Cleanliness is next to Godliness.


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Good day, people of Hive. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

This line has been around for centuries now. An adage says the way you dress is the way they will address you. I'm a person who loves to make everything tidy, I hate when things are scattered and not well arranged because it would anger me a lot cause I don't like untidy places.

There's one of my neighbours with whom we are staying in the same compound. Whenever my roommate or my brother swept the compound before fifteen or twenty minutes, she would dirty the compound, and that used to frustrate me because it is not easy to sweep the large compound and you would be dirty the place. Sometimes I would want to talk, but it would be my brother who used to tell me to don't talk and that I should just keep quiet. I hate it when I see something dirty, or if I see something untidy, it used to make me angry.

Cleanliness is something I cherish a lot. As you all know, I am a student. If I wake up in the morning and do my household chores, bathe, and go to school till the evening, that's when I would be back from school, and I don't have that much time to arrange my room to my taste, but still, I would arrange it so that it would look good. So on Saturday morning, after our morning devotion and household chores, there's no one to explain to me how to arrange my room to my taste because I would love it if my room is scattered and I have an unexpected guest. I would be embarrassed for not being able to take care of my room. That's when, every Saturday, I must make sure that my room and compound are clean.

The way you clean your house or room is how people will praise you, saying you are a neat person, and because of that, people will want to be around you. But if someone is a dirty person and his or her house or room is dirty, you will see how people would insult the person and even not want to be associated with the person, saying the person is too dirty for their likeness. Even we have some people who, despite their house, room, or compound being dirty, won't bother to take care of it. If I were living with such people, they would know that they have a neighbour because we would be fighting every day. Cleaning our room is not the only reason we are clean; it is also the way we take good care of ourselves, watch our clothes, etc. Having a clean home and good personal hygiene can have many benefits for physical and mental health.

Also, cleanliness is often seen as a sign of respect for yourself and others. If people come to your house and see how neat your house or room is, they will maintain it. They don't want to scatter it because they know how important neatness is to you. Cleanliness is good because it makes us important in society and also makes us healthy and strong.

Thank you for reading ❤❤❤❤❤.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I !LUV clean spaces as well, it makes me feel calm and happy aside from that, it keeps the germs and diseases away from us. That your neighbor needs to change her way through.


Yes, I love clean spaces, If I see a dirty place I murmur to myself why can't they tidy the place. Also about my neighbour, she really needs to change her ways because someone would be cleaning the compound and she would just be roughing the compound.


It’s always nice to have a clean space actually
Sometimes, apart from what people will even say,you’ll just see that oh the moment you have a clean space you feel okay


Yes, it's nice to have a clean place. Even yesterday I wasn't myself, so my room was untidy I and my roommate washed our clothes yesterday and we just dropped everything on the bed without arranging it in our clothes bag, so when I was cooking and I entered our room to take something that I would use for the cooking and I saw how our room was untidy, I was uncomfortable, I have to spare thirty minutes of my time to arrange our room after I was done and saw how tidy it was I was happy because I hate the untidy place.


Aww that’s really nice of you


It really must be frustrating to have such a neighbor. We can’t even imagine how angry you always are to see such a person dirty the same place you cleaned some minutes or hours ago.


Yes, I was angry because it's not easy for me to tidy somewhere and someone helps me to untidy it, It's frustrating.
