Many people would say what be thinking what is he saying,he is speaking gibberish, now as we all know that the pride of a parent is in raising their kids up, in a good cultured manner and also in seeing that their wards become more successful than them. To me, this is the pride of parents. And as far as I can say, a lot of parents do their best to raise up their kids to that point and quite a lot actually do that.
They raise their kids up to be respectful, well cultured and mannered. The parents are very strict on their ward's, monitoring them, Keeping them in check.
We can all agree that it's isn't every time, that the parents of a teenager who's hitting puberty already is going to be around him no matter how strict the parent is, this is where the little bits of freedom starts to slip in, and the teenager gets started to be looked at as a young adult, that there are somethings he/she should be able to do and decide upon all alone.
Here is where parental curse sets in, the teenager starts to experience freedom he/she hasn't experienced before and with this, the Child starts to hang out with the Bad friends and this certainly gets worse, because when the child gets to university, far away from his parents, the Freedom becomes much, and kids gets swayed of the right path, they were treading.
They either join a bad gang, or end up partying so much that they drop out of the varsity, or get derailed off and become scammers or end up doing drugs.
The kid feels he can do and undo, there's no one watching him and there's certainly no one to scold him. With this, the parental curse is activated and all the labor the parents did on the kid, goes to waste.
But, frankly speaking, parents are wrong about that, because they are in a time where they haven't found their foot yet in the world and need someone they can trust and rely on, this is when parents should be around their kids more.
They should know the type of friends he walks and hangs out with during his free times .
When a child is given a lot of freedom and there's no one to direct him/her about how to manage their time and advise them. They often end up going down the wrong path of life.
Definitely, and it's quite easy, parents shouldn't feel he's off age already, he should be able to navigate his path in life, not all kids have the ability or capacity to do that. They get easily influenced and lead astray. And there are certainly ways to abate and avoid the parental curse.
1 Be a warm responsive and accepting type of parents.
2 Set limits and discipline.
3 Teach them to be able to differentiate between the Good and bad in the society.
4 Be there for them when need answers to questions they have.
5 Set examples
6 Know the type of friends they surround themselves with.
7 Build in them the right set if values.
8 Let them practice Decision making.
9 Guide them step by step, till they become ready
To stand alone.
10 Always pray for them.
These are some steps for a parent to abate and avoid the curse, quite a lot of parents go through,
Freedom. I believe by following this steps, parents should be able to avoid The parental curse.
Thanks for reading.
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Quite an informative post you have created! Being a parent myself... I can see several examples of things I have had to think about, let alone deal with! Regardless of how well you've done with your post... I would love to see what all this information means, to you! Think of the concept of original content on our blockchain, as well as our community... then apply it to a situation you might have experienced in your own life; has this fit with something that happened to a family member? Brother... Sister... parent? Please know that I am in no way downing your abilities. Just trying to make you think of things in a different light!
I look forward to seeing what you have to say, and thank you again, for posting in our community...

Thanks a lot