot, trust it when it comes from a first-time Mum who is experiencing her fair share of what motherhood feels like. Breastfeeding as we know has endless benefits for both mother and child, but sometimes it could also come with pain and some form of discomfort which is what I will be writing about today. However, before we go that way, I would like to highlight quickly some of the quick benefits of breastfeeding.

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Breast milk is the best nutrition source for babies, and the most interesting thing is that this breast milk will always change to meet a baby's nutritional needs as it advances in age. It helps to protect babies against every form of short and long-term diseases and illnesses. Babies who are breastfed have a lower chance of having; obesity, type 1 diabetes, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), stomach bugs, and ear infections. Other conditions like; ear infections, diarrhea, asthma, eczema, respiratory infections, and childhood obesity are less common among children who are appropriately breastfed.

Breast milk helps create antibodies that will protect the baby from every form of illness. Drastic health conditions like high blood pressure, cancers, and diabetes are found to be less common among women who breastfeed.

It is easier for breast milk to support the health of your baby because it contains these nutritional qualities;

  • Carbohydrates like lactose, whose function is to help support a healthy balance of bacteria in the stomach of the baby.

  • Vitamins that support the growth of your child.

  • Fats that help with the development of your baby's brain and nervous system.

  • White blood cell that helps to fight infections.

  • Proteins that protect your baby from every form of infection.

  • It contains the perfect amount of water, sugar, protein, and vitamins required for the development of the baby.

  • Helps to promote a healthy weight gain.

  • Their little immature tummy and intestine will easily be able to digest breast milk.

  • Contains substances that naturally soothe the baby.

  • Has antibodies that help to protect against forms of infection as well as boost immunity.

-Can create change in composition to meet the nutritional needs of your baby over time.

Now we know the importance of breastfeeding to both mother and child, we also know that certain forms of discomfort could be associated with breastfeeding from time to time. Some reasons behind the discomfort are briefly described below;

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Breast Engorgement: This happens when your brat gets extremely full as a nursing mother, at this point the breast has become excessively full and it may also be tight and painful. During the early days of breastfeeding, engorgement could be a result of the milk coming in, with newborns feeding often and in small quantities, it may take a few days for the supply of milk to match the needs of the baby.

In a situation where your baby is not properly attached to the breast, it may be difficult for the child to take your milk when it is engorged. The nipple, in this case, can become overstretched, painful, and flattened.
As a nursing mother, waiting for your baby to cry before you understand they are hungry is a wrong signal, there are cues to show that your baby is ready to feed; restlessness, rooting, putting fingers in the mouth, and the rapid movement of the eye.

Expressing a little breast milk by hand will help ease discomfort. Putting on a comfortable bra will indeed help a lot.

Excessive breast milk: Sometimes, women produce excessive breast milk which makes it difficult for babies to struggle.

Blocked breast milk ducts: The glands for milk production are divided into segments, narrow tubes called ducts are responsible for the movement of milk from each segment into your nipple. If one segment is not properly drained during feeding, it could lead to a blocked duct. In this case, a small tender lump may be observed in your breast.

In this case, wearing tight clothes or a bra is advisable to make milk flow freely from every part of the breast. Feed your baby frequently from the affected area, warm shower to encourage the flow of milk, massaging the lump carefully towards your nipple while your baby feeds.

Mastitis: Mastitis is a breast inflammation that happens when a blocked duct is not relieved. With mastitis, the breast will feel inflamed and painful, making you sick with flu-like symptoms. If mastitis is not dealt with on time, it could lead to an infection that will require antibiotics.
The symptoms of mastitis bring about; a high temperature, breasts that feel tender and hot, a red patch that feels painful to be touched, and feeling tired, tearful, and achy.

If you think you are developing mastitis, these options may help relieve the symptoms felt;

  • Getting as much rest as required.
  • Do not stop breastfeeding.
  • Allow your baby to feed on the breast that feels tender first.
  • If after a feed the breast still feels full, or your baby cannot continue feeding for some reason, you should manually express the milk.
  • Take some pain relief to make you feel better.
  • You should also speak to an expert to help you watch the positioning of the baby.
  • A warm bath could help out too.

Breast abscess: When mastitis is not treated, it could lead to breast abscess and in this case, an operation will be required to drain it out. This could develop if mastitis does not respond to constant feeding and antibiotics.

Thrush: If pain is experienced in both breasts, usually after a pain-free breastfeeding period, and the pain could last for up to an hour after feeding a baby, you may develop thrush.

If you notice a tiny amount of blood in your breastmilk, it could be due to nipple trauma which will not harm your child, you could continue to breastfeed unless the pain becomes unbearable. If a breastfeeding Mum has medical conditions like hepatitis B or C, she may be advised to stop breastfeeding temporarily until nipples gt healed and there is no longer blood in the breastmilk.

To prevent nipple issues, carry out these tips to care for your nipples;

  • Avoid using shampoos and soaps on the nipple while showering.

  • After breastfeeding, allow breast milk or colostrum to dry on your nipples, as they both contain anti-infective agents.

  • Frequently change breast pads, do not use pads that hold moisture against the skin.

  • Most importantly, ensure your child is appropriately positioned while feeding.

  • Stay clear of nipple ointments, tinctures, and powders, as they may increase nipple problems.


Motherhood has a lot of responsibilities attached, it comes with so much joy and sometimes pain as well. While breastfeeding is very benficial for mother and child, it can sometimes be very painful too, and seeing a specialist if these home care remedies fail to work is very important.

For Further Studies.






Hi, I am Tobi, a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming


We all want to have children and everyone loves babies but then motherhood comes with a lot of task and they both including keeping the child healthy as well as being healthy and well alive for the child.


It is a whole responsibility to face, but while mothers focus on the well-being of the new baby, their health should also be greatly considered. Thank you for your time.


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