"The Impact of Conspiracy Theories on Covid-19 Vaccine Acceptance".


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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. Today's topic is "conspiracy theory." The conspiracy theory that I believed for a long period of time that I later discovered was a false conspiracy. Before, I used to think that COVID-19 was from China, not until people were saying that COVID-19 was created purposely for some reasons. Because of that, I thought what the people were saying was true. Even because of COVID-19, they developed a vaccine that will cure the virus.

When they noticed that people who were infected by the virus were many, conspiracy theories just popped up, making people claim and be saying different things that the vaccines are unsafe and that if we use the vaccines, it will make us infertile, while some are saying different things about the vaccines. Because of that, it put fear in people to use the vaccines. During the pandemic time, people were saying that the government used the opportunity of the pandemic to carry out their agendas and that the authorities were exaggerating the virus danger to control people, etc.


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Also, because of the conspiracy theories, it led to the hesitancy of people to use the vaccines; because of that, people were saying they wouldn't use the vaccines no matter what, and because of the hesitation of the people, it became harder for health care services to control the COVID-19 virus, which led to more people getting infected and also led to death for some people.

How did I get to know it's a false conspiracy?

They did a lot of research to confirm if the conspiracy theories of vaccines are true or not; even some researchers published their findings, making it accessible to the public to know that it's a false conspiracy. I even heard that people who were infected by COVID-19 and were cured due to the vaccines came out and testified, letting people know how the vaccines are good and can help them cure the infected ones that are yet to be treated and how important getting treated by the vaccines is.


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What made me realise that the conspiracy is not true?

The reason why I realised that the conspiracy is not true is that they did extensive research and told people that using vaccines is for our safety and that the vaccines will help to reduce the risk of us getting sick or having illnesses and also being hospitalised.

How dangerous can conspiracy theories be to society?

(1) Conspiracy theories can make people not trust the government or health care because of what they were hearing about the vaccines.

(2) Conspiracy theories can lead to the hesitancy of people to use vaccines or reject any medical advice, which can lead to illness and death.

(3) Conspiracy can make people turn against each other, in the sense that some people will believe that vaccines can cure the COVID-19 virus, while others will think that it's a lie.

In conclusion, conspiracy theories about how Covid-19 and vaccines are not good cause problems, confusion, and fear among people, which lead to the efforts of all the public health to stop or cure Covid-19 being in vain.

This is my entry for the Hive Learners Featured Content Week 131 Edition 02

Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤.

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Hahahahah!😂 Till today, I didn't take the vaccine because of the many talks that came with it.
Many people died that took the vaccine were paralysed oohh😂😂.
Biggest conspiracy!


I swear, me self I didn't take the vaccine during the Covid-19.


To some point I was scared of taking the vaccine and I didn't since it had no assurance people were going to be save up on taking it.
