My Journey to Breastfeeding (Delayed Lactation)//Mi viaje hacia la lactancia materna (lactancia retrasada)


You can imagine how bad I felt after giving birth to my baby and it was time to breastfeed but nothing came forth, oh breast milk where art thou, I questioned, but of course, there was no response since breast milk has no voice to speak (Lol). Experienced mothers started to share their thoughts on the things that could bring out breast milk on time and I tried them all but nothing was forthcoming.

Te puedes imaginar lo mal que me sentí después de dar a luz a mi bebé y llegó el momento de amamantar pero no salió nada, ay leche materna dónde estás, cuestioné, pero claro, no hubo respuesta ya que la leche materna no tiene voz para hablar. (Jajaja). Las madres experimentadas comenzaron a compartir sus pensamientos sobre las cosas que podían sacar la leche materna a tiempo y yo las probé todas pero no obtuve nada.

This makes me think some of the things that previously used to work for these mothers in their generation are no longer working in this age and time (I wonder why). This experience, of course, spoilt my plans for exclusive immediately as my baby had to eat on time to avoid what I would not want as an outcome, so we got him a good baby food.

Esto me hace pensar que algunas de las cosas que antes funcionaban para estas madres de su generación ya no funcionan en esta época (me pregunto por qué). Esta experiencia, por supuesto, arruinó mis planes de exclusiva de inmediato ya que mi bebé tenía que comer a tiempo para evitar lo que yo no quería, así que le conseguimos una buena comida para bebés.

The first day after childbirth didn't give us breast milk, nor the second up until the sixth day, my baby was trying to suck but nothing at all was coming out. I was deeply worried. Someone mentioned to me that there are things I ought to have done during pregnancy in preparation for breastfeeding, these things according to her should have been properly communicated during anti-natal. However, even though, I didn't miss anti-natal for a single day, I never heard a word about preparing my breast for breastfeeding either from the nurses or the doctors.

El primer día después del parto no nos dio leche materna, ni el segundo hasta el sexto día, mi bebé intentaba mamar pero no salía nada. Estaba profundamente preocupado. Alguien me mencionó que hay cosas que debería haber hecho durante el embarazo como preparación para la lactancia materna; estas cosas, según ella, deberían haber sido comunicadas adecuadamente durante el período antinatal. Sin embargo, a pesar de que no me perdí el antinatal ni un solo día, nunca escuché una palabra sobre cómo preparar mi pecho para la lactancia, ni de las enfermeras ni de los médicos.

On the sixth day, I noticed drops of little milk coming out and I was extremely excited, I announced to the entire house that breast milk was available and I instantly grabbed my baby to have him suckle, and of course, my active champion did not hesitate to grab my nipple and suck on the little available milk, even though it hurts, I was happy he had something to suckle that the pain didn't bother me much.

Al sexto día noté que salían gotas de poca leche y me emocioné muchísimo, anuncié a toda la casa que había leche materna disponible y al instante agarré a mi bebé para que mamara, y claro, mi campeona activa no. Dudé en agarrar mi pezón y chupar la poca leche disponible, aunque me dolía, estaba feliz de que tuviera algo que mamar porque el dolor no me molestaba mucho.

Probably because of the days of sucking endlessly without result, I started to feel pain and hurt on my nipple everytime my baby sucks, I still feel pain up until now, but it isn't as bad as it used to be. That was a little diversion, on the seventh day, a friend gifted me some lactating milk, we were not sure it would work but we just needed to try as I was desperate to have my baby get the essentials of breast milk.

Probablemente por los días de chupar interminablemente sin resultado, comencé a sentir dolor y dolor en el pezón cada vez que mi bebé chupaba, sigo sintiendo dolor hasta ahora, pero ya no es tan fuerte como antes. Eso fue una pequeña diversión, al séptimo día, una amiga me regaló un poco de leche lactante, no estábamos seguros de que funcionaría, pero solo teníamos que intentarlo porque estaba desesperada por que mi bebé recibiera lo esencial de la leche materna.

The fact that there was little quantity coming out already made us confident that we only needed a little boost or a little more time, before I started to lactate properly. I took the tea based on instruction on the first day and the second day, and I couldn't be more satisfied than seeing my baby suck with a big smile, which I interpret to mean, yeah Mum, we have it now.

El hecho de que saliera poca cantidad ya nos hizo confiar en que solo necesitábamos un pequeño impulso o un poco más de tiempo, antes de comenzar a lactar adecuadamente. Tomé el té según las instrucciones el primer día y el segundo día, y no podría estar más satisfecha que ver a mi bebé mamar con una gran sonrisa, lo que interpreto como, sí mamá, ya lo tenemos.

This is how my journey to proper breastfeeding went, and I am excited for the gift of breast milk (hahaha). Thank you for reading my story, I expect your sweet remark in the comment section, mums and dads.

Así fue mi camino hacia la lactancia materna adecuada y estoy emocionada por el regalo de la leche materna (jajaja). Gracias por leer mi historia, espero su dulce comentario en la sección de comentarios, mamás y papás.


Hi, I am Tobi, a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.


I can relate to this, the panic mood and wanting the best for your child. Delay in breast milk is not a function of what you do or not do, I think our body process things in different ways. I'm glad the young champs is now enjoying the breast milk.


I had the blessing to have a nurse that was a lactation consultant, I was upset because milk wasn't really coming. And she told me: "people will recommend all kinds of things, but the only thing that actually helps is keep trying to put your baby on your chest because milk only comes with stimulation".
And when I least expected I was a fountain 🤭
We are very vulnerable at the beginning, but we have to believe in ourselves, and in our bodies. A body that is capable of creating life, is capable of anything to nurture it


A body that is capable of creating life, is capable of anything to nurture it

I love this, so much advice surely comes at the vulnerable moment of our lives, but we must learn to work with the best option available.


Una maravilla, bienvenida al mundo de la lactancia materna, colocar al bebé al pecho te debió ayudar, el bebé mediante la succión estimula la bajada de leche, me alegra mucho saber que hay mamás como tú que luchan por dar lactancia materna!☺️


Gracias por las sabias palabras, es un mundo nuevo, uno que me entusiasma.


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