This meaningful exception
Stacking things in order was something my brother and I took very seriously as kids, so much so that it became our daily job at our mom's salon. Who knew two boys under seven could find joy in doing that? Whoever knew surely didn't guess I would develop a weird knack for keeping certain things.
My parents had a lot of tapes in the house. I don't ever remember them playing tapes growing up, so they were all just lying around the house. Inspired by the domino scene in the Robots (2005) animation, we often made our own dominos out of them. And when we're done, we'll also keep them arranged.
The sight of things organised in an orderly fashion often appeals to me. And I guess that's how it all started...
Do you know the Smart Collection body spray series? I don't know how many are out there, but I seriously wanted to know when I was about 14 and collect them all. I started with my favourite that I always recognise, No. 332, Boss Orange.
I was always buying a new one every now and then, and then I was able to gather 15 of them. And what I did was just line them up in a gorgeous manner—to me, anyway. Whatever happened to them all, I don't remember, but I think they vanished when we moved houses. I suspect my brother had something to do with their disappearance, though.
Anyway, I never stopped there. My new "thing" is keeping boxes of tech products I own, especially the ones I buy with my money. I just never lose them. They were the exemptions when I was simplifying my room some weeks ago. Let go of many things, but not these guys.
"Bro, you should be hired as a brand ambassador for Oraimo." My friends say this often when they see how many things from the gadget company Oraimo I have gotten. My woman knew just how to make me jump by gifting me a hair clipper I had been needing for a while now, and it was, of course, Oraimo. And, yes—you guessed right—the box has now been "collected."
These boxes add or remove nothing from my years or even my bank balance, but having them around makes me happy somehow and always reminds me how invested in tech I have always been and how all that enthusiasm has led me to this point and will take me even further.
Speaking of further, I have added yet another box. It's a microphone, and there is no way I am losing this box with how much I spent on it. Now it's just there, sitting in one corner of my room. But that, to me, is decor. If you near it, we shall enter the same trousers...
Even the phones I have owned. I keep their boxes. And on and on.
Surely, these boxes take up space. My room could be much simpler if I just threw them away, but my room would also be empty without things like this. And just so I wouldn't just pile them up in one place is the reason I kind of repurposed them as decor. Some just stay on my desk, some on my bedside tables, and the rest just stay stacked in their corner in my wardrobe.
These days, I focus on what's meaningful, necessary, and valuable by living intentionally. That's been leading me to make a few adjustments in my lifestyle, like my travel habits, letting go of redundant possessions, and keeping things organised. These things I hoard, however, add value to me in ways that only I would fully understand. I guess that's what matters—meaning—and so I make the exception for them.
All images belong to me
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Not me looking for which of the boxes to use as diy
Ahaa the microphone one, or looks like we’ll definitely wear that same trousers today o
Don't worry, I will come carry your crochet work in place of firewood...
seems you are in love with Oraimo product😄, I used to like their product until their power bank showed me shege so I stop buying their product...
Love the set up on the table, how much would that flatscreen and keyboard cost now?
One of their power banks did me shege too...but I just went to buy a new one, since I had already been using the old one for a long time anyway. I just always prefer their brand.
I've had that TV for six years now, I think. I have no idea how much it costs now.
This is the keyboard I am using. It was 12k when I bought it, but then batman entered office and it's double now.
but then batman entered office and it's double now.
Lol , May God save us from this inflation
Thanks for the info man
You're welcome man.
Wait, you keep the boxes? I get how it feels to hoard somethings. Though I don't hoard boxes, but I tend to keep a lot of tiny things that I don't really need, but have meaning to me.
Loving your Oraimo collection btw 😁, looks dope asf. I'm jealous
I keep them o 😁
If anything miss like this, it's you I'll hold sir 😂
Thanks, b0ss
😂 😂 I know the one I'll steal first.
You're welcome
Make I buy padlocks
Thank you! Pretty banners we have now.
Oh, thank you😊
We're pleased you like them:)
You didn't come across as one who stacked empty boxes Jay 😂😂
Are you sure you are not building a stack mansion for some rats and roaches and termites because as far as I know that is the perfect habitat they enjoy.
Oh, no. I have exposed myself. 😁
Now you know that about me.
But see, leave the termites and roaches. Let them come. They will find what they are looking for in my hands 🤣
😂😂😂, please o have mercy on them after all na you keep trouble for them 😁😁
Keeping them makes you happy, that's what is important and I must confess that they make beautiful decor too... 😊
Oh, I can totally relate with this, as it's a thing many people have in Romania, as well. I think it comes from not having. Here, at least, people take or used to take a step back when they saw a brand name and liked to preserve boxes and wrapping from "fancy" products. I know people who have such stacks too. :D
It can be hard to quit, especially if (like here) it's a learned habit. Thank you for your entry, great job!
I agree and totally agree with the "fancy" products. Over here, some product vendors do this thing where the product could cost more if it comes with its box. In such situations, some people actually keep the boxes. I can't imagine buying a PS5 and not be able to have an unboxing experience. What?? Lol. You understand anyway.
You've made it obvious that we're not alike in this regard, heh, so I wonder what you hoard, if you ever do... Thank you for enjoying my closet secrets...
Hmm. I don't think I can stack up different boxes of items I bought. They become meaningless to me and so, would discard them away. Well, we are different just like you used them as decors, I don't like hoarding stuff for too long like this.
It's like you and I would fight very well if we were roommates 🤓
"Busayo!! Where did you put my microphone box again??” 🤣
Hahaha 😀
I just threw it away. 🤣
The way you stacked them look very nice and great shot by thr way. But I'm not sure I can relate with this keeping of boxes.
If they were not stacked nicely, the whole box-keeping thing would be so ugly. You get...
Thank you, Freda
Yeah I do
Oriamo really needs to make you an ambassador as soon as possible because this is actually a lot to me. Boxes, plastics, I don't keep these things because there is always one or two crafts I can make with them.
You are doing pretty well brother and I will just wait for Olujay jnr to come scatter everything someday. 😂
Shey?? I have sent them DMs before o, but they probably think I am playing.
We actually use boxes and all as fuel for cooking outside sometimes, but it can never be these ones...
Thank you sir
No wonder your photography always has boxes in them. It's cause you hoard them😄. I haven't heard of this before, but I understand the need of wanting to hang on to them. Especially if you bought with your hard earned money.
I can relate as well.
Amazing photography by the way!
Oops! Missed this comment.
Oya you don catch me 😁
Thank you, Zee. Good to see you again